ForumsWEPRA Biased topic on being biased

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This is a biased topic that I am making because it is *mainly* directed towards homosexual people.

*If you are not comfortable talking about your sexuality in an appropriate way please do not feel obligated to post here.*

I was wondering if any of you gay folks out there find yourself discriminating against straight people? For example:

This lesbian comedian I was watching admitted that as a cop she wouldn't ticket gay people. She may or may not have been joking. Either way, because we (homosexuals) have such oppression that we are worried about, no one ever talks about how we might discriminate against the straight folks. I find that I will prefer to be around gay people than I will straight. I feel that is normal for my lifestyle. BUT...I would definitely go out of my way to help someone that was gay versus a straight person.

  • 41 Replies
5,001 posts

DM, that helps me understand how I feel now. Thank you!

'Voidy, you would think so, but we don't. We ARE humans. No matter what we are going to clump people in categories and assess them appropriately in our heads.

Like DM is saying, I just feel more comfortable around gay people because I know that in the back of their mind they aren't uncomfortable or ridiculing me. I have encountered many straight folks that claim they are okay with us, then turn around a week later and can't hang out because they don't agree with our lifestyle. Try that on a few times and you will get burned enough to not want to do it again.

1,973 posts

That's the problem with mankind. We judge JUDGE and JUDGE! No one these days really look inside for a friend or someone compatible. Tisk tisk....

Alot of other straight people think that just being around someone whom is homosexual, will be "hit on," or something like that. That is just yet another stereotype.

I personally think homosexuals are the nicest people you can meet! To be honest....right before I left VA, I met my girlfriends parents. Man was I in for a surprise! Her mom was homosexual and had a girlfriend! Of course it was awkward foguring that out, but in minutes stories were being passed around and we were having a jolly time!

Just proves that homosexuals aren't too much different. I'd say that they might even be more fun to be around than straight people.

5,001 posts

Well, I don't think it is the homosexuality that makes them more enjoyable to be around, I think it goes deeper. You are going to have more open-minded, liberal, easy-going homosexuals. It just comes with the territory. Though, I do have a lesbian friend who is republican conservative. It is weird...

1,973 posts

Haha, I was just saying that alot of homosexuals are very nice! But I do have to say that homosexual men do tend to be "softer," but nothing against that.

Republican conservative? Hmmm, maybe she doesn't know o.O

107 posts

I bet there's no significant correlation between sexual and political orientation, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of gays on the political right were a lot more closeted, secretive, or unaware about their own sexuality, on average. That might obscure the reality.

610 posts

My meaning of homosexualls is that they are mostly like estel said" softer" then normal people in the case of mans i think its because they have to be the "women" so they are soft to get gay mans to like them i dont think a rough gay is to "Popular" in the eyes of a gay man

107 posts

they have to be the "women" so they are soft to get gay mans to like them i dont think a rough gay is to "Popular" in the eyes of a gay man

Heheh, you're funny, kingofgames. But if we're going to be stereotypical we might as well be more accurate. What we often see are "submissive" types and "dominant" types in the gay community. The more flamboyant of submissive types often display the "feminine" traits that get all the notice and attention, whereas the "masculine" dominant types and the less overt submissive types usually fly under the radar and escape attention. People presume that gays typically both possess and desire these feminine traits because the majority of all the variability out there never enters into their consideration since they don't see it. Figuratively speaking, if there's to be a yin and a yang within the gay male population, then there should be just as many people who reflect and desire the "yang" (masculine/rough) as those who reflect and appreciate the "yin" (feminine/soft).

The caveat here is that I'm speaking stereotypically. Most gays don't fit even fit into one category or the other - these are merely the polar extremes in which the wide range of everything else in between can be found.
5,043 posts

Well, if your going to choose someone to save, you're probally going to save the person who is most simular to you in likes/dislikes. If all you knew about the two people was that one was gay/bi and the other straight then you would probally save the person who is most like you. It is easy to pick the people who are most like ourselves. It is natural to want to do so.

I am straight and I would probally pick the straight person (considering all I knew about the two where that one was gay and the other straight). I would not pick the straight person because I am against gay people but because I only know one thing about both people and only one of them shares the same characteristics as me (that is to say all the characteristics taht I know of).

Now lets say that out of the two people, I knew about even more of their characteristics. Lets say that one of them liked rap, the other rock. One likes to play video games and the other likes to get stoned during their free time. One person is realistic and the other person lives in denial.

I would probally save the person who likes rock, video games, and is realistic. That person is more simular to me and I would rather have more people that shared my tastes on this earth. Now this is if I could save only one person. Now if I can't save both people, then there is nothing else to do but to choose which person to save.

It can't be helped. Why save someone you think you might hate or someone you think would probally hate you if you didn't save them?

As I said before, being gay or bi is a sacred thing to people. Though I seem to act like it is a regular characteristic in my examples, it is in fact a trait that is very sacred to people and when two people share something so sacred to themselves, then they find that they would rather stick up for one another.

All I am trying to get at is that it is normal and in fact a good thing. Now there is always a chance you will find the person you saved turns out to be someone you hate, but the odds are always better when you save the one who has more in common with you. This being said, you will more than often be better off saving the person you feel is right to save.

584 posts

I don;t think it's weird to have a homosexual republican, just it seems that liberals tend to sympathize more with homosexuals. Maybe for more votes? That thought just popped up. Anyways, so you say homosexuals probably feel alienated or at least they think they are. Honestly, people on either side probably think it's worse than it is.

5,001 posts

Yea, I definitely feel alienated at times. I notice, though, when we go out in gay packs to the bars we all seem to be more comfortable with each other. But when Sara and I go out alone, we keep to ourselves.

279 posts

well its the same all across the board.. people are afraid of things they dont understand/like/respect/etc.. blacks/gays/religous people/etc.. they are almost all helped and hurt by people of their same "category" i know 2 lesbians and they are both very funny and great people, i know a gay guy and he is hilarious.. i dont have a problem with anyone i know that is gay, i like all the gays that i know.. now im sure it would make me uncomfortable to be hit on. but going out of your way to give special treatment to them is a little excessive..

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