This group is for people who are fans of Ike or Fire emblem. If u would like to join, post on here saying so or message me on my profileJoin the Sig Strikers!
I will have the member list on my profileJoin the Ike ClanJoin the Sig Strikers
srry for triple posting but i forgot to say, it's actually called the "Ike Clan" not groupJoin the Ike ClanJoin the Sig Strikers
Does that Signiture thing require you to say JOIN US at the bottom, because that gets annoying, pleae don't do that with your clan.
no u don't have to,Join the Ike ClanJoin the Sig Strikers
Well,you did it again.And whats LKE / lke ?Explain further.
it's Ike from fire emblemJoin the Ike ClanJoin the Sig Strikers
alguzara, what did i do again??Join the Ike ClanJoin the Sig Strikers
another club????????????? it su***!!!!!!
@shadow_stealth .........................@the Ike clan What do you do in it...?
u like Ike and talk about himJoin the Ike ClanJoin the Sig Strikers
also, members who make sigs of Ike and post it regularly will become higher rank, and first person to join becomes assistant leader if they make a sig or post join the Ike clan when they postJoin the Ike ClanJoin the Sig Strikers
I'm pretty much through with sigs, so I don't think I'll join this group. Sorry.
u don't have to make a sigJoin the Ike ClanJoin the Sig Strikers
Yes, but still...:P Even if I wanted to, I don't think I would be ready.
u don't have to be assistant leaderJoin the Ike ClanJoin the Sig Strikers
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