ForumsWEPRBiggest fears

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I know this may be kind of out of place, but I figure that if we can discuss the shelf life of a processed snack food after an atomic blast then this fits in well.

We all have atleast one deep rooted fear, and it comes from somewhere. Some we are born with, others are gained as we grow older.
For me, this is actually kinda difficult to just put out there. Yet the way I see it, if I put myself out on a limb then others may be willing to share.
Not only am I going to give what my deepest, darkest fears are...but what I think they rooted from. Or if I have no explanation, then I will just explain it. I have some basic fears that many people have, but they manifest in very odd ways. So here goes.

Heights: A lot of people ha this fear, I know. But my fear of heights only come out when I am high up in an open enviroment. Like a merry-go-round or ski lift. People were not meant to be that high above ground in such an open space. It is just wrong. Now, an airplane or the such I can handle. Even a zip line. Or sky diving. Noe, I know sky diving is the ultimate open eviroment, but atleast you go up in a plane. And if I happen to die, then it will be one helluva death.

The dark: Yeah, yeah. Only little kids and meek women are afraid of the dark. But my fear is only limited to one place: My own bedroom. I am more comfortable wandering the forests or a city street at midnight. All I can figure is that I feel very vulnerable in my own sactum, the one place I really let my guard down. For me, my bed room is a place for rest, relaxation and love making. So what would be worse than getting stabbed by a raccoon in your bedroom? Yes, a raccoon. Vicious rodents. They even have little bandit masks. All the better to hide in your dresser with.

Deep bodies of water: But only for swimming. Get me in a boat of any kind and I am fine. I am not afraid of sharks as much as I am just getting lost and dieing out in the middle of an ocean. Or some krakken eating me. You know those old skool maps that say "Here be monsters" miles past shores? They had a reason for that.

Umm...that is all I think.

  • 47 Replies
6 posts

My biggest fear: Ignorance.

229 posts

My biggest fear is isolation and being alone, which is essence is the same as Hell.

Hell being the place of separation from God, who is a communal being and created us to be in community with others.

IMHO. That is why so often a woman who is abused by her husband and leaves him, will often return to the bad relationship if she doesn't have a community of support around her. (Because a Bad relationship is better than No Relationship, which is basically Hell on earth)

*There are many examples of this. The abusive husband was just the first one that came to my mind.

**Gen. 2:18 - "It is not good for man (or woman) to be alone"

5,001 posts

I also fear that, Dan.

I think my biggest fear is not reaching my potential in life.

229 posts

Failure is also one of my fears as well. (Ie. Not reaching my potential)

6,823 posts

I can't really say what my biggest fear is, but I have some that I have had since being a child.

Heights: Thankfully, I have been able to get over this one somewhat, so it isn't as bad as it used to be. But I still cringe to go up really high buildings and such.

Spiders: I have never been able to get over this one. I can get around it a bit... I can ask someone to take care of the spider for me, or try getting it with a vacuum cleaner. But if there is a spider in my room, and I know it is there, I will not be able to sleep. It has to be taken care of, and I have to be positively sure that it has been removed before I feel comfortable.

Deep/murky water: I have never liked going into water where you cannot see around you. If I have goggles and can see around me, I feel better. But I hate the feeling that anything could be lurking right next to you. This applies to lakes, rivers, ocean, etc. I have gotten over the ocean somewhat since I have gotten my dive certification, which is good since I am studying marine biology! Can't be a marine biologist who is afraid to go in the ocean... lol. But one of the reasons I don't think diving bothers me very much is that you can see around you very clearly, and you are more a part of the environment. If I still went swimming on top of the water without any goggles, I would be very very uncomfortable. I am more comfortable diving in a shark tank with sharks that I can see, than swimming in the ocean without goggles. Fear of the unknown I guess?

6,823 posts

Failure is a big one for me too. Always has been, especially when applied to school. I have finally come to accept that I don't have to get all A's (which would be impossible with my major anyways). But the fear is still there.

146 posts

my biggest fear would be to lose my son, or any loved one to an accident or crime.

229 posts

my biggest fear is to be alone.

Also im really afraid of the dark becuse i hear and see things that arnt there.

6,823 posts

I would have to second that one Wally... I sometimes worry about what would happen if I lost a loved one, or what would happen to my loved ones if I died.

469 posts

Hmm... wow. I'm alone 90% of the school day. I never knew it was a bad thing. I'd rather spend time catching bees the whole day than with an A-hole.

My greatest fear is direct communication with people. I hate eyecontact and can't stand talking to people directly. I can only speak well on phones or any other kind of distant communication device. This is different if I know the person well.

637 posts

I don't have the fear of circumstance. (hights, dark, tight spaces, gravity (barophobia))

I do however hate falling short and CONTINUALLY failing. I also have a fear of random attack. I am the biggest flincher, and respond to the slightest tap or fake hit. I don't veiw this as a horrible thing, but it does sometimes get me in trouble. One more thing I fear is dying a painful death. I don't fear dying, I just want it to be not horrible (eg. being burned). I also want to know what hit me.

163 posts

Being alone throughout life. I don't think I could handle it and still live a normal life.

18 posts

My biggest fear is fat,naked clowns.

167 posts

my biggest fear is being poor,losing my family,and losing my friends if i move away!! Im only 12!!!

38 posts

I don't necessarily fear spiders or rodents because i just let them be, its those that can leap very far or fly that scare me. I fear the element of surprise, especially in a situation where it means I could possibly die.

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