ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe New Art Skills Judge (deadline: Monday)

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1,667 posts

As we all know, Strop is leaving for a few weeks, and therefore has given up his job as the judge of the Art Skills competition leaving that spot open. All who would like to participate in running for this spot are welcome. As Strop said, it is up to the community to decide. There will however be a fair amount of rules to make sure that the next judge is qualified. Just because you fill in the spot as judge, does not mean you will become a mod.

Basic Rules:
-Flaming WILL get you automatically disqualified.

-You can only vote once per round

-Do not vote for someone just because they are your friend. Vote for them because you believe they are qualified.

-Do NOT vote until you are told that voting is open.

In Depth Rules and Steps:

1. You must fully understand the rules that the Art Skills Competition rules and have been fairly active in the competition for a decent amount of time. (By decent I mean long enough to also understand the amount of work it will take, and responsibility needed. Plus the fairness needed to judge)

2. You will write 1 to 2 paragraphs stating why you believe you are worthy of being the judge. Things you have judged in the past, ways you show responsibility, how you know that it would be difficult. Etc.

3. After this, there shall be a vote. Once the vote is finished and decided, the top 3 shall each get a 1 week trial, they decide the theme, deadline, and judge, this is to get an idea on whether or not they are able to commit.

4. Once the trials are over, we, the members of AG, will have one last vote on who will become the next, official, Art Skills Competition judge.


- January 14th, 2009. -
This will be the date of the closing of entering. Please have your full 1-2 paragraphs done and posted by then. Voting Starts today as well.

-January 16th, 2009-
The ending and counting up of voting. The #1 voted for will judge the theme "Judgement" and will pick the next theme, date, etc.

More schedule to come.

  • 151 Replies
4,196 posts

Finally, somewhere to take it away from the actual competition.

You do realise that Zoph is probably going to get it in the end?


2,120 posts

Firstly, it is not your place to start a vote for the judge of an official art competition without mod approval. Secondly, there is not going to be any vote for the next art judge. Zoph has volunteered for the position, and all of the mods agree that she should be the judge instead of another user. If Zophia becomes indisposed, maybe then we can talk about voting for a new judge. In the meantime, *lock*

9,434 posts

ubertuna, technically they were 100% allowed to do this, because of the way Strop left the thread in question...

And they did have mod approval. Mine. I felt that it should be allowed because I found their rules to be fair, and there is the possibility that I might not be the best person for it.

I dunno what I think about the idea of mods overruling the idea of a regular user as a judge just like that... I'd feel better about being the judge if it was because the community (instead of just the selected few (no matter how responsible and fair they may be)) thought I'd do a good job...

But yes, I will take the role as judge.
*grumbles slightly about having made an entry for the current round already*

Also, you locked this thread right after I'd typed up this lengthy post, which bugs me. So I'm gonna post it anyways.


I think I said I would not enter into this voting round thingy (because it means I have to write paragraphs about why I should be picked)... But eh, I'm in a writey mood right now.

1) Yep, I know them, I abide by them, I have several times noticed when others haven't... And I've only missed out on participating in one round since it started (I was involved in the last two rounds of the GFX Art Battles, from which the Art Skills Competition originates).

2) Well, I know things about art, I know about techniques and can often recognize them, I'm continuously learning about the art of conveying a theme to an audience (as opposed to just making a picture)... I will most likely judge differently than Strop (and Carlie), my whole mindset being another, but there is no one and true right way to judge a competition like this.
I have previously been the judge of both the Animation Contest (which died due to lack of animators) and the recently revived Draw that Pokemon.
Regarding my responsibility and accountability, I can only say that I will possibly at times postpone the judging a day or two, if other things get in the way. Being a mod should say enough about my responsibility, but know that I have issues with taking on too much and suddenly backing out of certain things. This should not happen with the Art Skills Competition, but I cannot guarantee it. Just saying.


Kay, relocking it now...

2,120 posts

*finds Strop's post*
*reads Strop's post*
*curls up in corner and dies*

Sorry about that.

*unlocks topic*

9,434 posts

*does the XD face and hopes I won't be judging this particular round of the competition, merely because I really want my entry to be judged*

Sorry tuna, but this is making me giggle madly now...

2,120 posts

I'd laugh, but I can't. I'm dead in a corner now, remember?

9,434 posts

Oh, right. *looks in spellbook* Where is that darn revive spell... I can only find the one to necro threads with...

13,657 posts

Zophia. Can I be allowed to judge the current round? Mainly because I picked the evil theme, and such? Just wondering.

9,434 posts

You have my permission. Do I have the final word on the matter?

1,667 posts

*blinks at UT*
By the power of the Mexican Gangster, I revive you! Voldetuna!

Seeing as you helped me out with some of the rules, I suppose that you could do it. Which reminds me, Thanks Cenere and Crimsonblade55 for the help with the rules

Anyway, now I must revise some of the rules

-Revised Rule-
* Instead of the 1st place Judging the theme Judgement, they shall pick the theme after it, then judge their chosen theme. The 2nd and 3rd places will do the same *

-January 16th, 2009-
The ending and counting up of voting. The #1 voted for will judge the theme "Judgement" and will pick the next theme, date, etc.

-Revised January 16th-
The ending and counting of votes. Cenere will judge Judgement. The #1 voted for will choose the next theme, deadline, and judge that theme.

If anything is unclear please do not hesitate to ask about it.
13,657 posts

Well, someone need to give Zophia some kind of imaginary competition...

I know the rules, yes. At least I can pretend I know the out fully, but I guess I have some mental guideline when it comes to the rules.
Well, I do not have much time, but I have enough feeling of responsibility to be on time. The people who know me from the MWT know that only once I have not been on time, I simply uploaded before the deadline.
Why chose me, you might ask. Well, I do not know. I have traits that could be used such as "talent" and "common sense". I am semi literate, but will probably end up making mistakes. I have a tendency of writing a lot, but that might be a negative trait. Oh, and I am not a mod (at least -17 for me just there).

9,434 posts

*offers Cenere a handshake*

No other?

13,657 posts

Seemingly not.

5,420 posts

hmm well seeing as how you are the only two up here then I might as well throw in my hat for this competition.I have no real reason not to.So what would make me a good judge?Hmm....well I held a contest before of course that held up for more then three months and was a merit awarding one(which in a way makes it more legit) although it was about punk-o-matic and not so much about art.One other thing I guess I'm good at is knowing the rules and how they were meant when they were made,and then I guess the last thing is that even though I procrastinate sometimes,when I need to get something done on a certain day I make sure to get it done(just like school work except less boring)I guess thats all I can think of.Also cenere...

Oh, and I am not a mod (at least -17 for me just there).

I see that as more of a strength for Zophia then a weakness for yourself,seeing as she is the only mod who even considered wanting the job after strop left that I know of.
759 posts

well i dont feel like writing.. i geuss i dont really feel qualified, but i want to give it a shot. (even though i probably wont get even 1 vote)

Hey im Deth4, and i geuss i would say im kind of a regular here on AG. Im on everyday for a good while...Nobody knows me, because ive only been here about 2 months, but thats long enough to get to know the rules. I am in no way a procrastinator, so the judgement would always be on time. Ive entered in at least 4 competitions, but the first one i kind of broke the rules... I have won the poetry competition on my first try, so you know I am at least semi- literate. Vote for DETH4!

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