ForumsGame WalkthroughsSentry Knight 2 In-Depth Guide (By: Reton8)

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Sentry Knight 2 In-Depth Guide: Quest Guide, Gold and Exp. per Level Stats, and More
(By: Reton8)

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[000] Table of Contents


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[000] Table of Contents
[001] Introduction
[002] General Gameplay Tips
[003] Stage Statistics: Gold per Minute, Experience per Minute, and More
[004] Stages Ordered by Most Gold and Experience Earned per Minute First
[005] Survival Mode Items: Item Names and Descriptions
[006] Armor Games Quest and In-game Achievements Guide
[007] Upgrade Costs
[008] Survival Mode Tips
[009] Game Secrets and Closing Statements

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[001] Introduction


This guide is intended to be a guide for the game Sentry Knight 2. This guide should help the player in achieving all the Armor Games Quests as well as the in-game achievements (as they are the same). Also, this guide is intended to help in finding the quickest way to earn gold and experience. This guide also contains general gameplay tips.

This guide only mentions the premium content very few times. If you do not, or do have the premium content it will not matter. This guide works for both.

Note: This guide may contain a few minor discrepancies as this guide was made and compiled from a very late stage beta version of the game. If there are any discrepancies they should be very small if any at all.

Note: I have listed the spells and talents along with tiers:

Tier 1: Corresponds to the bottom row of talents and spells. These are the easiest spells and talents to unlock.

Tier 2: Corresponds to the middle row of talents and spells. These spells require at least 8 points in the specif Talent Tree to become unlocked.

Tier 3: Corresponds to the top row of talents and spells. These spells require at least 14 points in the specific Talent Tree to become unlocked.

3,174 posts


[002] General Gameplay Tips



Upgrade Tips


I recommend focusing on the Bow (Increases Arrow Crit Chance and Firing Rate) and Arrows (Increases Arrow Damage and Arrow Penetration Chance) upgrades over the other upgrades. The increased damage per second from both upgrades is very helpful.

For Survival Mode I recommend Tower (Increases Maximum HP and Damage Reduction) and Torch (Increases Spell Damage and Spell Crit Chance) upgrades. Tower will help keep you alive longer. You also rely heavily on your spells to kill enemies, therefore increasing spell damage with the Torch upgrade is crucial.


Spells and Talents Tips


My theory behind using spells effectively is this, it is more important early on to have more spells than to have less, but more upgraded spells. More spells means you will be able to cast a spell onto the battlefield more often, more spells should equate to more damage per second, and more spells also means you can cast them all at once doing large amounts of damage or cast spells that work well together, one after the other or together.

You can also Juggle spells. Spell Juggling means casting one (or more) spell(s), then casting another one (or more) different spell(s), and repeating. The small pause in-between casting staggers the spells cooldown times and should allow you to be able to cast spells more frequently. Remember though, sometimes it's best to hold off on using your spells saving them for a certain tricky part of a level, or casting two or more spells together that have synergy with each other. It all depends on what the level demands.

- From Player Level 1 to 3 I recommend unlocking the Tier 1 Spells for each Tree and equipping them.
The Tier 1 spells are:
Frigid Blast (Ice Tree)
Fireball (Fire Tree)
Plague Bane (Unholy Tree)

(The game may force you to unlock one of each spell first anyway.)

- From Player Level 4 to 8 I recommend upgrading those Tier 1 Spells or unlocking the following Talents:
Crystallize (Ice Tree) (Increase your damage reduction.)
Hearth (Fire Tree) (Increase your maximum HP.)
Alchemist (Unholy Tree) (Increase the potency of your health potions.)

Upgrading the Tier 1 Spells will help to increase the damage done by them and your damage per second.
The talent Crystallize is very helpful as it helps reduce the damage your tower takes and may be more beneficial than increasing your towers maximum HP.

- From Player Level 9 to 14 I recommend Unlocking and equipping one of the following Tier 2 Spells:
Iceshard (Ice Tree)
Wall of Fire (Fire Tree)
Gargoyle (Unholy Tree)

Unlocking and equipping at least one Tier 2 Spell gives you one more additional spell to cast and juggle, increasing your options during battle.

- Player Level 15:
I would recommend unlocking at least one of the following Tier 3 Spells:
Winter's Freeze (Ice Tree)
Hellfire (Fire Tree)
Army of Undead (Unholy Tree)

(The Tier 3 Spell you unlock will have to be in the same Tree that you unlocked the Tier 2 Spell if you want to unlock the Tier 3 Spell at Player Level 15.)

Again unlocking an extra spell means more damage per second, better spell juggling, and more options during battle.

- Player Level 16 and Higher:
From here on out (until very high Player Levels) it may be best to focus on one Talent Tree to increase the damage and effectiveness of one set of your spells and also reduce the cooldown rate.

These three Tier 3 Talents are useful:
Cryomancer (Ice Tree) (Reduces cooldowns for all Ice Tree Active Spells.)
Pyromancer (Fire Tree) (Reduces cooldowns for all Fire-based Active Spells.)
Necromancer (Unholy Tree) (Reduces cooldowns for all Unholy-based Active Spells.)

(You would want to unlock the Talent from the Tree you specialized in.)

It may also be just as beneficial to focus on unlocking other spells, talents, and upgrading them. There may be a single most effective method, but I have not experimented enough to know it. The methods I have recommend have also made gameplay rather easy for me so they should be worthwhile recommendations.


Leveling Tips: Earning Gold and Experience


I recommend at some point choosing a stage or stages and playing them a few times over and over in order to gain gold and experience. This will allow you to increase your upgrades, obtain more spells, obtain more talents, and upgrade your spells and talents.

If you rush through the game you will soon find the levels very difficult. However, you may prefer this additional challenge and that may be the way you decide to play.

There are a few methods I think are well suited for earning gold and experience.

Method 1:
Playing each stage at least twice before moving on to the next. Occasionally play one stage more than twice to earn extra gold and experience.

Method 2:
This may be the fastest method. Try to get to Stage 7 (Eriford: Ruins of Bellcoast) (Night) as quickly as possible and then complete that stage over and over until you are satisfied. Stage 7 is one of the shortest stages in the game, especially once you have gained Player Levels. Stage 7 offers one of the highest gold per minute and experience per minute gains out of the all stages.

If Stage 7 is too hard for you to complete revisit any of the earlier stages to gain more gold and experience and then return to Stage 7 to get quick gold and experience.

Method 3:
Playing on level or a set of levels over and over again, but increasing the Monster Power higher as your Player Level increases.

You can refer to the [003] Stage Statistics: Gold per Minute, Experience per Minute, and More and [004] Stages Ordered by Most Gold and Experience Earned per Minute First sections of this guide to see how much gold and experience each stage gives, see how much gold per minute and experience per minute each stage gives, and to see approximately how long each stage takes to complete.

All stages have 5 Waves except for the two Boss Stages (Stage 7 and Stage 14). Stage 7 and Stage 14 only have 1 Wave that does not end until you defeat the Boss.

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[003] Stage Statistics: Gold per Minute, Experience per Minute, and More


You can use these values to find the quickest stage to earn gold and experience on. Note that it may take you more or less time than the experimental results I achieved and the gold and experience values may differ slightly for you.

My method of testing. I played each stage three times recording the gold and experience I had before and after. I then subtracted those values to obtain the the amount of gold and experience earned for the stage. I then averaged the three amounts (although the values were almost always the same each play-through).

I also timed each stage using a stopwatch. I timed each stage three times and then took the average. The time taken includes the time it takes to click on the stage, confirm the selection, load the stage, and the time taken to exit the stage to the main menu after stage completion.

The gold per minute and experience per minute are calculated by dividing the average gold (or average experience) by the average time taken to complete the stage.

Note: The gold per minute and experience per minute are always rounded down to the nearest whole number.

Note: Due to patch v1.1 of the game, the gold and experience amounts per level are not longer static. Also, the Helm of Wonders grants a 10% increase to experienced gained during Survival Mode. This also can affect the experience values for Survival Mode. These values may be outdated, but the values should still indicate which levels are best for obtaining gold and experience.


Stage 1 - Eriford: Stormwynn Forest (Day)


Time Taken to Complete Stage (Average): 2m 32s

Gold Earned (Average): 2,188
Gold Earned per Minute: 836

Experience Earned (Average): 1,092
Experience Earned per Minute: 431


Stage 2 - Eriford: Stormwynn Forest (Night)


Time Taken to Complete Stage (Average): 3m 33s

Gold Earned (Average): 4,101
Gold Earned per Minute: 1,155

Experience Earned (Average): 2,524
Experience Earned per Minute: 710


Stage 3 - Eriford: Ironedge Point (Day)


Time Taken to Complete Stage (Average): 3m 44s

Gold Earned (Average): 5,578
Gold Earned per Minute: 1,494

Experience Earned (Average): 4,139
Experience Earned per Minute: 1,108


Stage 4 - Eriford: Ironedge Point (Night)


Time Taken to Complete Stage (Average): 3m 45s

Gold Earned (Average): 5,725
Gold Earned per Minute: 1,528

Experience Earned (Average): 7,115
Experience Earned per Minute: 1,900


Stage 5 - Eriford: Ruins of Bellcoast (Day)


Time Taken to Complete Stage (Average): 6m 00s

Gold Earned (Average): 15,780
Gold Earned per Minute: 2,632

Experience Earned (Average): 9,738
Experience Earned per Minute: 1,624


Stage 6 - Eriford: Ruins of Bellcoast (Night)


Time Taken to Complete Stage (Average): 7m 26s

Gold Earned (Average): 23,196
Gold Earned per Minute: 3,120

Experience Earned (Average): 5,719
Experience Earned per Minute: 769

(Note: This stage gives out a low amount of experience and a low amount of experience per minute.)


Stage 7 - Eriford: Ruins of Bellcoast (Night) (Boss)


This is one of the best stage for gaining experience with the best experience per minute ratio. This stage is also the second best stage for earning gold with the second best gold per minute ratio. Only Stage 14 (Londorin: Flamegorge (Night), The final stage of the non-premium content) has a better gold per minute ratio.

On this stage gold and experience earned varies depending on certain factors. Finishing the stage faster usually means earning less gold and experience for the level, but can mean earning more gold per minute and more experience per minute.

Result 1:
(This results reflect a Lower Player Level and more time taken to finish the stage.)

Time Taken to Complete Stage (Average): 1m 23s

Gold Earned (Average): 12,000
Gold Earned per Minute: 8,709

Experience Earned (Average): 6,485
Experience Earned per Minute: 4,706

Result 2:
(This results reflect a Higher Player Level and less time taken to finish the stage.)

Time Taken to Complete Stage (Average): 0m 42s

Gold Earned (Average): 9,000
Gold Earned per Minute: 12,755

Experience Earned (Average): 6,485
Experience Earned per Minute: 9,264


Stage 8 - Londorin: Goldshore (Day)


Time Taken to Complete Stage (Average): 4m 56s

Gold Earned (Average): 25,558
Gold Earned per Minute: 5,180

Experience Earned (Average): 12,694
Experience Earned per Minute: 2,573


Stage 9 - Londorin: Goldshore (Night)


Time Taken to Complete Stage (Average): 6m 10s

Gold Earned (Average): 38,739
Gold Earned per Minute: 6,276

Experience Earned (Average): 21,317
Experience Earned per Minute: 3,453


Stage 10 - Londorin: The Undergrowth (Day)


Time Taken to Complete Stage (Average): 4m 45s

Gold Earned (Average): 28,678
Gold Earned per Minute: 5,846

Experience Earned (Average): 14,261
Experience Earned per Minute: 2,907


Stage 11 - Londorin: The Undergrowth (Night)


Time Taken to Complete Stage (Average): 6m 08s

Gold Earned (Average): 42,548
Gold Earned per Minute: 6,937

Experience Earned (Average): 21,231
Experience Earned per Minute: 3,461


Stage 12 - Londorin: Flamegorge (Day)


Time Taken to Complete Stage (Average): 7m 31s

Gold Earned (Average): 53,141
Gold Earned per Minute: 7,074

Experience Earned (Average): 26,465
Experience Earned per Minute: 3,523


Stage 13 - Londorin: Flamegorge (Night)


Time Taken to Complete Stage (Average): 6m 47s

Gold Earned (Average): 50,250
Gold Earned per Minute: 7,407

Experience Earned (Average): 25,083
Experience Earned per Minute: 3,697


Stage 14 - Londorin: Flamegorge (Night) (Boss)


Time Taken to Complete Stage (Average): 1m 21s

Gold Earned (Average): 50,000
Gold Earned per Minute: 36,885

Experience Earned (Average): 6,500
Experience Earned per Minute: 4,795


Survival Mode


(This stats are based off of one run instead of a three run average.)

Time Taken to Complete Stage: 30m 58s

Gold Earned: 481,484
Gold Earned per Minute: 15,548

Experience Earned: 261,497
Experience Earned per Minute: 8,444

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[004] Stages Ordered by Most Gold and Experience Earned per Minute First


You can use these values to find the quickest stage to earn gold and experience on. Note that it may take you more or less time than the experimental results I achieved and the gold and experience values may differ slightly for you.

Note: Survival Mode is included in the list but can not be played until after completing the Campaign Mode. Survival Mode may not be ideal for gaining gold and experience at Lower Player Levels.

Note: Due to patch v1.1 of the game, the gold and experience amounts per level are not longer static. Also, the Helm of Wonders grants a 10% increase to experienced gained during Survival Mode. This also can affect the experience values for Survival Mode. These values may be outdated, but the values should still indicate which levels are best for obtaining gold and experience.


Stages Ordered by Most Gold per Minute First


- Stage 14 - Gold per Min.: 36,885 | Experience per Min.: 4,795 | Time to Complete: 1m 21s
- (Survival Mode - Gold per Min.: 15,548 | Experience per Min.: 8,444 | Time to Complete: 30m 58s)
- Stage 7 - Gold per Min.: 8,709 or 12,755 | Experience per Min.: 4,706 or 9,264 | Time to Complete: 1m 23s or 0m 42s
- Stage 13 - Gold per Min.: 7,407 | Experience per Min.: 3,697 | Time to Complete: 6m 47s
- Stage 12 - Gold per Min.: 7,074 | Experience per Min.: 3,523 | Time to Complete: 7m 31s
- Stage 11 - Gold per Min.: 6,937 | Experience per Min.: 3,461 | Time to Complete: 6m 08s
- Stage 9 - Gold per Min.: 6,276 | Experience per Min.: 3,453 | Time to Complete: 6m 10s
- Stage 10 - Gold per Min.: 5,846 | Experience per Min.: 2,907 | Time to Complete: 4m 45s
- Stage 8 - Gold per Min.: 5,180 | Experience per Min.: 2,573 | Time to Complete: 4m 56s
- Stage 6 - Gold per Min.: 3,120 | Experience per Min.: 769 | Time to Complete: 7m 26s
- Stage 5 - Gold per Min.: 2,632 | Experience per Min.: 1,624 | Time to Complete: 6m 00s
- Stage 4 - Gold per Min.: 1,528 | Experience per Min.: 1,900 | Time to Complete: 3m 45s
- Stage 3 - Gold per Min.: 1,494 | Experience per Min.: 1,108 | Time to Complete: 3m 44s
- Stage 2 - Gold per Min.: 1,155 | Experience per Min.: 710 | Time to Complete: 3m 33s
- Stage 1 - Gold per Min.: 836 | Experience per Min.: 431 | Time to Complete: 2m 32s


Stages Ordered by Most Experience per Minute First


- Stage 7 - Experience per Min.: 4,706 or 9,264 |Gold per Min.: 8,709 or 12,755 | Time to Complete: 1m 23s or 0m 42s
(Survival Mode - Experience per Min.: 8,444 | Gold per Min.: 15,548 | Time to Complete: 30m 58s)
- Stage 14 - Experience per Min.: 4,795 |Gold per Min.: 36,885 | Time to Complete: 1m 21s
- Stage 13 - Experience per Min.: 3,697 |Gold per Min.: 7,407 | Time to Complete: 6m 47s
- Stage 12 - Experience per Min.: 3,523 |Gold per Min.: 7,074 | Time to Complete: 7m 31s
- Stage 11 - Experience per Min.: 3,461 |Gold per Min.: 6,937 | Time to Complete: 6m 08s
- Stage 9 - Experience per Min.: 3,453 |Gold per Min.: 6,276 | Time to Complete: 6m 10s
- Stage 10 - Experience per Min.: 2,907 |Gold per Min.: 5,846 | Time to Complete: 4m 45s
- Stage 8 - Experience per Min.: 2,573 |Gold per Min.: 5,180 | Time to Complete: 4m 56s
- Stage 4 - Experience per Min.: 1,900 |Gold per Min.: 1,528 | Time to Complete: 3m 45s
- Stage 5 - Experience per Min.: 1,624 |Gold per Min.: 2,632 | Time to Complete: 6m 00s
- Stage 3 - Experience per Min.: 1,108 |Gold per Min.: 1,494 | Time to Complete: 3m 44s
- Stage 6 - Experience per Min.: 769 |Gold per Min.: 3,120 | Time to Complete: 7m 26s
- Stage 2 - Experience per Min.: 710 |Gold per Min.: 1,155 | Time to Complete: 3m 33s
- Stage 1 - Experience per Min.: 431 | Gold per Min.: 836 | Time to Complete: 2m 32s

3,174 posts


[005] Survival Mode Items: Item Names and Descriptions


During Survival Mode, enemies can drop items that will give a benefit to the player for the remainder of the run. Items do not carry over from to subsequent Survival Mode runs. The items come in differing rarities and the rarities are color coded. There are 12 Items Total.


Item Colors and Rarities


White = Common Item
Green = Uncommon Item
Blue = Rare Item


Item Names and Descriptions


- Helm of Wonders (Common Item) (White):
Increases all XP gained by 10%

- Thorns (Common Item) (White):
All melee enemies will take damage when attacking your tower.

- Priest's Ring (Common Item) (White):
Enemies have a chance to drop two potions instead of one.

- Reinforced Bricks (Uncommon Item) (Green):
Reduces all damage taken by 5%.

- Resurrection Stone (Uncommon Item) (Green):
Upon taking a killing blow you regenerate to 50% of you Max HP. Can only occur once per Survival run.

- Healing Wand (Uncommon Item) (Green):
Leveling Up will heal you for 75% of your Max HP. While at max level, you will regenerate health 50% faster.

- Eye of Eriford (Rare Item) (Blue):
Your Fire Spells deal 10% more damage.

- Eye of Londorin (Rare Item) (Blue):
Your Poison Spells deal 10% more damage.

- Eye of Valadrast (Rare Item) (Blue):
Your Ice Spells deal 10% more damage.

- Wizard's Orb (Rare Item) (Blue):
Using any spell has a chance to not activate it's cooldown.

- Bow of Bones (Rare Item) (Blue):
Arrow Damage is increased by 15% when you are below 25% of your Max HP.

- Elemental Arrows (Rare Item) (Blue):
Arrows have a chance to Burn, Freeze, or Plague their targets.

3,174 posts


[006] Armor Games Quest and In-game Achievements Guide


Note: I have listed the spells and talents along with tiers:

Tier 1: Corresponds to the bottom row of talents and spells. These are the easiest spells and talents to unlock.

Tier 2: Corresponds to the middle row of talents and spells. These spells require at least 8 points in the specif Talent Tree to become unlocked.

Tier 3: Corresponds to the top row of talents and spells. These spells require at least 14 points in the specific Talent Tree to become unlocked.


Recommended Monster Power for Earning Quests and In-game Achievements


I recommend setting the Monster Power to 1 for the greatest ease in earning all of the Quests and In-Game Achievements. There are a few exceptions. For Ouch (Burn, Freeze, and Plague a single enemy all at the same time) (Medium) The player should try to set the Monster Power as high as possible to increase the enemies damage resistance so that the enemy you try to burn, freeze, and plague at the same time will not die from the spells. Also, it may help to increase the Monster Power for the Quest and In-game Achievement Spider: Well-Done (Set a Spider on fire.) (Easy).


Mom Slaughter (Kill a Momma Slime) (Easy)


- This quest can be completed on:
Stage 2 - Stormwynn Forest (Night)

- Recommended Stage of Quest Completion:
Stage 2 - Stormwynn Forest (Night)

- Recommended Minimum Player Level:
Level 3 or higher

- Recommended Upgrades:
Bow (Increases Arrow Crit Chance and Firing Rate.)
Arrows (Increases Arrow Damage and Arrow Penetration Chance.)

- Recommended Talents and Spells:
Frigid Blast (Ice Tree) (Tier 1)
Fireball (Fire Tree) (Tier 1)
Plague Bane (Unholy Tree) (Tier 1)

- Strategy for Completing this Quest:
This one is pretty simple. Just beat the Momma Slime at the end of Stage 2 and you will get the quest. The Bow and Arrows upgrades come in handy as they will increase the damage you do per second. Also having three spells means you will be able to cast spells onto the battlefield more frequently. It is often best to have more spells than fewer more upgraded spells.


Executioner (Kill 200 enemies) (Easy)


- This quest can be completed on:
Any Stage

- Recommended Minimum Player Level:
Any Level

- Recommended Upgrades:
Bow (Increases Arrow Crit Chance and Firing Rate.)
Arrows(Increases Arrow Damage and Arrow Penetration Chance.)

- Recommended Talents and Spells:
Frigid Blast (Ice Tree) (Tier 1)
Fireball (Fire Tree (Tier 1)
Plague Bane[ (Unholy Tree) (Tier 1)

- Strategy for Completing this Quest:
Again this one is simple, just kill 200 enemies. There are approximately (if not exactly) 35 enemies in Stage 1 (Stormwynn Forest (Day)), this means you would have to successfully beat the first stage 6 times in order to complete this quest. However, simply playing any stage will add toward the 200 enemies killed total, so there is no need to repeat the first stage 6 times (unless you are trying to level very high early in the game).


Close Calls (Stop a total of 10 enemies from hitting you after they have begun their attack) (Easy)


- This quest can be completed on:
Any Stage

- Recommended Stage of Quest Completion:
Stage 1 - Stormwynn Forest (Day) or any of the earlier stages.

- Recommended Minimum Player Level:
Level 3 or higher

- Recommended Upgrades:
Bow (Increases Arrow Crit Chance and Firing Rate.)
Arrows (Increases Arrow Damage and Arrow Penetration Chance.)
Tower (Increases Maximum HP and Damage Reduction.)

- Recommended Talents and Spells:
Frigid Blast (Ice Tree) (Tier 1)
Fireball (Fire Tree) (Tier 1)
Plague Bane (Unholy Tree) (Tier 1)
Crystallize (Ice Tree) (Tier 1) (Optional) (Increases your Damage Reduction.)

- Strategy for Completing this Quest:
I am not quite certain the exact criteria for this quest, but it looks like you have to kill enemies after their start their attack, but before the complete it. For example, an enemy with a sword would have to have walked up to your tower and draw it's sword backward. You would then have to kill that enemy before the enemy moves it's sword forward and hits your tower.

The strategy here would be to allow an enemy to walk up to your tower and draw it's sword back. When you see the sword drawn back you then unleash your spells on the enemy killing it quickly before it can finish the attack. You can also weaken the enemy beforehand with your arrows so that the enemy will die more quickly.

Alternating you can weaken an enemy until it only has one hit left while it is walking to your tower. Then allow the weakened enemy to reach your tower and begin it's attack. Then you finish off the enemy, with your arrows, before it finishes the attack.

I recommended the Tower Upgrade and the Crystallize Talent because you may end up taking a decent bit of damage from enemies you fail to kill before they attack.


Spider: Well-Done (Set a Spider on fire.) (Easy)


- This quest can be completed on:
Any Stage with Spider Enemies.

- Recommended Stage of Quest Completion:
Stage 4 - Ironridge Point (Night).

- Recommended Monster Power:
You may want to increase the Monster Power to the highest you are comfortable with. Doing so will increase the Spider Enemies damage resistance which in turn should prevent the Spider Enemy from just dying when trying to set it on fire.

- Recommended Minimum Player Level:
Level 9 or higher

- Recommended Upgrades:
Any Upgrades

- Recommended Talents and Spells:
Wall of Fire (Fire Tree) (Tier 2) (This Spell may be required.)
Flamebound (Fire Tree) (Tier 2) (Optional)

- Strategy for Completing this Quest:

You will need the Wall of Fire Spell as the Fireball Spell and Hellfire Spell appear to not able to hit or effect the Spider Enemies. Wall of Firecan hit the Spider, but it has to be cast at the right time in the right spot. I recommend Stage 4 as it is an earlier stage and is therefore shorter. It is also the first stage that the Spider Enemy appears on. The Spider Enemies also appear with fewer other additional enemies making it easier to focus your efforts on burning the Spider and not having to worry about losing tower HP.

To complete this quest, equip the Wall of Fire Spell and enter Stage 4 (or any stage with Spider Enemies). When you see a Spider Enemy appear you will want to cast the Wall of Fire Spell directly underneath the Spider Enemy. You will also want to time this for when the Spider Enemy is at it's lowest point.

Usually Spider Enemies drop down to a very low point, for a brief moment before coming back up into their final positions. You will have to cast the Wall of Fire Spell so that the flames of the spell are near or at their highest point when the Spider Enemy is at or near it's lowest point.

This quest may take a few tries, but I completed it using just the Wall of Fire Spell. The Flamebound Talent should help as well as it increases the chances of setting enemies on fire.


Masterful (Max out a single spell.) (Easy)


- This quest can be completed on:
The Stage Select Screen (Campaign Screen) > Talent Screen.

- Recommended Stage for Gaining Experience:
Stage 1 - Stormwynn Forest (Day)

- Player Level Required:
Level 3 or higher

- Recommended Upgrades:
Any Upgrades

- Recommended Spells to Upgrade to Maximum:
Frigid Blast (Ice Tree) (Tier 1), or Fireball (Fire Tree) (Tier 1), or Plague Bane (Unholy Tree) (Tier 1).

These are the easiest spells to upgrade as they require only three skill points to max out.

Only one of these spells has to be maxed out in order to obtain the quest.

- Strategy for Completing this Quest:
You should be close to Player Level 3 after completing Stage 1 only once. So one or two additional runs through Stage 1 should get you to Player Level 3. After reaching Player Level 3 go to the Upgrade Menu (by clicking the Upgrade Button on the Stage Select Screen). Near the bottom of the Upgrade Menu you will see a Reset Talents Button. Click this button. Now go to the Talent Menu (by clicking the Talent Button on the Stage Select Screen). Put all three available skill points you now have into one, and only one, of these following spells: Frigid Blast (Ice Tree), or Fireball (Fire Tree), or Plague Bane (Unholy Tree). The quest should be completed after that.


Comeback Kid (Complete a world after taking 2x more damage than your total hp) (Medium)


(Note: The method outlined below takes a decent amount of time. There may be faster methods, but this method is a surefire way to complete the quest.)

- This quest can be completed on:
Any Stage

- Recommended Stage of Quest Completion:
Stage 1 - Stormwynn Forest

- Recommended Minimum Player Level:
Level 3 or higher

- Recommended Upgrades:

Do not upgrade any Upgrades that give you more health. Less health is better. If necessary, reset your Upgrades and reallocate them, avoiding Upgrades that increase your tower's maximum health.

- Recommended Talents and Spells:
Crystallize (Ice Tree) (Tier 1) (Increases your Damage Reduction.)
Alchemist (Unholy Tree) (Tier 1) (Optional) (Increases the Potency of Health Potions.)

Do not spend any Talent Points on any Talents that give you more health. Less health is better. If necessary, reset your Talents and reallocate them, avoiding Talents that increase your tower's maximum health.

- Strategy for Completing the Quest:
Your health should be at 100 and you will now need to be damaged to 200. Use Stage 1 to complete this quest. On Wave 1 of Stage 1 allow one Bat Enemy to make it to your tower. Allow that one Bat Enemy to hit your tower repeatedly. Kill all the other enemies. The Bat Enemy will continue to hit your tower and slowly damage it, but your tower should heal almost as fast as the Bat Enemy does damage thanks to the Crystallize Talent. Allow the Bat Enemy to attack your tower until you reach 200 damage. Once you reach 200 damage you may now kill the Bat Enemy and finish the stage.

If you get too close to zero health, kill the Bat Enemy that is attacking you tower. The next wave will begin. Kill the other enemies that will come in and pick up any Health Potions that drop. After you have recovered a decent amount of health allow one Bat Enemy to make it to your tower and attack it. Once your the Bat Enemy increases your damage total to 200 or more you can kill it. After killing the Bat Enemy, successfully beat the stage to complete the quest.

(Note: Waves do not end until all enemies from that wave are killed. Leaving one Bat Enemy and killing the rest of the enemies in a wave will mean that no other enemies will appear and attack your tower at that point.)


Harden (Destroy the Rock Elemental before he or his Rock Babies damage your tower) (Medium)


- This quest is completed on:
Stage 7 - Ruins of Bellcoast (Night) (Boss)

- Recommended Minimum Player Level:
Level 15 or higher (to have the proper spells unlocked).

- Recommended Upgrades:
Bow (Increases Arrow Crit Chance and Firing Rate.)
Arrows (Increases Arrow Damage and Arrow Penetration Chance.)

- Recommended Talents and Spells:
Frigid Blast (Ice Tree) (Tier 1)
Ice Shard (Ice Tree) (Tier 2)
Winter's Freeze (Ice Tree) (Tier 3)

Icebound (Ice Tree) (Tier 2) (Optional) (Increase the chance active Ice Spells will Freeze targets.)
Cryomancer (Ice Tree) (Tier 3) (Optional) (Reduces cooldown for all Ice Tree Active Spells.)

It is very helpful to unlock all three of the Ice Spells. As well, upgrading them helps. Icebound and Cryomancer are also very helpful.

It also helps to have other Spells from the Fire Tree and Unholy Tree if possible.

- Strategy for Completing the Quest:
The idea behind this strategy is to use your Ice Spells to freeze and knock back the Rock Elemental and his Rock Babies. The farther back the Rock Elemental is when it dies the farther the Rock Babies will spawn and the farther the Rock Babies will have to walk to your tower. The Frigid Blast Spell helps in knocking back and freezing the Rock Elemental and Rock Babies while the other Ice Spells help to freeze the Rock Babies.

You may want to save the Winter's Freeze Spell for the Rock Babies instead of using it on the Rock Elemental. The other two Ice Spells have a much shorter cooldown time, so use those spells on the Rock Elemental if you wish. If you have other spells make sure to use them on the Rock Elemental and his Rock Babies as well to aid in killing them faster. Also, always have your arrows aimed at the Rock Elemental or his Rock Babies to increase damage output. The Bow and Arrows Upgrades help some here too. Also, the higher the Player Level you are, the more spells you can have and you can upgrade them more as well, increasing the damage you can do to the enemy.


Ouch (Burn, Freeze, and Plague a single enemy all at the same time) (Medium)


- This quest can be completed on:
Any Stage

- Recommended Stage of Quest Completion:
Stage 7 - Ruins of Bellcoast (Night) (Boss)

- Recommended Msnter Level:
I recommend trying to to set the Monster Power as high as possible to increase the enemies damage resistance so that the enemy you try to burn, freeze, and plague at the same time will not die from the spells.

- Player Level Required:
Level 3 or higher

- Recommended Minimum Player Level:
Level 27 or higher

- Recommended Upgrades:
Bow (Increases Arrow Crit Chance and Firing Rate.)
Arrows (Increases Arrow Damage and Arrow Penetration Chance.)
Tower (Increases Maximum HP and Damage Reduction.)

You may want to avoid having the Torch Upgrade as it causes your spells to do more damage. In order for an enemy to be burned, frozen, and plagued it must survive being hit by a minimum of three spells. Increasing your spells damage will decrease the chance of an enemy living after being hit by three spells.

- Recommended Talents and Spells:
Frigid Blast (Ice Tree) (Tier 1)
Iceshard (Ice Tree) (Tier 2)
Fireball (Fire Tree) (Tier 1)
Wall of Fire (Fire Tree) (Tier 2)
Plague Bane (Unholy Tree) (Tier 1)
Gargoyle (Unholy Tree) (Tier 2)

Icebound (Ice Tree) (Tier 2) (Optional)
Flamebound (Fire Tree) (Tier 2) (Optional)
Plaguebound (Unholy Tree) (Tier 2) (Optional)

Although it helps to have the three optional talents Icebound, Flamebound, and Plague it requires a very high level to have the six spells unlocked along with these three talents, therefore they are optional.

- Strategy for Completing this Quest:
Stage 7 is an ideal stage due to the Rock Babies that spawn from the Rock Elemental.

The Rock Babies have a high damage resistance, there are many of them, and they all stand close together. This increases your chances of burning, freezing, and plaguing at least one of them when you cast your spells.

The strategy is to first destroy the Rock Elemental with your regular arrows. The Rock Elemental will then spawn his Rock Babies. Make sure the Rock Babies have fully spawned (and are not just rocks flying in the air) and then unleash all six of your spells on them at once (or in quick succession). Due to the multiple Rock Babies standing so close together and the high damage resistance the Rock Babies have, this increases the chances of at least one of the Rock Baby Enemies being burned, frozen, and plagued.

The first time the Rock Babies spawn is the best time to try and complete this quest as that is when the Rock Babies have full health and are least likely to die from your spells. Also, using all six spells instead of just three spells, doubles the number of spells that may cause the necessary status effects and increases your chances of completing the quest.


Bulwark (Survive 30 minutes in Survival Mode.) (Hard)


- This quest can be completed in:
Survival Mode

(Survival Mode is selectable from the Main Menu Screen)

Refer to section [008] Survival Mode Tips for the tips and strategy on how to complete this Quest and for tips and strategies for Survival Mode in general.


God Tier (Max Out a Single Upgrade) (Hard)


- This quest can be completed on:
The Stage Select Screen (Campaign Screen) > Upgrade Screen.

- Recommended Stage for Earning Gold:
Stage 7 - Ruins of Bellcoast (Night) (Boss)

- Total gold needed to upgrade one upgrade to the maximum:

- Player Level Required:
Any Level

- Recommended Upgrades for Beating Stage 7:
Bow (Increased firing rate)
Arrows (Increased arrow damage)

- Recommended Talents and Spells for Beating Stage 7:
Frigid Blast (Ice Tree) (Tier 1)
Fireball (Fire Tree (Tier 1)
Plague Bane (Unholy Tree) (Tier 1)

Crystallize (Ice Tree) (Tier 1) (Optional) (Increase your damage reduction.)
Hearth (Fire Tree) (Tier 1) (Optional) (Increase your maximum HP.)
Alchemist (Unholy Tree) (Optional) (Tier 1) (Increase the potency of your health potions.)

Any other talents or spells will help as well.

- Strategy for Completing this Quest:
Stage 7 is one of the earliest and quickest stages to earn gold on. It may be a bit difficult to beat if you are not a high enough Player Level and do not have enough spells, talents, and upgrades. If Stage 7 is too difficult to successfully complete I recommended gaining gold and experience from any of the other earlier stages.

The testing I did with Stage 7 gave these results. I earned 12,000 gold for completing the stage and it only took me an average of 1 minute and 23 seconds to complete. That's 8,079 gold per minute. This is much quicker than any of the other stages beforehand.

(Note: Stage 7 may give out varying amounts of gold and experience depending on certain factors when playing the stage. Even at lower than expected gold and experience amounts, the stage is still very short and gives high amounts of gold and experience per minute.)

The easiest way to earn this quest is to complete Stage 7 over and over. After earning a large amount of gold you can reset your Upgrades in the Upgrade Menu using the Reset Upgrades Button. After resetting your Upgrades you can now spend all your gold on One Upgrade. If you cannot upgrade One Upgrade to maximum, reset the Upgrades and put them back to how you like and continue to play Stage 7 to gain more gold. Repeat the process until you upgrade One Upgrade to maximum and obtain the quest. After obtaining the quest you can reset your Upgrades and upgrade the ones you prefer to upgrade.


A Knight's Task (Score 3 Stars on every world in Eriford and Londorin.) (Hard)


- This quest is completed when:
All stages have 3 stars.

- Recommended Stage for Earning Gold and Experience:
Stage 7 - Ruins of Bellcoast (Night) (Boss)

- Player Level Required:
Any Level

- Recommended Upgrades:
Bow (Increased firing rate)
Arrows (Increased arrow damage)

The other Upgrades will obviously help as well. I would focus on the Bow and Arrows Upgrades first, but still spend some gold on the other Upgrades as well.

- Recommended Talents and Spells:
Have all of these three Spells early on:
Frigid Blast (Ice Tree) (Tier 1)
Fireball (Fire Tree (Tier 1)
Plague Bane (Unholy Tree) (Tier 1)

Next try to also have all of these three Spells:
Ice Shard (Ice Tree) (Tier 2)
Wall of Fire (Fire Tree (Tier 2)
Gargoyle (Unholy Tree) (Tier 2)

Finally try to have one of these Spells equipped:
Winter's Freeze (Ice Tree) (Tier 3)
Hellfire (Fire Tree (Tier 3)
Army of Undead (Unholy Tree) (Tier 3)

These three Talents may help early on:
Crystallize (Ice Tree) (Tier 1) (Increase your damage reduction)
Hearth (Fire Tree) (Tier 1) (Increase your maximum HP)
Alchemist (Unholy Tree) (Tier 1) (Increase the potency of your health potions)

These three Talents are also very helpful, but having all three unlocked would take a very high player level (you may earn this quest before reaching that level).
Try to unlock and upgrade at least one of them, if you can.
Cryomancer (Ice Tree) (Tier 3) (Reduces cooldowns for all Ice Tree Active Spells.)
Pyromancer (Fire Tree) (Tier 3) (Reduces cooldowns for all Fire-based Active Spells.)
Necromancer (Unholy Tree) (Tier 3) (Reduces cooldowns for all Unholy-based Active Spells.)

Any other Talents or Spells will help as well.

- Strategy for Completing this Quest:
I recommend using the Tier 1 and Tier 2 Spells with One Tier 3 Spell as the Tier 1 and Tier 2 Spells have a much shorter cooldown time than the Tier 3 Spells. This gives you more chances to use your spells and may increase your damage per second.

The way I played through the game was by completing each stage a few times before moving on. This helped me to gain gold and experience to increase my upgrades, talents, and spells allowing me to successfully three star the game's stages. I also replayed Stage 7 a few times because it is one of the most effect stages for earning gold and experience early on.

The tips in the section [002] General Gameplay Tips of this guide may also help in completing this quest.


Wizard Blood (Equip a Spell on every slot of your hotbar.) (Hard)


- This quest can be completed on:
The Stage Select Screen (Campaign Screen) > Talent Screen.

- Recommended Stage for Earning Experience:
Stage 7 - Ruins of Bellcoast (Night) (Boss)

- Minimum Player Level Required:
Level 33

- Recommended Upgrades for Beating Stage 7:
Bow (Increased firing rate)
Arrows (Increased arrow damage)

- Recommend Talents and Spells for Beating Stage 7:
Frigid Blast (Ice Tree) (Tier 1)
Fireball (Fire Tree (Tier 1)
Plague Bane (Unholy Tree) (Tier 1)

Crystallize (Ice Tree) (Tier 1) (Optional) (Increase your damage reduction.)
Hearth (Fire Tree) (Tier 1) (Optional) (Increase your maximum HP.)
Alchemist (Unholy Tree) (Optional) (Tier 1) (Increase the potency of your health potions.)

Any other Talents or Spells will help as well.

- Strategy for Completing this Quest:
Stage 7 is one of the earliest and quickest stages to earn experience on. It may be a bit difficult to beat if you are not a high enough Player Level. If the Stage 7 is too difficult to beat I recommended gaining gold and experience from any of the other earlier stages.

The testing I did with Stage 7 gave these results. I earned 6,485 experience for completing the stage and it only took me an average of 1 minute and 23 seconds to complete. That's 4,706 experience per minute. This is much quicker than any of the other stages beforehand.

(Note: Stage 7 may give out varying amounts of gold and experience depending on certain factors when playing the stage. Even at lower than expected gold and experience amounts, Stage 7 is still very short and gives high amounts of gold and experience per minute.)

The easiest way to earn this quest is to complete Stage 7 over and over until you are Player Level 33 (the minimum level needed to have 7 Spells). After reaching Player Level 33 you can go to the Upgrade Menu and reset your Talents using the Reset Talents Button.

After resetting your Talents, navigate to the Talent Menu and spend 8 Talent Points in each Talent Tree (Ice, Fire, and Unholy) to unlock the second tier of talents and spells for each Talent Tree.

Next, unlock each one of the Tier 2 Spells (Ice Shard, Wall of Fire, and Gargoyle) but do not upgrade them.

Now, pick one of the Talent Trees and spend 5 More Talent Points in that Talent Tree.(That's 5 More Talent Points on top of the 8 Talent Points you have already spent in that Talent Tree. This will unlock the third tier of talents and spells. Spend your last Talent Point on the final Tier 3 Spell (either Winter's Freeze, Hellfire, or Army of Undead). Now equip the 7 Spells to your Hotbar and you should obtain the quest. After obtaining the quest you may reset your Talents and reallocate them any way you want.

3,174 posts


[007] Upgrade Costs


Here is the breakdown for the gold costs of the Upgrades, the cost to max out One Upgrade, and the cost to max out All of the Upgrades.

- Upgrade Level 1: 1,500 gold
- Upgrade Level 2: 3,000 gold
- Upgrade Level 3: 6,000 gold
- Upgrade Level 4: 12,000 gold
- Upgrade Level 5: 22,000 gold
- Upgrade Level 6: 40,000 gold
- Upgrade Level 7: 60,000 gold
- Upgrade Level 8: 80,000 gold
- Upgrade Level 9: 110,000 gold
- Upgrade Level 10: 140,000 gold

Cost to Max Out One Upgrade: 474,500 gold

Cost to Max Out All Upgrades: 1,898,000 gold

3,174 posts


[008] Survival Mode Tips


- Recommended Minimum Player Level:
The higher your player level the better.

- Recommended Upgrades:
The more upgrades you have the better. Every single upgrade will help, but of the four Tower (Increases Maximum HP and Damage Reduction) and Torch (Increases Spell Damage and Spell Crit Chance) may be very helpful as they increase your tower damage reduction and increase your spell damage. In Survival Mode you will rely heavily on your spells to kill enemies, therefore increasing spell damage is crucial.

- Recommended Talents and Spells:
Frigid Blast (Ice Tree) (Tier 1) (I highly recommend using this spell.)
Iceshard (Ice Tree) (Tier 2)
Fireball (Fire Tree) (Tier 1)
Wall of Fire (Fire Tree) (Tier 2) (I highly recommend using this spell.)
Plague Bane (Unholy Tree) (Tier 1)
Gargoyle (Unholy Tree) (Tier 2)

Crystallize (Ice Tree) (Tier 1) (Increases your Damage Reduction.) (I highly recommend having this talent fully upgraded.)
Hearth (Fire Tree) (Tier 1) (Increases your Maximum HP.) (I highly recommend having this talent fully upgraded.)
Alchemist (Unholy Tree) (Tier 1) (Increases the potency of Health Potions.) (I highly recommend having this talent fully upgraded.)

Icebound (Ice Tree) (Tier 2) (Optional) (Increases the chance active Ice Spells will Freeze targets.)
Flamebound (Fire Tree) (Tier 2) (Optional) (Increases the chance active Fire Spells will Burn targets.)
Plaguebound (Unholy Tree) (Tier 2) (Optional) (Increases the chance active Unholy Spells will Plague targets.)

Any one of these Tier 3 spells:
Winter's Freeze (Ice Tree) (Tier 3) (I highly recommend using this spell.)
Hellfire(Fire Tree) (Tier 3)
Army of Undead (Unholy Tree) (Tier 3)

Any one of these Tier 3 Talents:
Cryomancer (Ice Tree) (Tier 3) (Reduces the cooldowns for all Ice Tree Active Spells.)
Pyromancer (Fire Tree) (Tier 3) (Reduces the cooldowns for all Fire-based Active Spells.)
Necromancer (Unholy Tree) (Tier 3) (Reduces the cooldowns for all Unholy-based Active Spells.)

The idea here is that you are a high enough Player Level to equip All Three Tier 1 Spells and All Three Tier 2 Spells as well as One Tier 3 Spell. I personally prefer using the Tier 1 and Tier 2 spells with only One Tier 3 Spell as the cooldown times for Tier 1 and Tier 2 spells are much quicker than that of the Tier 3 Spells. With the Lower Tier Spells you can cast spells onto the battlefield much more often.

Also, the Tier 3 Spell that you choose should also determine the Talent Tree that you specialize in.

Frigid Blast is a great spell because it pushes enemies back and has a short cooldown time.

Wall of Fire is a great spell to use, especially when you specialize in the Fire Tree. This spells puts a flame wall up perpendicular across the battlefield. Any enemies that walks into the flame wall will take a lot of damage and many of the weaker, lower level enemies die just from touching the flame wall.

For the Tier 3 Spells, unless you are a very high Player Level you will probably only be able to pick one of the Tier 3 Spells.

I used Winter's Freeze predominantly when I did my Survival Mode run that lasted 2 hours and 9 minutes. Note, that I did specialize in the Ice Tree Spells.

If you are a high enough Player Level you can somewhat use all of the spells during play. You simply have to press the "T" button to bring up the Talent Menu and you can replace a spell that is cooling down with an unused spell. But, spells that are not in the Hotbar do not cooldown. You can use this trick more than once, but you will have to cycle the Tier 3 spells you used into the Hotbar to let the cooldown.

For the Tier 1 Talents I recommended Crystallize, Hearth, and Alchemist. Crystallize and Hearth will help you keep your tower standing longer. Alchemist may be the most important of those three talents as it really increases the efficacy of health potions. When fully upgraded Alchemist makes health potions heal a large amount of HP.

For the Tier 3 Talents you will probably have to pick just one (as you might not be a high enough Player Level to be able to pick more). You should invest Talent Points in the Tier 3 Talent that is in the same Talent Tree you are specializing in.

I recommended unlocking one of the Tier 3 Talents: Cyromance, Pyromance, or Necromancer because it is very helpful to reduce spell cooldown times. Unlocking all three Tier 3 Talents I listed would be the best option, but that takes a very high Player Level.


Strategy for Completing 30 Minutes and More in Survival Mode:


Survival Mode Strategy: Introduction
I will detail the way I completed my 2 hour and 9 minute run for the strategy in completing the quest for surviving 30 minutes and for the strategy for general Survival Mode help. There may be better methods and strategies. If you know of one feel free to post it in this thread.

This is a rather difficult quest. I was near or above Player Level 40 when I completed this quest and the quest was still challenging. However, recent patches may have made this quest easier.

Survival Mode Strategy: Spell Usage

The ways you use your spells in Survival Mode is critical. My first tip on spell use is that you should not wait too long before casting most of your Tier 1 and Tier 2 spells.

I prefer to have all of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 spells in my Hotbar and Winter's Freeze1 for my Tier 3 spell, also placed in my Hotbar.

For Tier 1 spells, if it is ready, cast it. This starts the cooldown timer and gets the spell ready sooner so that you can cast it again. Tier 1 have a short cooldown timer, imagine you wait 30 seconds, looking for the right time to cast your Tier 1 Spell Fireball. You could have cast that spell two more additional times had you just cast it as soon as it was ready.

For Tier 2 spells, you will want to cast these much like Tier 1 spells, pretty much as soon as they are ready, but you will want to have a little more discernment when casting Tier 2 spells. Basically cast these spells as soon as you see a large group of enemies entering the battlefield. If there are a handful of enemies halfway through the battlefield or even at your tower and you know you can kill them with your Tier 1 spells, then use those Tier 1 spells on those enemies. It won't be long before you see a large group of enemies entering at the back of the battlefield, that is the best place to cast your Tier 2 spells. On large groups of enemies, especially when they are near the back of the battlefield.

For Tier 3 spells you will want to cast these almost as soon as they are ready. Try to use your Tier 3 spell once every minute. Tier 3 spells practically cover the whole battlefield. If no or few enemies are attacking your tower and you have a Tier 3 spell ready, you can hold off using any spells and just wait for the enemies to be about halfway through the battlefield and then cast the Tier 3 spell right in the center of the enemies. Then use your lower level spells to clear off anything that survives or use the lower level spells on the next group of enemies entering the battlefield. Note, that If you are becoming overwhelmed and you have a Tier 3 ready, don't hesitate to use the spell. Also, when it less then a minute until a boss arrives, if you can, hold off on using your Tier 3 until the boss arrives so you can hit the boss with the spell. Lastly, Sometimes you can cast a Tier 3 spell and watch it kill everything on the battlefield, but later during your Survival Mode run, enemies will be much tougher and you will probably start casting your lower level spells immediately after casting your Tier 3 spell.

Near the later parts of a Survival Mode run you will be casting spells one after another. At times all your spells will be cooling down and you will be waiting for the next available spell to cast into the enemies. During this part of Survival Mode you probably won't be thinking too much on how to cast your spells, but instead just be casting them as soon as you can, trying to clear off enemies.

I noticed it seems best to try and clear all the enemies from near your tower, and the middle of the battlefield, so that you can focus your spells on the far end of the battlefield. Then you can focus your spells all at the far end of the battlefield, slight after the enemies step foot onto the battlefield. It seems that the enemies are less dispersed when they first walk onto the battlefield, epically later on in Survival Mode. Your spells should hit more enemies when cast at the far end of the battlefield and you don't have to figure when to aim your spells, when you can contain the enemies at the far end of the battlefield. Just remember in order to focus on the far end of the battlefield, the middle and near end (close to your tower), need to be cleared first or have very few enemies in them.

Survival Mode Strategy: Spell Cycling

This is an advanced strategy that is probably best utilized at higher Zazek.

Your Hotbar can only hold up to 7 spells, yet the player can have more spells than that unlocked. The player can also enter the Talent Menu at any time during battle by pressing "T". Once inside the Talent Menu the player can switch the active spells they have in the Hotbar with a spell resting in the Talent Menu.

The first time you switch a spell form the Talent Menu to theHotbar , the newly placed spell will have no cooldown timer and will be ready to use. If you use the spell, then put the old spell back into the Hotbar, the old spell will have the same cool down time left as when it was stored in the Talent Menu.

Spelling Cycling works like this. The player uses all the Tier 1 and Tier 2 throughout the battle along with one Tier 3 spell that they also use whenever they want. The spells resting in the Talent Menu are cycled out when the player is becoming overwhelmed or for a boss (especially Zazek).

Example of Spell Cycling:
Zazek first appears on the battlefield. The player uses Winter's Freeze that was already in the Hotbar. As soon as the player casts Winter's Freeze the player then presses "T" taking them to the Talent Menu. The player now puts switch Winter's Freeze with Hellfire. Hellfire is now in the Hotbar. The player presses "T" again to resume the battle and the player now casts Hellfire. Again, the player presses "T" goes to the Talent Menu and now switches Hellfire, with Army of Undead. The player resumes the battle and uses Army of Undead. When the boss is dead the player switches the original spell Winter's Freeze back into the Hotbar and let's the spell cool down. Once Winter's Freeze cools down, the player does not use the spell, but instead switches it with Hellfire. The player lets Hellfire cool down, but does not use it. The player then switches Hellfire with Army of Undead. Again, the player let's Army of Undead cool down, but does not use it. The player switches Army of Undead with Winter's Freeze. Now, the player can use Winter's Freeze for the rest of the battle until the next boss appears. When the next boss appears the player can now cycle out and use Hellfire and then quickly cycle out Army of Undead and use it.

The player Spell Cycling basically means that a player will have one moment where they can use all three Tier 3 Spells at once, follow by a period where the player is trying to cool down all the Tier 3 spells so that they can use them all at once again during another boss or difficult part during survival.

The hardest part of spell cycling is finding time to cool down your spells. Sometimes you will have to interrupt the cooldown process to switch out a readied spell and use it, just to stay alive. You can then continue the cooldown process from there.

Premium users can also cycle more spells due to the premium spells. However, the cooldown period will be much longer if that user chooses to cycle out and use all there spells during one time in battle.

Spell Cycling can also be done with lower tier spells and the user can keep the higher tier spells always in their Hotbar.

Survival Mode Strategy: Bosses

Bosses appear Every 5 minutes. It looks like the bosses always arrive in this order:
At 5 minutes the Rock Elemental
At 10 minutes the King Crab
At 15 minutes Zazek
At 20 minutes the Rock Elemental
At 25 minutes the King Crab
At 30 minutes Zazek
The pattern then repeats.

- For all of the bosses, try to save a Tier 3 spell for them. This means you can use your Tier 3 once every minute, just make sure not to use your Tier 3 within the minute before a boss arrive, if you can hold off the enemies without it.

- Another tip for all bosses, try not to let them stand in the spot at which they stop and begin there attacks on your tower. Whenever you can knock them back or freeze them. The less time the bosses stand in there firing position, the less damage they are doing to your tower.

- The hardest boss to defeat is almost always Zazek, he deals a lot of damage, and his totems can buff and heal enemies, as well as damage your tower. Try not to allow his totems to stay on the battlefield for very long, they can really add up and cause you a lot of problems. As with all bosses, try to keep Zazek frozen, plagued, and knock him back away from his firing position. Especially try to save your Tier 3 for Zazek if you can.

- I think after the 30 minute mark, when a boss arrives on screen, you will have 2 minutes to defeat that boss, before it enrages. I have never seen a boss enrage (I have always killed them before 2 minutes), but it can not be a good thing to let them enrage.

- If you have premium, I preferred to use Ice Wall about 10 seconds before a Zazek arrives and Soul Crystal during the battles with Zazek, if necessary.

Survival Mode Strategy: Additional Tips

- Try to pick every Health Potion that drops they are very helpful, especially when you have the Alchemist Talent fully upgraded.

- If enemies pile up by your tower you should prioritize them first and hit them with some spells to clear them.

- If a bunch of long range enemies pile up somewhere near the middle of the battlefield, prioritize them first and hit them with some spells to clear them. (Long range enemies include Goblin Archers, Goblin Cannons, Firebombs, and Mages.)

- When the Necromancers are on the battlefield you should try and kill them quickly as this unit heals the other units on the battlefield.

- There is almost always a Spider Enemy hanging in the upper left corner of the battlefield. If your Tower Upgrade is upgraded to a high level and you also have the Crystallize Talent upgraded to maximum, the Spider Enemies will not do very much damage and you can ignore it for the earlier portions of Survival Mode. Near the later portions of Survival Mode the Spider Enemy becomes more damaging and you may want to take him out if you get the chance. As well, your higher tier spells will probably kill the Spider Enemies from time to time.

- If you can, try not to let the Suicide Goblins hit your tower. They blow up and do a considerable amount of damage, compared to other low level enemies.

- If you want, you can keep restarting your Survival Mode, until you get the Survival Mode Item or Items that you prefer to have, early on.

Exact Strategy I used on my 2 Hour and 9 Minute Run

- I was a rather high Player Level with almost, if not all the spells unlocked.

- Used Premium spells, although I wen 1 hour and 17 minutes without premium spells in a different Survival Mode run. I used basically the same strategy, just without the Premium spells.

- I put all the Tier 1 and Tier 2 spells, along with one Tier 3 spell (Winter's Freeze) in the Hotbar.

- I Spell Cycled and used all the Tier 3 spells whenever aZazek appeared. After defeating Zazek, I would cool down all the Tier 3 and Premium spells one after another, saving them again for Zazek. I would however, put Winter's Freeze back in the Hotbar and use it whenever I could, letting it cool down one minute before every boss.

- I was almost constantly casting my other spells, with rare occasions here and there were I would save them for a few seconds, until I had a large group of enemies to cast the spells on. Near the end of the run I didn't wait at all. Casting my spells as soon as they were ready on the closest enemies or the enemies that were attacking.

Basically I followed the tips in this portion of the guide.

3,174 posts


[009] Game Secrets and Closing Statements



Game Secrets


- On the Main Menu Screen (The screen that says Campaign, Survival, Settings, Credits, More games) the player can aim the arrows coming from the right side of the screen. To aim the arrows simply move the mouse like when aiming during play.


Closing Statements


This guide and the information within was gathered, calculated, and written by Reton8. Tips from other users that may be added later will denote (give credit to) the user or users that gave the tip(s). The proper credit for user submitted tips will be found by the individual tips.

If you know of any better methods, information, or see a mistake, feel free to post it in this thread.

I hope this guide was helpful to you and thank you for reading it.

- Reton8

9,323 posts

@Reton8 Wow, great work! I made a short URL for it here:

12 posts

Awesome stuff, @Reton8!

3,174 posts

Cool! Thank you both! :]
Sentry Knight and Sentry Knight 2 have been a ton of fun to play!

8 posts

Great work! The many people who have been confused should see this!

3 posts

DO items stack with abilities? Liek Thorns and lvl 3 Crystallize, and Ressurection Stone and Hearth?

3,174 posts

I wouldn't know. It'd be very difficult to test the effects and if they stack. Enemies do have set HPs that are known due to the bestiary and that the monster power tells the user the percent change on monster HP. But during battle the enemy has a health bar instead of showing the actual HP. I guess one could screen cap the health bar of a specific enemy after shooting it with certain talents active. Then, restart the stage, activate additional or different talents, shoot the same enemy at full health, screen cap the health bar again and then compare the screen capped health bars. However, it might not be a conclusive result as we don't know how much the health bar display differs from actual HP amount. Also, this would not help with testing effects like freeze percentage.

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