ForumsGamesFPS... Oh why i hate you.

22 7879
20 posts

Firstly, if you are a FPS fan and play Call of Duty all day then... no, just get out now. And if you play Battlefield all day... i'll accept you because it has a bit more innovation than Call of Duty. Because if you played Doom and Quake when you were young then you know what FPS is as i do and 80% of people don't. Now the 'FPS' group are going away but in sales they are not but. Why are you playing Call of Duty , an even more dumbed down Michael Bay movie and Battlefield is a bit better than a Micheal Bay movie but why cant you return to Doom and Quake.

OK People, tell me what you think of First Person Shooters, do you think they are amazing or do you wish they would return to Doom and Quake levels.

Have a nice day

  • 22 Replies
2,825 posts

Halo 3 is a both masterpiece of brainless fun and tactical shooting, which is more than can be said for most shooters released now. The turning point was Half life, which somehow fooled everyone into believing that it was genius despite being slow and boring, and consequently the majority of FPS games became massively navel gazing and dull from then on, except Halo, which that went the other way, because everyone at bungie overdosed on speed and so was massively hectic, before development was handed over to 343, and was made navel gazing and dull.

5,956 posts

oh and stop picking on me because i like the classic games and not crap Rip-offs *uh uh* call of duty.i hate Call of Duty, Battlefield is slightly better Halo is complete crap now and just deal with not you %*$£^% of a *(^%$ and &*^%$£ i will stuff you in a barrel and %^&** always^"£$ because you are ^*%££% stupid and i am *&^%$^ stupid we all are &*^%&^ stupid so just stop ^$%^*^$ messing with me you *^&%$ and ^&%$()...just....stop.

Well all I have to say about that is...

yup. the average fanboy who thinks his opinions are sacred facts and that everybody who thinks differently as a not true FPS fan. people have different tastes, deal with it.

Also no one was picking on you.
5,781 posts

oh and stop picking on me because i like the classic games

Is that so?
Doom and Quake and i dont love them... BY FAR

but in sales they are not but.

just deal with not

stop ^$%^*^$ messing with me

We're not messing with you, you're messing with grammar.

I still have yet to see an explanation for why South America had to be dragged into this.

Listen dude! One of my all time favorite FPS franchises is from the late 90's and (as far as I love them, the went downhill) the early 2000's, Delta Force, so just no dude, no.


5,781 posts

Not sure how I didn't notice this before, but....

i like the classic games and not crap Rip-offs

why cant you return to Doom and Quake.

So you don't like the current style(s [really]) and you feel that all games that conform in anyway to the popular style(s) are ripoffs because they share some attributes. You also want the FPS genre to return to the Doom and Quake style(s), but wouldn't that, by your reasoning, make them just as much of ripoffs as the current FPS games? You are quite obviously contradicting yourself, you prefer the old style(s) and would simply prefer that everything be a "ripoff" of those games rather than a "ripoff" of some other game.
3,525 posts

Games like Quake should not be looked at in the same way that you look at Battlefield and CoD. Quake, Unreal, Halo 3, those are all arena shooters. A small equal number of teams, relatively even maps, everybody has the same weapons or weapons are placed on the map.

CoD, Battlefield, those are most certainly not arena shooters due to too many random factors; which is not necessarily a bad thing. They're different subgenres of FPS games.

5,781 posts
24 posts

why hate? just make fun hehehee

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