ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Menace-by Firetail_Madness

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First of all, I shall tell you that I have no idea why I wrote this. I was just bored, and added random stuff. And remember, this story has barely started! I'm still working.


Slimy Ooze trickled across the hard paved surface. Bubbles popped from the green liquid, and hardened on the floor. Damp, musty smells rose from the walls. In the middle of the mess stood a pimp, tall man who wore glasses. He looked like he was in the mid-30s, his hair was curled, he had a short, stout face, and he looked lean and strong, but he smelled like rotten radishes. He was wearing a worn-out lab coat, and seemed to be studying too odd-shaped glass bottles with a weird fluid in them. After a few minutes, he put the bottle down and clapped his hands, causing a dust cloud to form above him. He coughed, and then picked up two new glass bottles with more fluids in them to study. Finally he mixed some of the fluids and it started to bubbleâ¦and shake, as if something inside was struggling. The shaking grew more and more intense, rocking the table with each swaying motion. Above the midst of all this voice, a deep evil laughter could be heard. The scientist shouted, âSoon the world will be mine! Mu-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!â The rocking intensified even more, until the glass started to crack. Suddenly, it exploded, showering ooze all over the place. The light bulb above flickered, and went out. Then, everything was black. Everything.

Chapter 1
âDing, ding, ding!â The bell rang to signal the end of school and the start of summer. The kids got up from their desks, and raced outside. Among the huge throng of kids were 14-year old Jake Albert and his friends Jordan Jackson and Jay Panini. Right after they got out of school grounds, the group of friends headed for Jakeâs house for some ice cream and to make plans for the summer.

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