ForumsGame WalkthroughsSword & Spoon Full Game In-Depth Guide.

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Hello Everyone. Here is an In-Depth Guide for the Game - Sword and Spoon

Let me start off with the Important Overview Points(As given below the game).

1)Manage the castle from top to bottom,
Produce massive amount of food to feed your brave soldier in battle!

This has a very important message in it. I will explain more about it further..

2)Survive the three invading race by defeating them till the last wave,
pay attention for their strength and weakness.

The first line here talks about the Three Acts present in the Game. Now, one must pay attention to the Second Line. It is also important to pay attention to your Army's Strengths and Weaknesses.

3)Don't forget to upgrade the skill of your soldier

This line has a direct and an important message in it.

4)Collect all the scroll!
Each invading race will drop precious scroll belong to them

These lines will help you to complete the Librarian Quest!
The main Objective of the Game is to stop the incoming enemies before they can destroy your Castle.

This strategy game has you defending your castle from an encroaching horde of nasties, with able-bodied men at your disposal. In addition to constructing ranged and melee units, you also need to build potato farms and create servants who deliver the delicious tubers to your men when they run out of health and come jogging back into the castle. You can control where your units stand on the battlefield, as well as deploy some cooldown-inducing powers like summoning spearmen or burying the enemy under potatoes but much of the game is spent managing your Castle and your Soldiers, giving everything a time management feel. Here, the challenge comes with strategic deployment of your powers and clever resource management. You have finite spaces in your castle to put barracks or potato farms, and you'll need to make some tough decisions on the fly over whether you need more men on the field or more food to feed the ones you already have. Everything is upgradeable too(Except Enemy Soldiers!), so, for example you can watch your soldiers turn into knights and then into other ranks and your servants turn into better servants, and so on....

Other Useful Informations -
1)Defend the castle till the last wave of enemies.
2)Super boss is appearing at the end of each act.
3)Collect all scroll by defeating enemies from each act.
4) Upgrade unit and scroll to make your castle un-defeatable.
5)Gold earned in battle can be used to build and upgrade skill of the soldier.
6)Lord coin earned by winning a battle can be used to upgrade unit and scroll.
7)If you defend the castle, successfully with 55% of the castle's health still remaining, you will get 3 Coins in that Level. Earning 3 Coins in every Level will help you to upgrade the units faster.
8)Also, don't forget to collect the extra Gold Coins. This is a One time Collection. This can be done by clicking on "King's Gold". Then click on both the links and then, you would have collected your FREE 4 GOLD COINS!
9)Don't forget to use Scrolls as soon as they cool down! But, have the potato rain for some needy time.
Here is the In-Depth Guide for ALL the Levels of all the Three Acts
Each Castle contains 3 floors in all the Acts. But, all are not unlocked at the first time itself. They are unlocked gradually! I am naming Each Floor as A, B and C, starting from bottom to top. And I am Naming the rooms as 1, 2, 3, and 4 starting from right to left of the Castle.

To know all about your Enemy Soldiers and your Soldiers, click on Info. This gives all you need to know about all the Soldiers/Units. Note: The Heart icon shows the unit's health, the Sword icon shows the Unit's Attack/Power and the Potato Icon shows how many food the unit consumes once its Food-Level Indicating Bar present on the top of each Unit's head, depletes. Here new units are added to the list as you proceed further in the Game!

Before the Start of any level, point your Cursor on the Red Button, which shows the time for the next level to start, to know which Enemy Soldiers are Coming and number of each kind of Enemy Soldiers that are coming.

Press 'Q' to change the rally point of the Melee Units and 'W' to change the Rally Point of the Ranged Units. This can also be done by clicking on the Icons present a bit left to the Centre, at the bottom of the Screen.

As the Levels progress, you would have unlocked new Scrolls. And if you finish a wave early, and if soldiers are ready, Immediately click the Start Next Wave option. That will add the exact number of seconds to the cool down of abilities and also gives you extra gold. This is better than being idle for some time as you would have gained extra gold by doing this!

In each of the levels, try to place the buildings as fast as you can, as time is always running out and enemies are always trying to get to your Castle Doorstep!

After placing all the Buildings, if you still have Gold left, use that gold to make Barrack Unit Upgrades.

Act I Level 1
In this level, A1 is not unlocked. Only A2, A3 and A4 are unlocked.
Buildings Unlocked in this level - Barracks and Potato Field and Servant Signpost.
Suggestions for the Strategic Locations of the Buildings -
1)Place the Potato Field in A2, so that servant would not have to go far to get food and thus, it won't form a queue of Soldiers waiting for Food.
2) Place Barracks and Servant Signpost in either A3 or A4. It wont affect much!
This is a very easy level and you will easily earn 3 coins here. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
By this time, you would have got 7 Gold Coins. Spend that on Upgrading your Melee and Servant Units. To do so, click on back, after finishing a Battle, which will be located at the bottom of the Screen and then, you will know where to go!

For every level from now on, you can place Potato Fields in A1 and as you get going through the game, maybe starting from Act II, you should save the A2 spot for this. Then, your soldiers will save a lot of time as food will be available at a very close range and this will make them not to Queue up more.

Act I Level 2
Here, A1, A2, A3 and A4 is unlocked. You know where to place your Potato Field now! And, from this level, Ranged units are unlocked and you can place that, the Barracks and the Servant Signpost in A2, A3 or A4.
Here, deploy your Spearmen as soon as that ability cools down and follow this from now on. They do not Consume any food and will also fight with you, as your ally! Here, try to use your 'Potato Rain' ability in the 2nd Wave. If you have Melee units, they will stop the enemies' progression and this will give you a single spot to rain your potatoes on! If you have time after the second wave, click the Start Next wave Button to gain extra Gold, in addition to Ability Cool down.After killing a few enemies, you would have gained some gold. Immediately use that gold to upgrade your Units. (Preferably Melee, if you also have Ranged Units).By the time the 3rd wave starts, your abilities would have cooled down. Now, deploy your Spearmen and then Rain Potatoes on the Enemies, once the fighting between your units and the Enemies are engaged in Fighting so that all the Enemies are in one place and you can damage all the Enemies.If you follow these, you will have no problem getting 3 Stars in the level.
If you had placed Ranged Units in this Level, you would have noticed that they will constantly be in need of Tubers and this would have formed up a queue of soldiers, sometimes. And if this happens in the future levels, you will be in deep trouble. I will tell you why. If you provide food to ranged Units, and if they will attack once, their food reduces drastically and archers fire one arrow at a time for some food. In future levels, you will have better upgrades of Archers who would have cool abilities. But if you have a lot of them at that time you would have to fill all places in 'A' with Fields and almost all places in 'B' with Servant Signposts, in order to meet their food requirements. This will leave almost nothing for barracks. And if this happens, you will certainly be defeated as Enemy Strength increases as you proceed further in the Game! So, I strongly suggest that you have more Barracks and maximum of 2 or 4 Archer Units in Future Levels. By doing this, your soldiers will not queue up more and this will mean that more units will be fighting that waiting for food. It would also be excellent if you have no Ranged Units, especially in Act III. If you do not believe me, try my advise out once. It will certainly be of great help. But there are inevitable circumstances, once in Act III, where there is a wizard and you will see that he consumes almost everything you have and other soldiers will almost always be lining up for food and this will make winning that level with 3 stars a bit difficult. So, if you choose to act according to my advice of having very few Ranged Units, if possible none, please do so and you will find that helpful!
After the Battle, Upgrade your abilities. I suggest that you upgrade the first 3 abilities, order as shown in the Upgrade Option.

Act I Level 3
Here, A1, A2, A3 and A4 is unlocked. You know where to place your Potato Field now (if you have forgotten, its A1)! If you decide to follow my advice, do not have any Ranged Units here. They are not required here and having 2 Barracks is enough. Deploy you abilities once they cool down and drop your potatoes once all the enemies are at a single place.
Once you defeat a few enemies, you would have gathered some gold. Use that to Upgrade your Barracks! Even this level is not so difficult and you can easily get 3 Coins!
Here again, try to upgrade your abilities. It will be of help in the next battle. If a few Coins remain, Upgrade your Units.

Act I Level 4
From here on the Barracks can be upgraded to produce Knights. Knights are very strong fighters. They wear heavy armour, making them durable in combat and hence they do not run often for food. The best part about them is that they have 50 health and 5 power/attack opposed to Archers' 5 health and 3 attack. Hope you see the difference! Even here the slots available are A1, A2, A3 and A4. I wont talk about the Potato Fields and Ranged Units from now on. Even here, 2 Barracks, a Potato Field and a Servant Signpost is enough. And you would be knowing when to use your abilities by now(do not forget to use them)! From here a new Ranged enemies start. to defeat them, change your Rally point and bring it as close to them, as you can and they do not have a very large health and if you change your rally point to be nearer to them, you can easily defeat them![i] I suggest that for now on you place your Melee Units' Rally Point as near to the right of the screen as possible. This also has 2 advantages. From now on you will be getting both melee and Ranged Enemies. So, if you are close to the right of the screen(preferably closest) for now, you can hold your enemies off right there and your 'Potato-Rain' ability will be more effective as every enemy will be at one spot - i.e., to the right side of the Screen.
If you follow these steps, you can easily get 3 Coins at the end of the Battle!
Try to upgrade your Spearmen and 'Potato-Rain' abilities for now.

Act I Level 5
From now on, B1 is unlocked.
Have the Servant Signpost in B1, Barracks in A3 and A4. Potato Fields in A1. Keep A2 unoccupied for now. But as the battle progresses, you would have to decide if you want either a Field or a barrack there. Also, try to upgrade Servant Signpost. From wave 3, a new enemy called Vok appears. Its a bird which straight away goes into your Castle Doorstep. So watch out for this bird and whenever you see this Vok coming in the next wave from now on, immediately change your rally point to the closest to your Castle. Defeating them is easy. Then, again change it to the right side of the screen. I will not remind about this from now. So, watch out for Voks before starting every wave from now. If you see them coming, you know what to do! Also, try to upgrade your barracks to produce durable Knights. You also know what to do when ranged enemy units arrive. (move further towards your right!) Don't forget to upgrade your Units. Keep an eye on your Castle's Health from now on. Following these advices, you will certainly get 3 Coins.
Now, Upgrade your Units, using your coins.

Act I Level 6
This is the Final Level of Act I where you will meet a Big Boss like Enemy. So, stay informed and prepared. Here B2 is unlocked and use the same trick you followed in Level 5 and decide what you want in B2. You will be familiar with your abilities by now and don't forget to upgrade your units and Slots after earning some Gold. Don't forget to earn extra Gold by starting the next wave early, if you are prepared! Another tip from now on - If you are fighting Melee units and If Ranged Enemy Units arrive late. drop your Spearmen on the Ranged Units so that they will not do much of damage.
About fighting the boss, go to the farthest to the right as possible and go all out on him! Use all your abilities, everything against him. Then you sure will defeat him and earn 3 Coins.
This marks the end of Act I. Act II starts from now. Everything gets exciting from now. Upgrade your abilities and if possible your Servants from now on.

Act II Level 1
You will now be having a good grasp of the game. So, I will skip the basics and from now on, I will add only new developments in the Game and how you should face them. Follow the same placements as you did in the earlier level.Check out new enemy stats from info! If you got 3 Coins here, it means that you are getting to have a good grasp of the game.
Don't forget to Upgrade.

Act II Level 2
Assuming that you have understood by-far, I am skipping the Basics. In this level, you will be getting a watch tower. Please try to restore it. It will be of great help and costs 20 Gold per restoration. It fires normal arrows and some health of its gets depleted once every arrow is shot. Once the health is completely depleted, restore it once again.It consumes no food! So, it some what acts as a replacement to archers and does not take any damage even if enemies go next to it! So, my suggestion is to restore the Tower and have it operational at all times. In this level, you will get another Scroll. But it is not too helpful. So, I 'Suggest' that you you not equip that Scroll or upgrade it. Getting 3 Coins here is not too tough!
Don't forget to upgrade!

Act II Level 3
Here, its almost the same as Level 2 but there are 10 levels for you to face.
I also suggest that you don't use the Firecracker Upgrade in the Battle. Also, follow the same placements as you did in Level 2 as B3 is not unlocked here(Fields -A1, if necessary, in the vacant spot ie,.A2, Barracks and Servants anywhere you want and Ranged Units if you strongly feel that you need them, anywhere apart from A1 and A2). If you follow everything that I have said above, it should get yo through this level. Remember to change Barracks to Knights, to upgrade their in-game abilities, upgrade Watch-Tower, use your Scrolls wisely, at the right moment, and be ware of voks in waves 3,5,7,8 and 10. Another info I would like to give you id about a new enemy for now for this act – ent Tosser. This is an enemy ranged unit who hits your units with big stones. Don't worry too much about him. Do the same as I had mentioned to do with Ranged Units in Act I. That should defeat him! From now on you would be needing upgraded Potato Fields. So, upgrade your fields to the maximum level possible. I will not be reminding you about this further. (You will find out why they need to be upgraded, as you proceed further in the game. This will also help you to reduce long queues of soldiers waiting for food).
Try to upgrade your units this time. Preferably Servant, if you haven't. Don't spend too much of your coins upgrading ranged units.

Act II Level 4
From this level, B3 is unlocked. So, I suggest that you have an additional barracks along with the other placements which you did in level 3, which you may continue to do so here. I also suggest that from now on, instead of having 2 Servant Signposts, upgrade the existing one. This will help you to save slots in the Castle. Another new enemy starts from here, for this act. It's Ent Sap. They have a large attack power and a large Health. So deal with the same way that I have told you to deal with Ranged Units although they they fall almost in the middle of the two categories. They may sometimes cause you some problems. So, be careful with them. But the other things told in Level 3 can be followed and you can manage to get 3 coins here. Do not be at a distance from Ent Sap as they can Entangle your Units.
Continue Upgrading, using your Coins.


Act II Level 5
From this Level, B4 is Unlocked. And the going gets tough. Also, here you will not be able to place fields in A1 or A2. I will tell you why. In A1 and A2 there are preset Barbarian occupants, available from now on, as a Barrack Upgrade. So, in this level, I suggest that you place your fields in A3 and A4, and try to upgrade your fields. There is also another major choosing option issue that I would like to inform you about. Whenever you would want to upgrade your Barracks, a confusion may arise in your mind on which path you should choose a Barbarian cave, which is cheaper or a Knight Upgrade, which is a bit expensive. I am telling you this out of a personal experience. [b]First, compare the stats of the Barbarians and Knights in the Info. You will find out that the Knights out-do the barbarians in all aspects. Meaning that they out-do the Barbarians in aspects of Health/Durability in Fight, Attack/Power
and the amount of food consumed each time(Here, you would want this number to be less). So, except for in this level, which is inevitable, NEVER UPGRADE YOUR BARRACKS INTA A BARBARIAN CAVE. If you have all your Barracks upgraded to Barbarian Caves, you will only see those soldiers queuing up for eating, instead of fighting, mostly! And if they queue up more, other soldiers will not get food at the right time and chances are high that you win only 2 or less Gold Coins or Worse, be defeated. So, please stick to my advice for this time. You will also have to start choosing and using your abilities, wisely, from now on. Don't forget to upgrade your towers in this and also in the next level. Also, instead of having two Fields, have an upgraded field. Or if you want the output of 4 Fields,
build and upgrade 2 Fields. This will help you yo save Slots in the Castle. A question might now arise in your mind – What If Ent Sap and Ent Tosser come together. I suggest this – Send your Melee Units Near Ent Sap and your Spearmen near Ent Tosser so that the Tossers will not affect your Melee Units as they would be busy fighting the Spearmen. Once your Melee Units finish with the Ent Sap, they can move onto Ent Tosser and then kill them. If you still have time for the next Wave and if you are prepared, click the Start the Next Wave Button and then, you can earn some Extra Gold! Beware of Voks in this level and in the next! If you want to defeat Ent Saps and Tossers Easily, move your Rally Point to the Right Side of the Screen and make the Enemies to somewhat form groups in fighting you, in a single place and then, Rain Potatoes on them! The Game becomes tough as you move towards the Last Wave. So, have your Potato Fields and Servants ready.
If you have Upgraded your Melee Units and Servants, completely, Upgrade the 'Support' and 'Scrolls'.
Upgrading Support will cut down the Cost of building. Also, add Entanglement as a 4th Scroll in your Slot!(along with the Potato-rain, Spearmen and Orcs)

Act II Level 6
This is the last level of this Act! And surely, the going gets though here. You have to use your Strategic abilities, completely, here. And a strong “Queen” awaits you in the Last Wave. So, be ready for all enemies that you have faced in this Act and also be ready with all the suggestions that I have given you, in your mind. From this Level a Support type of building starts. In this level, you can try it out. But as you enter the next Act, you will be needing more soldiers to fight for you. So, I suggest that you do away with the Support Buildings in Future as you would be needing more Slots for Soldiers, along with Fields and Signposts. I am not saying that they are not useful but I am saying that they take up the limited space of your Castle and as the Last Wave of each level approaches, you will feel that you would have needed more soldiers and hence, I suggested that you should try to do away with those buildings, however attractive they are!(Not literally!) . Also, try to have 3 Potato Fields from now on and have it Upgraded. You will also be needing at-least 2 Upgraded Signposts from this level. So, you know where to place your fields, in order to save time and prevent queuing of soldiers. In this level, a new enemy, a flower like enemy appears. It is a very dangerous enemy as when time ripens, it hatches into Ent Branches. So, click on those flowers as soon as you see them on the screen and they can be destroyed ONLY by clicking on them. So, if you click on them till they die, you will be relieved of a few Ent Branches and you would not want a lot of enemies in the final Level, right? Don't forget to Upgrade your Barracks. So, play this level Strategically, Wisely and Carefully. Here is how you defeat the Ent Queen, who appears in the final level. Statistically, she has far less health(150) compared to the Orc Lord(350) you faced in Act I Level 6. But she has far more power/attack(70) compared to Arc Lord(10). So, she is far more tough to defeat. I will give you some tips to defeat her. She has the power to summon enemies. So, you have no choice but fight them. But if you are fighting the queen send your Spearmen or Orcs to finish them. She can also create those flowers that I had warned you about. So, be careful with them, click them as soon as they appear and don't pile up more enemies to fight. As soon as you get Gold, spend them on Upgrades. The Ent Queen has one more trick up her sleeve – She can go underground and appear randomly on any part on the ground. But, this has a flaw, which I noticed. Whenever she goes underground, before surfacing again the point at where she is going to surface shakes a bit. So, as soon as she goes underground, select the rally Point option and wait for the ground to shake and immediately place your rally point there. Do this every time she goes underground and after changing there Rally point, immediately Rain Potatoes there. This is going to affect her health a lot! There is one thing I need to warn you about – if you are a bit late in changing your Rally Point, you will be hit by a Ground Shake created by her landing. So, be careful with her. I hope I have helped you atleast a bit in killing the Ent Queen! After you finish this level, which is a bit tiring you will have 2 easy Levels in the next Act. So, say good-bye to this Act.
If you have upgraded your Units, Concentrate on your Scrolls from now on. You will also receive 3 additional Coins for completing the level.

Act III Level 1
From this level, there is darkness all around. So, you will have to activate 2 lamps in order for your soldiers to spot enemies and also to improve their accuracy. It will cost you 10 Gold to light up the lamps for 3 minutes. After that time they will die out and you will have to light them up again. So, I Suggest that you have the lamps, lit up at all times. I think you will be very familiar with your troops and their upgraded by now. I will also skip the order for placement of buildings for now. But if you feel you need a Support Building, you may have it. But I feel that it in not completely necessary. Also, you will face a new set of strong enemies from now on. So, always be on the look out for their Statistics and Info. Fighting of enemies gets really tough from now on. So, always be ready with Servants and Tubers. Take the same suggestion that I gave I the level above – Upgraded Fields and Signposts in order to save slots and try to have Potato Field in A3 from now on. It can reduce queuing of soldiers and you are not left very vulnerable to the attacks of the enemies. Use your Potato-Rain ability in the way that I have told you earlier. It can come in handy and also kill a lot of enemies. The first Level here is not so tough. So, you can easily surpass it with 3 Coins.
Upgrade your Scrolls for now.

Act III Level 2
Here again, no new slots are unlocked. The change here is that you will be fighting 10 waves. So, follow the same advice that I have given you, for Level 1 and that should get you through this level.
In this level, you will get a new Scroll. Place that Scroll as the 4th Ability and that is a very helpful Scroll. I will tell you why, later on. So, I think that this information will get you through the level with 3 Coins. But, always have a lookout for Info!
I suggest that you use the coins yo upgrade your new Scroll that you have gained. What that scroll does is this – Once it cools down, it gives you Gold, that can be used in the Battle and this Gold can come in handy for upgrades as the going gets tougher and tougher as you proceed!

Act III Level 3
From this level, C1 is unlocked. So, I suggest that you place an additional Barracks there and upgrade all other buildings that you have built. You may also require a Servant Signpost to be Upgraded to Level 3 from now on, in order to keep your army well fed. Also, a new upgrade – Arc Leader starts from now on. I suggest that you go for that Upgrade. Reason is this – even though they consume a bit more food, they have a good attack/power that you will be needing from now on, in order to fight the enemies who are strong So, as I have suggested, go for this upgrade. You can follow the other suggestions given by me for the earlier levels of this Act. As the Waves progresses here, the fighting also gets tougher. Though this level can prove to be a bit tough, you will be able to finish it with 3 Coins.
So, Upgrade your Scrolls now! If anything is left, use it to upgrade your Units

Act III Level 4
In this level, C2 is unlocked. But, at the start of the level itself, there is a Wizard Building, (Upgraded Archer Building). You will also have an Archery Range next to it, so, it will improve his attack power. But still, you can have a Potato Field in A1 and A4, in this level. The starting Waves are a bit easy but everything gets difficult as you progress through the Waves. A circus tent will come in handy here, to slow down enemies. From this level onwards, you will have to choose between Scrolls. That is – if you want the 'wealth' Scroll in order to get more gold or if you want the 'Entanglement' Scroll in order to slow down the Enemies. Both are important Scrolls. So, you will have to choose between them. There is also an advantage of having a Circus Tent in this Level. The reason is that you can slow down enemies and also, the wizard can easily attack the enemies. From Wave 11, you will be fighting a new enemy from now on, called the Necromancer. He creates Wandering Souls which will get into your Soldiers and start attacking your own soldiers with the soldiers that they have possessed. And the Neromancers will not stop with this. They will be creating Wandering Souls till they die. And sending Spearmen to fight them is also not helpful as they will be creating Wandering Souls till they die and if the Wandering Souls possess all of your Soldiers, you will surely be defeated. So I suggest that you rain potatoes on Necromancers as soon as you see them on the screen and this will help you a lot as your soldiers will be stopped from fighting against you!. Though I had suggested against having Archers and their Upgrades, I think you may need a Circus Tent from now on, in order to stop the fast advancing, large hordes of enemies(Upgrade the Circus Tent further in order to get better Results). But, be sure that you have enough food supplies before having that upgrade. Also, if you think you have a large food supply, you may also think about having a Wizard upgrade
Upgrade the last Scroll to the maximum possible. Try to have the Potato-Rain, Spearmen, Entanglement and Dread Sword Scrolls, equipped in your abilities for the next two levels.
Act III Level 5
From this Level, even C3 and C4 is unlocked. From this Level, having at-least 2-3 Circus Tents is completely essential, in order to win the Game. Here's why - when you keep progressing through the levels, the number of enemies that you meet will increase. This would mean that you would have to fight large hordes of enemies in a wave and sometimes, the Enemies would come closer to the Castle, if your units are lined up, waiting for food which would mean that not enough units are left, for fighting and this, will drastically decrease the Castle's health or worse, might destroy it. In order to win the game, you will have to keep your enemies as far from the Castle as you can. So, if you have Circus Tents from here, it will produce a soldier which attacks the enemies with a Sticky-Ball and this will not only decrease their progression toward the Castle but also affect their. If you Upgrade all the abilities of the Circus Tent, it will be of very great help. So, try to have at-least 2, if possible 3 Circus Tents in this Level. From here on, 2 potato Fields is also necessary. So, having other buildings in the Count, it would leave space for 4-6 Barracks. Try to have them upgraded to Knights, Stop the Upgrades at that and then upgrade the Knights' abilities to the fullest possible. So, if you have Circus Tents, Upgrade its abilities, have Knights and then upgrade the Knights' abilities and then the combined efforts of them both will take you through the level. The Waves which start off are quite easy but it gets tough as the Waves progress. From this Level, you will meet a new Enemy known as the Tomber. He is “Very Big” in size, but can be defeated easily. His Stats tell that he has Moderate Health and bit less Attack/Power. Here's how to defeat him – Tomber is very slow in movement. So, when you see that you are going to face him in the next wave, have your Potatoes ready. When he/they appear on the right side of the Screen, wait for a few seconds, so that other enemies also appear and since Tomber(s) is/are slow moving, they would not have gone far. Now, rain your Potatoes as soon as you see the other Enemies of yours come closer to the Tomber and this will serve you as a Bonus as both the Tomber(s) and the Other Enemy Soldiers will be attacked. After this, let the other Enemies proceed further. Tombers will move on slowly and Circus tent soldiers may further slow them down. After other enemies have moved on, place your Spearmen on the Tombers. This way, the Tombers can easily be defeated. When your Spearmen are placed on the Tomber the Tomber will not resort to Ranged Attacks, which causes Stun Effect to your other Soldiers. So, when Spearmen are placed on them, the Tomber will try to toss Logs above itself, but it will not be of much help and your Spearmen will easily defeat the Tomber as much of its health would be drained by the Potatoes! Continue this method in the next level too, in order to defeat the Tombers. And, about using the Dread Sword ability, check the enemies who you will face in the next Wave and then, wait till all the enemies to appear on the Screen and then use this Scroll as it will attack all the enemies present on the screen and this can prove advantageous! So, with a lot of action, you can finish with this Level. Also, do not miss to read new 'Info' as new Enemies show up.
Now, if you have enough Coins left, upgrade the 4 Scrolls that have been mentioned above and then, Equip them to your Slots.
Act III Level 6
This is the last level of the Game. It is a bit tough to not be defeated! Here, you will see waves of enemies approaching and a Single “Boss”(Fallen Wraith King) appearing at the last and then creating enemies when he wishes. So, here is the positioning of buildings that I had used in that Level. I thought this might be of help. I had Circus Tent on C3 and C4. Because I would not further upgrade the buildings having it at the last would not waste time. I also had Circus Tents in C1 and C2, but later, I upgraded them in order to produce Wizards! I also had Potato Fields on A1 and A2, completely Upgraded. Wizard at C1 and C2 and the Barracks in A3, A4, B2, B3 and B4 and a Servant Signpost in B1. The First 13 Waves are almost similar to that of level 5 but sometimes these levels may have extra number of enemies. So, if you follow what you did in level 5, it can get you through till wave 13. But in Wave 14, you will finally face your Last Set of Enemies. I will give you a few tips you might want to take in order to defeat the Fallen Wraith King. Statistically he has a good balance of Health and Attack/Power. Another trick he has up his sleeve is that he Hovers above the ground and when he is doing so, you will not be able to attack him. Occasionally, he drops down to the ground and clings around for a while. It is at this time that you would want to attack him. He also created enemy units while he is in the Air and you would have to fight them also. While fighting them, he night also shower your units with Fire like Rain that will make your soldiers more hungry. At times, White Circles might appear above your Units, with a message – CLICK. Keep clicking them all until they disappear or it might completely drain your soldiers' energy and will make them run for Tubers. Also, I suggest that you do not use your abilities against other Enemies in the Final Wave. Reserve it for the Fallen Wraith Knight. As soon as you see him coming close to the Ground, be ready to rain Potatoes and to use the Dread Sword Scroll. Also, try to Entangle him as this might give some more time for your troops to fight him. You may reserve your Spearmen for the Tombers. The Fallen Wraith Knight can also summon Wraith Knights and they, can be a bit dangerous. If your troops are fighting other enemies and the Fallen Wraith Knight drops down, immediately change your Melee troops' Rally Point to that place as this opportunity does not come too very often. Do not worry about your Castle's health as your Circus Tent troops will slow the other enemies down and give enough time for your troops to reach back and fight them. So, you will be able to fight and defeat the Fallen Knight King only when he is on the Ground. So, look out for this opportunity and defeat the Fallen Wraith Knight.
This level marks the end of the Game (and my Guide for this Game). As stated in the game, there will be a Sequel to it. So, if you like this game, wait for a Sequel to come up!
Note: If you have any problem(s) or if you are stuck somewhere in the game, please do bring it to my notice so that I may be of help to you and to others who maybe stuck with that problem.

After the first few levels, I have not made the Point of Strategic Location of Buildings but I have tried to include it in other level Guides in some form. I have skipped it because I felt that as the Game progressed, you would become familiar with these placements. I have also skipped the 'Buildings Unlocked in this Level' Point as the Game itself will provide you with that information if a new building is unlocked in that level, along with Stats about that.

Though I have told that I would not be repeating a few Suggestions at some places, I have sometimes repeated them at a few places as I felt that it would be good to warn you.

When referring to Scrolls, at a few places, I have not used the exact names as given to them in the Game, but the Names which I have used over here can be easily interpreted.

If you have any Suggestion(s) to make (regarding the Guide), please do tell me about it in my profile so that I may be able to improvise in the future.

  • 9 Replies
56 posts

This guide is great!
I'm still reading half of it btw..gonna inform you if anything is needed for improvement!

9,323 posts

I'm also impressed! Looping in @Reton8.

3,174 posts

Nice work! @akshobhya
Very thorough.
You're quest and merit should be awarded to you! :]

14,745 posts

@akshobhya Very nice guide!! Well done!

One thing I want to point out though...

I found it very useful and important to always place the potato field in the A4 spot/chamber (providing this is the one on the bottom row, most to the right?), because that way the servants need to walk across less distance to get new food and can feed your troops more quickly!

If you get to the later -more difficult- levels, use A3 and A4 for potato fields for the exact same reason... your troops benefit greatly from being fed quicker this way and it can really mean the difference in winning a battle!

EDIT: Never mind... I wrote the post after reading through your guide entirely and upon reading back after posting, I discovered you already mentioned it in the Act 1 - Level 1 part of the guide! Sorry...

5,063 posts

I thank you all for spending your time in reading my Guide and more importantly, appreciating it. I am feeling so honored. Thank You Everyone.

9,323 posts

I've added the guide to the game page.

@Reton8 If you see any other good game guides like this let me know, love to feature them on the relevant game pages.

3,174 posts

Can do! :]

1 posts

I couldn't find the menu theme, can someone link me?

2 posts

Thank you for this guide. I started reading after Act II level 5 and you'll surely guess why

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