ForumsGamesFreemium Games Debate [Admin Post]

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107 posts

Out of curiosity, how many people really enjoy Freemium games?

A Freemium game is one that is free to download or play but charges money in game for new content, more lives, advanced features, etc. They don't have to be Flash games specifically, so anything free game will qualify. Examples include: Jetpack Joyride, Candy Crush, League of Legends, and tons more.

We sponsor and make quite a few here at Armor and I've always been curious about what drives or doesn't drive you to spend money on a free game. I've seen talks and stats on what drives players, but I thought I would just ask you guys directly.

If you like them, reply with your favorite ones and why you liked it.

If you hate them, say why or what you hate about them.

  • 24 Replies
18 posts

A slippery slope... worst thing being where what starts as a "free game" ends up needing repeated buys of items, points, currency, buffs etc..

I've tried the odd one where you end up running out of time, having to pay to get reincarnated quicker etc. but they're usually bugging me for money before I've rally decided I like it enough to bother.

If I'm looking at a "free to play", then if it really doesn't play for free, I won't be on it long - if it's a trial / sampler for free, then just be honest about it.

Freemium is getting to be like that pointless phrase "free download" for trials!

1 posts

I would usually rather pay for a game at the beginning. It the freemium game doesn't push hard to get me to buy something, give the people who pay an unfair advantage, and is super expensive, I am much more likley to give some money. What annoys me the most is when games make it boring or handicap people when they don't pay.

34 posts

So it looks like there is no debate. We all pretty much agree that freemium is fine when:
1. It's reasonably priced
2. Adds value to the game over time
3. Doesn't give an unfair advantage in high scores/PVP/etc.

It's NOT fine when:
1. Pay to win
2. Costs more than a few dollars
3. Game progression grinds to a halt without it.

107 posts

Something to note here is the main difference between a single player game vs. a multiplayer game in the freemium space. Something that works really well for a single player game won't work well for a multiplayer game. Take for instance &quotay to win" mechanics. In a single player game, paying to get better items is often preferred. You might pay for more gold coins so you can afford better items in game or pay for a powerup that give you a boost to the next level. In a multiplayer game, &quotay to win" does not work well because non-paying players might feel they are at a disadvantage compared to players that pay.

It seems like most successful single player freemium games play off of a players impatience more than anything. Either by putting content behind lengthy time gates or forcing the player to grind on a level over and over again, these types of game utilize your impatience to get you to buy something. It's a bit sickening when you look at it that way, but they work a bit similarly to how an arcade machine might work. The game is unnaturally hard, but overly addicting and it bullies you into paying another quarter in order to keep playing.

Some successful multiplayers freemium games have played off of a players desire to show off. By buying skins, hats, outfits, etc.; players can show off the cool stuff they've bought to other players. They offer no advantages to players, but they play off of that inherit desire to be perceived as better looking than other players.

There are many other successful freemium games out there that do things differently, but are still playing off of the same emotions that get players to buy content.

Another question that I've always wondered about is how satisfied are you when you play freemium games compared to paid games? Would you ever put a freemium game as one of your all time favorite games?

3 posts

I've paid actual money for benefits in three free games. 1) KIngdom Rush. Paid one dollar for the bonus content and it was well worth it.
2)Candy Crush. About 25 cents to progress to next set of levels. So cheap it didn't bother me
3) Path of Exile by Grinding Gear Games. They made an excellent ARPG and have content updates all the time, and clearly state they will never support pay to win. I bought extra stash tabs for 15 dollars so I have lots of storage space.

Those three games are 3 of my all time favorites. They offered a high amount of value for a small price, ensuring more people would buy their content.

If a game makes me stuck if I refuse to spend more than a buck or two, I won't play it. If a game gives other players who spend more money advantages over me, I won't play it.

34 posts

I think all my all time favorite games have paid bonus content. Gemcraft Labyrinth is by far the game I've played the most. Bought the premium package for a few bucks, back when it first came out, and I still play the game now and again.

Same with Kingdom Rush, Epic Battle Fantasy, and a couple others I can't think of right now. They're all favorites and the small fee I paid has been totally worth it.

But I've never done the thing where you pay $20 to $80 for a few coins that speed up the game a couple times. Especially because it's not a permanent upgrade. You zoom by, while you've got coins, but when you run out - you're as slow as everyone else. If it's not a permanent boost, complete access to bonus content, or costs more than $5 it's not worth it.

470 posts

Small prices for large packages are great. Take Skyrim's DLC for example. Huge prices for little packages are awful. Take Sims 3 for example.

96 posts

all games should be free. Money is useless people should be share good things. I see all online game players who has money they have a big op to free players this is ridicilus.

9,323 posts

Let's not bring back a necro thread @Mongo89. Last post on this thread was last year.

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