ForumsWEPRLetting Out My Mind 2

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5,043 posts

Hello everybody. I have made a thread quite a while back about a random idea I had, or to be more precise, a random realization. I decided to post it up on ArmorGames so I could get other people's opinions on my idea and their own ideas about life. Of course the thread was short lived but I beleive it was one of my finest.

Letting Out My Mind

This thread is very similar to my first thread, it is all about sharing opinions and ideas. I will however make my first post much shorter.

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Please Read
This thread is about sharing ideas and opinions as I mentioned above.

The main point to this is to share your own views on life. Share ideas that you beleive would be helpfull to other people. Talk about the do's and dont's, the truths and the lies, what you should do to become happy, and so on and so on.

Speak your mind! Talk about other people's ideas or your own! This thread is what you make it. It can be a dud, it can be fun, it can even be helpfull if you make it that way.

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The following is possibly on my profile. I just thought I would bring it to the community.

You are going to hear a lot of things and make a lot of judgments in your future. You will be your own individual and you will be blind to how not-so-individual you realy are. Take it from me when I say this; its one hell of an awakening to open your eyes and see that you are hardly differant than anybody else.

Don't try to be different for someone has already tried that. Don't try to be the same for everyone has already done that. Do what you want to do, no matter how others shall judge you, for nobody can be you.

It is easy to get cought up in the moment, but the moment is over as fast as your chance to do something right. Don't fear the thoughts of other people. Don't fear that others may like your actions, or if they may not like them. These are the worries that stop many a good man from speaking his truth, so nobody can hear words of wisdom as they fall deeper into corruption.

I'm a realist, I'm a dreamer. I'm a hippie, I'm a schemer. I'm the same, I'm so different. I'm one in me, I'm one in nobody. I'm me.

  • 13 Replies
10,816 posts

I have a tangential thought to contribute to this:

Has anybody ever sat up and suddenly felt guilty because they felt they were 'wasting their life away'?

"I could be doing so many other things! I could be doing EVERYTHING ELSE!"

Given our backgrounds and environments (generally speaking), how much does the normative drivers to 'ambition' and 'success' really speak to us?

3,675 posts

Haha Strop, every other day it seems.

Sometimes it will be right before I fall asleep (whenever that happens). I will just feel an indescribable feeling, and think I could be doing so much more. I think of it as "Suddenly, the urge to gain experience reaches you!"

Aardwolf anyone? Maybe? No? Oh well...*cries*

1,973 posts

I'm either with you 100% or totally off, your call!

I sometimes feel a feeling that makes me think that i could be out with my friends! Living life! A sensation that I am being left out.....

Hehe, is this in any way similar? o.O

10,816 posts

Oops, we detracted from NoName's original point: that being somebody in nobody. Something that Zen will have you learnt to start of with, for sure.


4,196 posts

Argh! True, often in Hindsight I look back at all of the hours I spent doing things wrongly and how I could have done things better.

Should I be spending so much time on AG? Should I have said yes to that girl? Should I have spent more time on my homework?

Hindsight is a wonderful thing...but if only we could make use of it...

Back on topic, I am my own person, I make my decisions...but it is true, a lot of my decisions are based from my upbringing and what other people will think...

More to come...

797 posts

Life is a very short, complicated mess...

When I look back at my life I see so many faults. It's as if I want to reac out and change my life. But I can't, for I am in bed. XD

The next morning I wake, and do the same things I wanted to do last night. Nothing changes. I give up on myself.

If. I want to crush that word! *Strangles "If"*

797 posts

@ Strop's first post

Ah yes, many times. It's as if my life is one giant guilty fault.

1,562 posts

@strop's first post


I know exactly what you mean, I'll be playing a video game or sitting on the computer, and then I'll think..."I could be doing something...something important...something that could change my life, something that could set me out from the crowd, but here I am, playing these stupid video games, or I am on this stupid computer all day"

But the thing is...I don't know what that SOMETHING could be.... For me, I am always looking for something different to do in my life

324 posts

That thought crosses my mind as well from time to time.
As flappybob999 stated, "If. I want to crush that word."

When I thought about this, a supposition occured to me
-What IF this is part of what we were meant to do? Sitting at the computer banging brains with other people sitting at a computer may not be exactly curing cancer, but it is in its own way enlightening. I find it satisfying when I peruse a thread that had heated debate ending with some degree of accepted conclusion.

I myself have learned quite a bit from observing several people at AGforums. Still looking for the cure for cancer, though.

4,196 posts

-What IF this is part of what we were meant to do? Sitting at the computer banging brains with other people sitting at a computer may not be exactly curing cancer, but it is in its own way enlightening. I find it satisfying when I peruse a thread that had heated debate ending with some degree of accepted conclusion.

True...maybe that out of us AGians are meant to be connected from all over the world to discover aim, or to solve the some of the worlds problems. THe skills we learn here may be vital to the rest of our lives....

637 posts

I agree as well. AG politics forums generally have some idea one take out and think about.

I always found certain (like brawl, brain age, tactics arena, Zelda) video games and the AG forums to open my mind. However, others like Mario Kart are just for pure entertainment. Not all games are good, and not all are bad.

This being said, I usually do not feel like I should be doing something great all the time. After all, before digital technology people were not constantly doing great things. Then again I can't yet drive and I live in an area where there is nothing useful at all within 20 miles. Also, all of my neighbors are 12 or under.

11,892 posts

Uhl, this thread is depressing. To be and to do are unequivocally equivalent, yet if can be such a staggering monkey wrench.

Life is really iffing and issing. if is if. That is life. If provides the impetus to do anything. Is gives the reason to do it. It is nice to recenter at is, but there really is no harm in iffing toward either end. Hope may beget regret, but how many can really stay in a childlike wonderment of what is (is), keeping that little wow and cool at discovering something new like caterpillars spin coccoons and metamophoose into butterflies. I remember a book I read about ten years ago, I believe it was The Boy and the Samurai, where the main character observed (and of course I'm paraphrasing): Young men live in the future. Old men live in the past. Only children live in the present.

803 posts

Interesting first post. It is funny when people say you are one in a million. Well, that means there are over 600 people just like him/her. I make choices and some are good while others are bad. I try to live with no regrets but that is impossible because I always think about what would have happened if I had chosen differently.

Choices make us who we are. We are not perfect so we are not always going to make the right choices. My suggestion is go with what you feel in your heart is the right choice.

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