ForumsGamesFreemium Games Debate [Admin Post]

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Out of curiosity, how many people really enjoy Freemium games?

A Freemium game is one that is free to download or play but charges money in game for new content, more lives, advanced features, etc. They don't have to be Flash games specifically, so anything free game will qualify. Examples include: Jetpack Joyride, Candy Crush, League of Legends, and tons more.

We sponsor and make quite a few here at Armor and I've always been curious about what drives or doesn't drive you to spend money on a free game. I've seen talks and stats on what drives players, but I thought I would just ask you guys directly.

If you like them, reply with your favorite ones and why you liked it.

If you hate them, say why or what you hate about them.

  • 24 Replies
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