ForumsWEPRWomen being Degraded

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579 posts

I don't mean for this to be inappropriate or disrespectful, but, is it true that women are being degraded in the Adult Film Industry.

What do you think, are they being degraded or not.

  • 29 Replies
579 posts

This is probably off topic, but I'll say it anyway

Therapists have said that Pornography is not harmful as long as it doesn't become a compulsion, I read it in a book, I don't think it's true.

What do you think is it true.

4,376 posts

well movies in theaters keep it under control i tihnk but like porn is just gay i hate it it gives women a bad name

4,376 posts

and i really dont think thats true at all dyablo

579 posts

Yeah but, Do you know what the word Compulsion means.

199 posts

Porn itself isn't degrading. It all depends on what you see as degrading. Some people see being naked at all on a camera degrading. Others see it as having forceful, also know as hardcore, sex in which the male has complete control. Just the word pornography has such negative connotations. But not all of it is degrading. If you were to watch the more romanticized pornography, more of a softcore porn, then you see more of an actual balance or relationship between the two people while still viewing two people of the opposite sex have intercourse. It is a "classier" version, and I use that word for lack of a better one.

Everyone is always worried about degrading women in porn. But there is so much more out there. What about gay porn? Is it degrading to the submissive male? What about the other genres of porn such as squishing, bondage, and the dominatrix scene? A guy can be dominated and abused just like a woman can. Some guys like to be submissive and controlled like that.

In most of your more common relationships you find it both ways though. One day you might feel powerful and controlling over your partner, it's an understood relationship and the trust between the two people makes it so that it's not degrading. But the next day, the other person might be the powerful one. What I am trying to say is that porn is only degrading if it is unwanted by any of the participants. Including the men, it's equal opportunity.

438 posts

well i think not very much in the film industry but in everyday life yes women are being degraded i see it every day as i walk down the street peopel don't have manners like they used to now it's more of americans are better and male americans are even better i mean sometimes i even fail to recognize myself falling into the same trap we are all equal no gender is better then the other

579 posts

Well, Women in the AFI are the best women in the world because they are more confident, ambitious and better than ordinary women, they are the best.

813 posts

How are women gettin degraded in America?

279 posts

its kinda their own fault.. they chose the career and knew what came with it..

139 posts

I is their fault and these women who do this as a career or profession cannot demand respect nor can they file a lawsuit for a harrasment case.

As far as your question Craze77,

Women are actually not being degraded. Because it is like woody_77 said, in the end it is her choice. My point that I'll bring up is that women actually have a choice to get involved in this stuff or not. Look at the literacy of this topic, "Women being Degraded." Literally speaking not ALL women are being degraded.

In order for this to be true ALL women would HAVE TO do something degrading. This is more of a ISSUE than a PROBLEM. The difference is that an issue is something that seems existant, where as a problem is something that actually exists. This topic is too general and can easily be defeated. All you need is to find just one woman that is not doing something that is doing something degrading.

How many of you know a respectable woman that is not working the Adult Industry and is working as a fire fighter or a teacher? Show of hands, now.

Me! All of my teachers were women.

This ISSUE has swept across the nation. To make a long story short, there IS inequality in this country but as far as a general topic such as this, the answer is no. For these two points, they chose to do something degrading and two not ALL women are actually being degraded. The wording of this topic should be changed.

But that is another story.

3 posts

porn is like an exorcism of the shadows of the mind. It can be considered degrading for women, but some women find it as a way to be idolized. It really depends on what genre of the culture we are looking at.
The woman holding the leash is not being degraded, but her pet boy might be... Yet that is what he wants.

Another thing, is the classic porn consisting of insane fornication can generally be seen as higher standards for some men too. Alot of guys are good for fifteen minutes to a half hour, and they are not hung like a bull, others can be marathon runners.
I am by no means taking the fact the degradation effects women, it can be for both genders, or it can have the opposite effect.

In essence, the whole thing is a tricky subject based on how personal sex is to the individual, and their fetishes, and abilities.
Sex without a camera can be embarrassing, or en-powering, depending on the situation and relationship, or lack there of, involved.

It simply is what it is, and represents the curious sexual nature of man, which is a primitive and difficult subject to evaluate without bias.

581 posts

female adult film actresses make more money in one year than i will make in my entire life so i don't care if they are being degraded. they choose to do it for the money. porn is filthy industry anyway. degrade them all you want i still won't watch.

343 posts

right its not like they were forced to do it, i mean i dont look at a random wonam down the street and say hey i think your a skank beacuse of some other lady halfway across the world is undressing for money

2,662 posts

not all people are forced to do it but the circumstances they are in using their bodies may be the only way of gettig by. I mean at least its not as bad as prostitution in my opinion but thats another topic altogether.

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