ForumsForum GamesAnthill RPG (OOC)

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Hello and welcome to Anthill RPG! This is your host, Nilo the Ant.

The purpose of this out-of-character thread is to settle all questions and doubts that may surface before the actual RPG begins, to avoid getting the actual RP thread cluttered with questions and doubts that could have been answered before. That being said, feel free to ask any questions. This thread is here to answer them, after all.

Let's get down to business, shall we?

Okay. Some main rules are pretty straightforward.
1. Proper grammar and spelling is one of the most important. If english is not your 'best' language, just do the best you can.
2. Keep your actions reasonable. Don't try to go over the edge.
3. If you lose, remember that it's just a game. No reason to get mad at others.
4. When the victory conditions are met for a person, that's that. He/She wins.

The Map, the place in which the RPG will take place in.

Here is the sheet that will be used, along with short descriptions for each of the points (eliminate the spaces and information when you're done):

Name Pick a name for your insect/arachnid nation. Replace the 'Name' with it. Examples: "The Empire of Antopia", "The United Anthills of Example".

Race: Pick an insect/arachnid species, such as "Fire Ants" or "Common Termites". Once you pick your species, it's taken, which means that nobody else can choose it as well. There can be many players using Ants as their species, but only one player using Fire Ants or Bull Ants. The species that you can't pick (in any form) are: Mantises, Tarantulas and Scorpions, as these will be important NPC factions.
If you pick Bees or Wasps, or such an insect (with wings), note that they will not be able to fly, as this would be an unfair advantage.

Main Anthill/Lair/Nest: Name your capital insect/arachnid anthill or lair or nest, as well as its location. It can be anywhere in the British Isles except in London, The Ise of Man, Edinburgh, Dublin, or Cardiff.
Example: "Antopia, East Scotland". Replace Anthill with Lair, Mound, or such if necessary.

Cities under Control: Leave blank. The cities that fall under your control will be listed here, as well as their respective food income. Ex. Glasgow+X.
Food: Start with 200. To keep the heart of the RPG (its relative simplicity), there is only one material, and it's this, food. Use food to research technology, train soldiers, and pretty much everything else.

Food Income: Start with 30. This is how much food you receive each turn, be it by farms, trade, tax, and tribute. It can be increased by technologies, threatening another faction, or gaining territory.

Technology: Leave blank. Your technologies will be added here.

Age: the Age of Stone. This age is the one your species is currently in.
Soldiers: Start with 300. Soldiers are your main fighting force.

Soldier Cost: Put here a 100. Soldiers can only be trained in companies of 100 soldiers. This tells you how much food it'll cost you to train 100 soldiers. According to your weapons, and certain technologies, the cost can either increase or decrease.

Weapons: Start with none. These are the weapons your soldiers will fight with. You can pick a maximum of two different weapons at the same time, unless a technology modifies this. All your soldiers are equipped with the same weapons.

Vehicles: Start with 50 grasshoppers. Vehicles for your soldiers to ride and fight in/from.
Here is a blank space. As the RPG goes on, more will be added (for example, how close you are to winning).

Now, let's proceed to several other rules!

How To Win/Objectives

Your objective in this RPG is to become the dominant insect species in Britain. The way to achieve this is to, well, win. There are several ways of winning. Here's the list:

1. Basic Victory: be the only remaining species in Britain.
2. Conquest Victory: conquer and hold London for 5 turns.
3. Scientific Victory: build a rocket and launch it to space.
4. Military Victory: build a WMD and blow up everyone.
5. Cultural Victory build a Wonder and hold it for 5 turns.

The player must be in possession of his/her main Anthill/Lair/Nest to win. it is also to be noted that if a player loses whilst attempting victory (for example, the player builds a Rocket and someone else destroys it), the player can try to win again (by building another rocket).
The winner gets a..uhâ¦a prize!



Technology is pretty straightforward. You just pick a technology from the tree that must be linked to a technology you already researched, pay up what it costs, and in the next turn it'll be available. Simple, right?


Since you're insects/arachnids, workers come in pretty large numbers. That's why you have an unlimited supply of them. They can't fight, however. A single soldier can kill scores of workers.


Food can be obtained through several means. You could just rely on your food income, which provides a slow but steady supply of it. You could have your soldiers forage in the woods, which yields a moderate amount of food. You could raid other anthills for food. Or you could be creative and obtain food through other means.


Soldiers and Soldier Recruitement

Soldiers are a bit more complicated than workers, though. To train soldiers, state how many you'd like to train, pay the cost, and then receive your soldiers the next turn. Note that soldiers can only be trained in companies of 100. You could, however, train as many companies as you're able to in a turn (you could train 200 soldiers in a turn).

Weapons and Vehicles

I hope this doesn't mix people up.

The real purpose of weapons is to allow your soldiers certain actions. For example, you could order some archers to attack a group of spearmen from a safe distance. The spearmen, if equipped with shields, could retaliate by forming a shield wall, if equipped with shields. The same applies to vehicles. Ordering a group of soldiers to mount some grasshoppers, then charging at the archers.


In a PVP battle, things could turn out rather different. If one player read the other's actions before posting, he could just retaliate and have an unfair advantage. This is why you will be able to e-mail your actions to the email I just created!
For every PVP battle there will also be a map, in which you could make your soldiers climb hills, ford streams, etc.. There will also be a battle map for every Player-Environment battle of respectable size. Don't worry, I have lots of free time.


Player Alliances or Agreements

Players are able to ally one another to fight a common foe, declare war on one another, and/or engage in certain agreements (Ex. attack that guy and I'll pay you). Keep in mind that your ally is also allowed to betray you, so be cautious!
It is also to be noted that an Alliance could also win together, under one condition. The species of the members of the alliance must all be related in some way. For example, an alliance of Fire Ants and Bull Ants could win as a team, but an alliance of Fire ants with Wolf Spiders could not.

Players are allowed to sell or buy technology to other players.


I'm more than open to suggestions/questions/complaints/threats, so don't hesitate!

Here goes nothing...*clicks the submit button*

  • 107 Replies
165 posts

Am I the only player in Ireland?

3,937 posts

No, MoonFairy is there as well.

165 posts

Oh, ok.

3,937 posts

I should have said this before, but signing up is now closed.

Originally, I planned to start the RPG tomorrow, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do so because I could barely do anything today. Some things are still missing, and even more need some kind of polishing or whatnot.

Anyways, expect updates soon.

3,937 posts

The sheet has been updated. Don't worry, I'll update everyone's sheet. I'll now explain what's new:

Blah Empire
Race: Blah.
Main Anthill: Crapland
Cities under Control: None
Food: â
Food Income: â per turn
Technology: None
Age: the Age of Stone
Soldiers: â
Soldier Cost/Recruitment: The soldiers you can train in a turn now are limited. You start with 0, meaning that you are not able to train soldiers for the first turns, until you do something
Soldier Weapons/Armor: Weapons and armor are now going to have attack and defense values. Each armor point blocks 1 power point, the power points that aren't blocked are the actual casualties.
Vehicles: 50 grasshoppers

24 posts

That idea seems awesome.
Maybe discovering a weapon or so.

I will not be able to play after 2nd August , notify me if it will go on long after that.
Maybe I can retire my empire to an "heir".

Also Rube Goldberg.

3,937 posts

Yup. Through technologies and stuff.

Since the RPG will probably begin tomorrow, I can't have you inactive for 15 days. Unless you want to start with the odds definitely weighted against you, because all the other players will be 15 days (about 5 turns) ahead.

Rube Goldberg?

3,937 posts

Oops. Messed up the italic.


the Age of Stone

I-I Gathering - +20 food income Cost: 500 food.
Your worker ants now focus on gathering every single food item there is in their destination, thus increasing your food income.

I-X Training - Allows you to train 300 soldiers per turn. Requires Gathering Cost: 390 food.
The training of individuals dedicated solely to the waging of war commences, thus allowing you to train soldiers.

I-II Foraging - Allows Soldiers to Forage [/i]Requires Gathering Cost: 400 food.
Your soldiers learn how to forage, thus gaining the ability to explore their current landscape for food, be it fruit or creature.

I-III Wood Gathering - Permits the creation of wooden tools. [i]Requires Foraging
Cost: 400 food.
The collection of small wooden branches begins, thus permitting you the creation of lesser wooden tools.

I-IV Clubs - Weapon:Club Requires Wood-Gathering Cost: 390 food.
One of your soldiers, trying to prove his honor to his captain, decides to employ a heavy wooden stick in combat with another, thus demonstrating the ability of heavy wooden sticks. Increases soldier cost by 0.

I-V Slingshots - Weapon:Slingshot Requires Wood-Gathering Cost: 490 food.
By attaching some spiderweb to a wooden base, and pasting a leaf in its center, a soldier could fire small pebbles at his foes. Increases soldier cost by 10.

I-VI Fire [/i]Requires Wood-Gathering Cost: 220 food.
Many are are killed whilst investigating the strange thing that will henceforth be called fire.

I-VII Tracking - Better foraging [i]Requires Fire
Cost: 420 food.
Looking for footprints, evidence, anything. Your hunters become adept at tracking and hunting creatures.

I-VIII Tunneling -+20 food income Requires Tracking Cost: 390 food.
Your anthill grows larger, and the worker population increases greatly, thus increasing the food output.

I-IX Enlightenment Requires 6 technologies and at least 1.000 soldiers. Cost: None.
Some strange power in the universe grants your species the power to think. Age up.


the Age of Embers

II-I Communication Cost: 520 food.
By teaching all your subjects a common language, they will now be able to maintain conversation.

II-II Farming - +100 Food Income and permits the creation of farms Requires Communication Cost: 420 food.
Working together, small communities dedicated to farming arise. Food income increased by 50.
Farms - Build a Farm to increase your fojd income by 100. Can build up to 20 farms per city. Cost: 700 food.

II-III Irrigation - +200 Food Income Requires Communication Cost: 460 food.
By systematically irrigating their crops, farmers harvested more and better produce.

II-IV Mining - Permits the creation of Metal tools Requires Communication Cost: 420 food.
Delving deep into the Earth itself, your workers find strange and hardy materials that could be used for a wide number of purposes.

II-V Smithing - Permits the creation of Metal Weapons - Sword/Spear/Shield/Iron Armor Requires Mining Cost: 780 food.
By heating this material and hammering it into shapes, soldiers could now battle with stronger and better weapons. Sword attack is 70. Spear attack is 60. Shield grants 10 armor. Iron armor grants 15 armor. For each of the above weapons/armor used, cost is increased by 30. The shield counts as a weapon. A soldier can only use 1 piece of armor.

II-VI Hunting - Better foraging Cost: 420 food. Requires Communication
With new tactics for the Hunt, your soldiers become adept at the art of slaying wild beasts.

II-VII Bow - Permits the creation of Bows Requires Hunting + Slingshot Cost: 450 food.
By attaching spiderweb to a bent wooden stick, a soldier could fire small wooden bolts at longer ranges. Bow attack is 50. Increases soldier cost by 30. Bows cannot be used with a shield.

II-VIII Branch-cutting Requires Smithing Cost: 480 food.
Using metal tools to cut down lesser branches, larger wood objects could be created.

II-IX Shipwrights- Permits the creation of Biremes Requires Smithing + Cost: 800 food.
Early shipwrights could build Biremes. Biremes can be produced with 100 food per 5, each boat taking 20 soldiers as its crew. Biremes can transport armies across water. They are equipped with small ballistas that shoot wooden bolts and a large ram in the front.

II-X Masonry - Permits the creation of Greater Buildings Requires Communication + Smithing Cost: 970 food.
Your nation can now use stone to build. It is a great achievement, especially for insects. Permits the creation of:
Stone Wall - creates a stone wall. Cost: 2.000 food.
Barracks - Build a Barracks to increase your soldier capacity by 1000. Each Barracks also increases the number of soldiers you can train in a turn by 200. Can build up to 10 in a city. Cost: 800 food.

II-XI Architecture - Reduces building cost by 100 food [/i]Requires Masonry[/i] Cost: 800 food.
Instead of improvising whilst building, Architects will now design and supervise the construction of buildings, thus improving efficiency.

II-XII Siege Engines - Allows the creation of SIege Engines Requires Communication + Branch-cutting Cost: 600 food.
By building Catapults, ladders, and siege towers, capturing walled towns was made much easier. Permits creation of:
Siege Engineer Complex - required for the construction of Siege Engines. Cost: 200 food.
Catapult - launches stones at enemy walls and soldiers. Cost: 140 food (each).
Siege Tower - moved into position against enemy walls. Cost: 140 food (each).
Ladder - used to scale enemy walls. Cost: 20 food (each).

II-XIII Alchemy - +100 Food Income (per city) Requires Communication Cost: 530 food.
Many strange creatures in your lands dedicated themselves to the study of the elements, with the result of strange potions that help crops grow faster..

II-XIV Witch Doctors - Lowers research cost by 1% Requires Alchemy Cost: 1 food.
Inspired by the success of the study of Alchemy, a few individuals dedicated themselves to the study of the art permanently, most of them becoming mad in the process.

II-XVI Cartography Requires 10 Age 2 technologies and at least 2 towns. Cost: None.
By mapping the known world, the age of exploration begins. Age up.


the Age of Fire

III-I Printing Press Cost: 680 food.
The printing press allowed common knowledge to be spread around quicker. The intelligence of the average citizen thus increased, as the common worker now had access to the data acquired by scientists everywhere.

III-II Conscription - Can train 500 more soldiers per turn Requires Printing Press Cost: 600 food.
By forcing some of your workers to become a part of the army, your army could grow faster.

III-IV Casting - -20 soldier cost Requires Printing Press Cost: 680 food.
By creating molds and pouring liquid metal into them, tools could be created much more efficiently.

III-III Gunpowder - Permits the creation of Muskets Requires Conscription + Casting Cost: 680 food.
Allows the creation of Muskets. Muskets are weapons come with small bayonets locked into place below the barrel. Musket attack is 80. Muskets increase soldier cost by 40. Muskets can be used with a shield, but with no other weapon.

III-V Ballistics - Permits the creation of Cannon Requires Gunpowder Cost: 700 food.
Allows the creation of Cannon. Cannon are vehicles that can be produced with 80 food each, each cannon taking 4 soldiers as part of its squad. Cannon can fire Solid Shot, Explosive Shot, and Canister Shot.

III-VI Rifling - Permits the creation of Rifles Requires Ballistics Cost: 2400 food.
Allows the creation of Rifles. Rifles are semi-automatic weapons with longer range and firepower than muskets. Rifles can only be equipped with grenades. Rifle attack is 110, and increase soldier cost by 80.

III-XIII Hand-grenade - Permits the creation of Grenades Requires Ballistics Cost: 1100 food.
Allows the creation of Hand Grenades. Hand grenades have a relatively low range, but are the most effective infantry-based anti-tank weapon. Moderate against infantry. Increase soldier cost by 40.

III-VII Steel Cuirass - Permits the creation of Steel Cuirasses Requires Casting Cost: 1200 food.
A moderately heavy steel cuirass, great for deflecting a musket's round shot. Protection against muskets: 30. Normal protection: 20. Increases soldier cost by 40.

III-VIII Vest - Permits the creation of vests Requires Steel Cuirass Cost: 1800 food.
Spiderweb Vests are excellent in stopping a bullet even before it hits its intended target. They increase protection against Rifles and Muskets by 50, and protection against other weapons by 20. Increase soldier cost by 50.

III-XII Tanks Requires Ballistics + ICE Cost: 1100 food.
Early tanks. Low mobility. 1 main gun (High Explosive), 2 machine-guns. Each tank costs 200 food.

III-IX Crop Rotation - +500 Food income Requires Printing Press Cost: 2800 food.
Allows the creation of Rifles. Rifles are semi-automatic weapons with longer range and firepower than muskets. Rifles take 2 weapon slots. Rifle attack is 110, and increase soldier cost by 80. Farm productivity is increased by 100 points.

III-X Shipyards - allows creation of frigates Requires Ballistics, Shipwrights Cost: 1700 food.
A wooden boat powered by large sails. A great number of cannon on board. Each Frigate takes 100 soldiers as its crew. A Frigate costs 150 food. Frigates can carry up to 500 soldiers.

III-XI University - lowers Research cost by 4% Requires Printing Press Cost: 1100 food.
A center for the imparting of knowledge. Builds a university in your main city. If the university is destroyed, a new one can be built for 1000 food.

III-XIV Advanced Architecture - reduces Building cost by 200 food. Requires a University Cost: 1800 food.
The more in-depth study of construction and design allowed for cheaper building projects.

III-XV Patronage Requires Advanced Architecture Cost: 1800 food.
Become a patron of the arts, and promote the growth of culture in your nation.

III-XVI Laboratory - lowers Research cost by 5% Requires Printing Press Cost: 1300 food.
A center for the study of the sciences. Builds a Laboratory in your main city. If it is destroyed, a new one can be built for 1200 food.

III-XVII Engineering Requires a Laboratory Cost: 2000 food.
The application of what is known to what is made. Increases all armor points 50% and all weapon points by 50%.

III-XVIII Internal Combustion Engine Requires Engineering Cost: 1800 food.
The ICE permitted the construction of motor vehicles, such as cars and some tanks.

III-XIX Advanced Engineering Requires Engineering Cost: 2200 food.
Adavanced Engineering permits the player who has researched it to build vehicles for 50% less food.

III-XX Aeronautics Requires Advanced Engineering Cost: 2300 food.
The study, design, and creation of aircraft. Permits the creation of the Biplane, an early aircraft that flew at low speeds and altitudes and was armed with a single machine-gun. Biplanes, due to their low speed and flying altitude, are prone to land-based rifles and machine-guns. A biplane wing (4 biplanes) can be built for 200 food. Each biplane takes two soldiers as its crew, pilot and co-pilot.

III-XXI Age-Up Cost: None
To age up, you must have researched at least one of the following technologies:


the Age of Ash in this age, only one of three paths can be chosen. Once a player has selected a path, they may not go back.

the First Path

IV-I Advanced Aeronautics Requires Aeronautics Cost: 4000 food.
Biplanes now carry small bombs as well as their machine-gun.

IV-II Rockets Requires Advanced Aeronautics Cost: 4000 food.
The study of rockets goes underway, your scientists designing the engines and propellant that may be able to take your species into space.

IV-III Launch Site Requires Rockets Cost: 4200 food.
The Launch site is built and prepped for the launch of the SSS, the Small Space Shuttle.

IV-IV SSS Requires Launch Site Cost: 6000 food.
With the rockets in place, the rest of the Small Space Shuttle is built and assembled. Now, it must endure its final preparations to reach space, and enduring assault from friend and foe.

the Second Path

V-I Anti-Air Missiles Requires Tanks Cost: 6000 food.
Tanks now carry small anti-air missiles for use against air targets.

V-II Nuclear Fission Requires Aeronautics Cost: 6200 food.
Your scientists study the changes an atom undergoes when it is split, and how much energy is released in such a violent reaction.

V-III Nuclear Warheads Requires Aeronautics Cost: 6500 food.
Your scientists explore the possibility of using this new-found power in war, tipping the heads of missiles with this new way of obtaining energy.

V-IV WMD Requires Rockets Cost: 7000 food.
After receiving many threats and embargoes by other nations due to your research involving Nuclear Weapons, it is time to destroy them all and become the superior power in the known world. A Weapon of Mass Destruction will be built that will destroy everything in its wake, even if that includes ourselves.

the Third Path

VI-I Renaissance Requires Patronage Cost: 4000 food.
The practicing of the arts increases greatly in your nation, thus decreasing the cost of research by 10%.

VI-II Greater Architecture [/i]Requires Renaissance[/i] Cost: 4000 food.
What if greater buildings were made, to show that your nation is indeed the most cultured and intelligent in the world? Ah, certainly all the others would be envious of our superior prowess.

VI-III Wonder - Design Requires Greater Architecture Cost: 4200 food.
A team of the most well-known architects of your nation assembles to plan and build a Wonder, what will certainly become the apex of known civilization. This vast monument will be a testament in stone to the advances of our glorious nation.

VI-IV Wonder - Construction Requires Wonder - Design Cost: 6000 food.
Construction of the greatest achievement of the greatest civilization in the known world begins. When it is completed, everyone shall truly know the greatness of our civilization.

Tomorrow is a big day!

165 posts

So, we're beginning tomorrow?

165 posts

oh, and can there be a full player list given?

3,937 posts

Sure thing. Anyone wishing for any last-minute modifications, speak now or remain silent.

The Legion of Stag Beetles thfcJack
â¨Race: Stag Beetles
â¨Main Lair: Stag Lodge, Sheffield
â¨Cities under Control: Stag Lodge
â¨Food: 200
â¨Food Income: 30 per turn
â¨Technology: None
â¨Age: the Age of Stone
â¨Soldiers: 300
â¨Soldier Cost/Recruitment: 300/0
â¨Soldier Weapons/Armor: None/None
â¨Vehicles: 50 grasshoppers

The Unnamed Anarchy of Sonic sonicheroes95
â¨Race: Honey Bee
â¨Main Lair: Blackpool
â¨Cities under Control: Blackpool
â¨Food: 200
â¨Food Income: 30 per turn
â¨Technology: None
â¨Age: the Age of Stone
â¨Soldiers: 300
â¨Soldier Cost/Recruitment: 300/0
â¨Soldier Weapons/Armor: None/None
â¨Vehicles: 50 grasshoppers

The Empire of the Fallen ivanxxxxxxx
â¨Race: Fire Ants
â¨Main Anthill: Liverpool
â¨Cities under Control: Liverpool
â¨Food: 200
â¨Food Income: 30 per turn
â¨Technology: None
â¨Age: the Age of Stone
â¨Soldiers: 300
â¨Soldier Cost/Recruitment: 300/0
â¨Soldier Weapons/Armor: None/None
â¨Vehicles: 50 grasshoppers

The United Federation of Brown Recluse Spiders LupusAureus
â¨Race: Brown Recluse Spiders
â¨Capital: Keep of the Recluse, Eastbourne
â¨Controlled Cities: Keep of the Recluse
â¨Food: 200
â¨Food Income: 30
â¨Technology: None
â¨Age: Age of Stone
â¨Soldiers: 300
â¨Soldier Cost/Recruitment: 300/0
â¨Soldier Weapons/Armor: None/None
â¨Vehicles:50 Grasshoppers

Nyan Ant Empire Hectichermit
â¨Race: Honeypot Ants
â¨Main Anthill: Plymouth
â¨Cities under Control: Plymouth
â¨Food: 200
â¨Food Income: 30 per turn
â¨Technology: None
â¨Age: the Age of Stone
â¨Soldiers: 300
â¨Soldier Cost/Recruitment: 300/0
â¨Soldier Weapons/Armor: None/None
â¨Vehicles: 50 grasshoppers

The Glorious Empire of Wasp SectoidMedic
â¨Main Nest: Stingza, Cork
â¨Cities under Control: Stingza
â¨Food: 200
â¨Food Income:30
â¨Technology: None
â¨Age: the Age of Stone.
â¨Soldier Cost/Recruitment: 300/0
â¨Soldier Weapons/Armor: None/None
â¨Vehicles:50 grasshoppers

League of Theridiidae MoonFairy
â¨Race: Black Widow
â¨Main Lair: Lactrodectia, Killarney
â¨Cities under Control: Lactrodectia
â¨Food: 200
â¨Food Income: 30 per turn
â¨Technology: None
â¨Age: the Age of Stone
â¨Soldiers: 300
â¨Soldier Cost/Recruitment: 300/0
â¨Soldier Weapons/Armor: None/None
â¨Vehicles: 50 grasshoppers

Goldberg's Worshippers jambola2
â¨Race: Pharaoh Ants
â¨Main Anthill/Lair/Nest: Newcastle-upon-Tyne
â¨Cities under Control: Newcastle-upon-Tyne
â¨Food: 200
â¨Food Income: 30
â¨Age: the Age of Stone. This age is the one your species is currently in.
â¨Soldiers: 300
â¨Soldier Cost/Recruitment: 300/0
â¨Soldier Weapons/Armor: None/None
â¨Vehicles: 50

24 posts

I will not be available from 3rd august to 9th august.

24 posts

Also, I hope I will be able to do something asthetic with my ants related to Rube Goldberg. ( google it )

3,937 posts

Also, I hope I will be able to do something asthetic with my ants related to Rube Goldberg.

Could you further explain what you want to do?


There are many, many NPC factions in this RPG. However, there are four that stand out of the numerous city-states, in that they consist of more than 2 cities:

The first, and by far the most powerful, is the praying mantis nation of New Requiem. They fight with spears and heavy armor, riding grasshoppers into battle. Most of them are furious zealots who seek to reclaim their lost land (not surprisingly, all of Britain) in the name of their pagan insect gods. However, they spend most of their time adoring a great shrine in the outskirts of London, where they assemble in ridiculously large numbers to sacrifice those unfortunate enough to be captured by them.

Their bitter enemies are the tarantulas of Cardiff. The mantises claim that the tarantulas desecrated their shrine in the long past. The tarantulas reject this, and insist that the mantises were the ones that sacked their cities in the first place. The reason for this conflict will forever be disputed, but whoever wins this war will be the one with the right to write the history books. The tarantula empire is, based on the feudal system. Their soldiers fight on foot, charging recklessly against their enemies wielding heavy iron weapons.

Up north, the Glasgow-Edinburgh confederacy of Bull Ants is the dominant power. A moderately peaceful yet scientifically advanced nation, the Confederacy is a haven for the study of the sciences. As such, it is hated by the mantises and tarantulas.
Long ago, the Confederacy enjoyed a golden age, in which they ruled most of Britain with an even and just hand. The few that survived the dark epoch that followed the golden age have forgotten what began this obscure period, the only surviving witnesses to this great cataclysm being the ruins of old buildings.

The republic of Dublin is the ruling power in Ireland. It is a fairly new nation, ruled by a wise group of colonist scorpions that came from another continent. They are the only large nation to have good relations with the Confederacy, and thus are despised by the Tarantulas and Spiders.
The Republic has never needed a navy, much less an army. But in recent times, the Republic has assembled a large military force. Their purposes and objectives with this force are unknown, but it is probable that they seek to invade the Isle of Man, and thus paralyze the only real threat to their homeland: the powerful Tarantulean Navy.
3,937 posts

Enjoy the above post detailing the NPC Factions, as well as this miscellaneous map:

Showing 61-75 of 107