ForumsThe TavernArmor Games Community Activity Initiative

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3,152 posts

Welcome! Please grab a cup of coffee, and one of those delicious donuts most kindly donated by R2.

As you can guess from the title, this is yet another attempt at solving the AG activity problem. This problem has been ever present since late 2010. Many reasons as to the cause have been presented, ranging from a much delayed release of AG3, to lacking of a community manager, or the end of the flash gaming era.

I do have a couple of ideas concerning activity and how to increase it. Whether these are the keys to solving the issues at hand or not is unbeknownst to me, but I most certainly feel it is definitely worth the effort.

I'm not going into details - yet. Firstly, I'm going to need a few volunteers. More the better, but not more then 20 (20, yeah right...) Don't volunteer then become inactive that would not be beneficial to anything.

  • 428 Replies
9,808 posts

I know the flash games is probably the easiest section

With the amount of spam you will have to deal with...I doubt this
4,170 posts

And why not 2010?

Ditto. 2010 was the most prominent year for activity (or so I've heard), so we shouldn't simply disregard it. Besides, big stuff happens every year. The underlying cause might have popped up during that year. Plus, it never hurts to have a little bit more base data to go off on.

1. Persuading admins to take action concerning activity levels.

How should we do this? Another petition-style email? Or something new?

Now you just seem controling.

We should give it a try. If it doesn't work, then we'll learn from it. Besides, most of these threads are run by multiple users' discussion ideas so it my be beneficial to have a change.

Are you still sore about what *name censored* did?

The Shrine is still out there! But I let everyone slap me for that. It wasn't nice, I know.

@Matrix (In general)
Just give this a try. It'll allow me to try some new things too. If it doesn't work, you have my permission to laugh as hard as you'd like.

2. Make the forums/community (which did you mean emp?) more interesting.

This sounds like it would be one simple step but, frankly, this is probably the most complex problem we have. I have some ideas but I can't guarantee they'll be great. *Looks at pang*


3. Possibly move the community button to a location more easily visible.

Where would it be more visible? It's most visible on the highest most banner, but simply moving it wouldn't help. Combining this with 8 and giving the button an awesomely fantastic makeover would do the trick, methinks. Maybe we can start drawing some drafts?

4. Create more threads, make the forums more noticeable, accessible, and interactive.

Crating more threads is essentially the same as fulfilling 2. Making the forums more visible is practically the same as 3 and 8. As for interactivity, how would we do that? That'd basically be like saying, "Make the admins finish the updates for the forums."

5. Request that the Admins use Facebook or Twitter to advertise the forums.

Me gusta mucho. This would be awesome because many AG posts rack up hundreds and thousands of "likes." I've never really thought about it until now, and it seems like it would've been a very obvious choice in retrospect. Besides, if we were able to get even a hundred people to look at the forum, there's no doubt in my mind that we wouldn't get at least 5 regulars recruited.

6. Badges or awards for community activity and contests. (With limitations.)

This sounds super complex. I wouldn't even touch it right now.

7. Placement of small ads or sponsors on forum pages.

I don't see how this would help. If this is supposed to encourage the admins to use the forums to make money, I'd say we have a 50/50 chance. But otherwise... Eh.

8. Rename the Community button to Forums.

See 2. It's a real no-brainer though.

To sum up, Request that all administrators visit the community on occasion.

Sounds good.

To sum up, request what the current status of the forums are, as well as what priority level the forums are on.

Or, in metaphorical terms, receive a walrus' tooth voluntarily.

Make AG more appealing to girls.

This is another one of those ideas I've never considered. It sounds pretty tough though.

In this case, May 2009, May 2011, and May 2013.

And May 2012 and 2010. Maybe 2008 if we have time.

Any and all ideas posted by me or anyone else are up for discussion, and it will be up to you guys to thoroughly discuss which ideas will be included in a formal E-mail I'm planning on sending to the administrators to represent the current state of the community (Can refer to this as the "State of the Community Address.) I'll post a draft email, so you guys can assist in the wording as well as the composition of the email. I want to try to get this done before the 5th of June, so we can get the email off and work completed before Summer.

Salvidian is my assistant, and he will be in charge in the event I get too caught up in work.

Okay. I have rehab from noon until four AG time, so don't always count on me either. I'll try like a ***** though.

So yeah. That's a super thin look at this for my perspective.
9,808 posts

I have some ideas but I can't guarantee they'll be great. *Looks at pang*


I'll email you when I get back from work

The email you have is getting swarmed with spam/twitter notifications/facebook notifications/etc. So I am going to redirect you to a new one
4,170 posts

I'll email you when I get back from work


The email you have is getting swarmed with spam/twitter notifications/facebook notifications/etc.

The email you have is

email you have

You been lookin' at my email boi?

JK. I know.
1,373 posts

I'm in. I've been a supporter of Armor Games activity before and I will support it again.

It's sad how this happens frequently. It's usually The Tavern or the Popular Media forums to take the fall. Which sucks because generally speaking they are the only forums I could get into.

This may work for a few weeks then everyone will lose interest, just like the other hundred of these threads.

Matrix has a point, it'll only work for a short amount of time. It's just like Ernie's "Operation: Increase Forum Activity" post, it was popular for a point of time, then the forums were 'kinda' ok, then it went down hill again. I can't really figure out what the root of this problem is, but I think the main cause of the issue is private life work. A majority of Armor Game users are young people, meaning you get a lot of work to do, which interferes with activity. Maybe when Summer Break comes out the forums and users will become more active.

You can't make people use the site and frankly this forum isn't all that interesting.

Matrix is right again, the beer here has gone flat.

For starters, they could change Community to Forum so people know what the heck it is.

That would help. The first time I made a account on this site I didn't find out about the tiny little Community button until 3 months later, and even then it took me a few weeks to develop an interest as to what "Community" even means.

Yes people. Eat my donuts.

When you say it like that it makes me feel as if you'll poison me.
18,319 posts

I still have questions on this forum thing. So all we do is look at the replies and views?

When you say it like that it makes me feel as if you'll poison me.

You haven't seen me in the newcomer's thread, have you?
3,152 posts


I can take care of 3 and 8..hopefully.

3 and 8?! What do you mean?

And why not 2010?

I using statistics from the year before and after, I'm able to calculate what the average forum post count was in 2010. (Not only that, but I don't want to overload you volunteers. If you feel you can count every year of AG's existence, by all means go ahead.)

So, really, I'm the only one.

Yo... You're a... You're a girl?? 0_0... I had no idea...

With the amount of spam you will have to deal with...I doubt this

We aren't sorting out spam. We don't have time for that. Besides, the moderators should have took care of all that junk.


Are we choosing the sections or will you be doing that for us?

I chose. You can trade if you want.

In my opinion they should make more "girl related" flash games.

I'm not talking adding a bunch of dress up games, but more games like Papa's TacoMia. That game is catered more to girls then guys, but both can still play and enjoy.

They should visit 3 times a month at least, in my opinion.

Excellent point. I'm not asking them to become as active as most of us, posting 20+ posts a day, just an occasional visit, forum post, conversation... It does a lot for morale.

they should make quests like: Make your first post in the forums, get a merit, or make an armater.


For now, but it feels like we're missing something...

Add to it! Find what is missing!

Yay! I'm happy I was going to choose this one anyways.

R2 is all set. I expect you all to be as enthusiastic as this.

I still have questions on this forum thing. So all we do is look at the replies and views?

Not the views, mostly the replies, but you can't just go off of the replies, you have to make sure that the OP was made in May. I'll explain all that in my video tomorrow.

@ The honorable emperor

To do that accurately, we'd need to look at each page of every thread to see when the activity occured. It's not as simple as going back to where the dates are May XX, 20YY because that only says when the threads died. Some threads were created at those times and continued for months or years. I don't feel like going thru 400+ pages to find them all.

I'll go into more detail in my video tomorrow, but I'm not really worried about the threads that became a major success. Such threads are few and far between, and the chances of more then maybe one or two threads becoming a booming success in any of the given sections is not likely. Just worry about the posts you can immediately locate and find easily (may not be accurate, but we wont be that far off from the true figure. Threads on AG rarely last more then two weeks to a month.)


Um... can I wait to count the threads until I see the video?

Sure thing. No big deal.

It seems a little long to accomplish..

With my system, it shouldn't take that long, not more then an hour or two, I swear.


How should we do this? Another petition-style email? Or something new?

Petition style email. If it doesn't work once, we all start nagging and sending emails until they respond.

This sounds like it would be one simple step but, frankly, this is probably the most complex problem we have.

We need innovative ideas! Attention all users! Any ideas you may have, despite how trivial you think they are, you post them! One idea is not going to solve this, maybe the work of multiple suggestions together can find a working solution.

Maybe we can start drawing some drafts?

Great idea! If you want to start working on something to that effect, go right ahead!

And May 2012 and 2010. Maybe 2008 if we have time.

That is entirely up to the volunteers. If they feel they can complete the entire task, they are most welcome to.

so don't always count on me either.

I'm only counting on you if I die or get run over, or something delays me for more then two days. Otherwise, I'm at the helm.


Matrix has a point, it'll only work for a short amount of time. It's just like Ernie's "Operation: Increase Forum Activity" post

That's why I've set a deadline for the entire completion of the purpose of this thread- June 5th. All work needs to be completed by then, otherwise the plan fails and is swept into history.

When you say it like that it makes me feel as if you'll poison me.

That's absurd... Here is a smoothie that R2 wanted me to give to you.


So are we all good to this point other then the need of the video? I promise I'll have that up tomorrow.
9,808 posts

I have contact with Ferret...going to talk to him about possibly changing "Community" to "Forum".

If anyone is on..I need you to answer something for me to help me persuade Ferret...

When you first saw the "Community" button..what did you think it meant?

Example (my answer): I thought it was a link to, basically, to a list similar to the "Staff" page list

9,439 posts

When you first saw the "Community" button..what did you think it meant?

For a few seconds, I thought it meant free stuff for joining. Less optimistic, a place for donating to foundations, like if AG donated X% of profits to cancer research or something (which would be a good idea). Even less optimistic, list of game developers.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

How about someone start a Google Doc to edit the ideas, because most of the ideas are being lost in the pages of posts?

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

When you first saw the "Community" button..what did you think it meant?

I forgot. Was too long ago. But it didn't really inspire the thought of a Forum existing.
4,170 posts

When you first saw the "Community" button..what did you think it meant?

I was browsing around the site until I found the link to the Community on the help page. I used the link on the help page for a few months, and then I saw a post talking about the Community button. I was curious, so I clicked it, and voila.

Great idea! If you want to start working on something to that effect, go right ahead!

Okay. Everything else you said is fine too.

How about someone start a Google Doc to edit the ideas, because most of the ideas are being lost in the pages of posts?

No lo tengo. Does anyone have Google Docs? Because I don't.
18,319 posts

When you first saw the "Community" button..what did you think it meant?

I thought it had something to do with explaining the world.(I was young, I didn't know much)
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

No lo tengo. Does anyone have Google Docs? Because I don't.

Geez, well someone just keep track.
4,170 posts

It's rough but it's a start.

Geez, well someone just keep track.

Haha, I came off a little angrily there didn't I? Didn't realize I sounded like that until I read it. :P
Showing 46-60 of 428