ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMy Dragon Travels and sketches (trueish stories)

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Well, ever since I was little I had always been intrested and somewhat a fanatic of dragons. I've discovered (though many don't beleive me for lack of proof) and sketcehd several dragons, but my journal I kept oif all 120 species I had uncovered was sadly misplaced over moving. So I'm remaking this all over again. The forward are 2 of the dragons I remember finding, and the story behind them.

The Wyx Dragon - 2 sketches, look at the one labeled "Wyx Dragon" for the description"

The Rixnak - my ear STILL hurts

  • 70 Replies
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I would rather be in a pool.

I fear and respect the sea for what it is and what is in it.
5,642 posts


The sea would most likely have dragons inside of it, or at least of some sort, since I've seen many of the amphibious ones. I wonder when Xzeno's gonna come back, I like is skeptical attitude towards dragons. lol.

2,301 posts

Xzeno's back... now!

I was thinking about the stuff you said, and I would like to know: What do you know is fact, and what is speculated based on your other experiences with dragons? I mean what you said about dragon sociability in perticuler. Have you seen these behaviors, or are you speculating based on other evidence?

5,642 posts

Have you seen these behaviors, or are you speculating based on other evidence?

I've seen the behavior. I haven't seen them multiple times, however. I've seen the behavior about twice before I had to leave.
1,463 posts

I'm less skeptical now.

I live way out in the country in Texas, I doubt I would ever see any kind of dragons out here... I have seen lots of cool and strange lizards though. Couldn't find some of the species on line. I guess I didn't get the lizards details right.

My dog is a German Shepard, and always brings some kind of small animal back with her when she goes out for food. I'm worried about her meeting one of your dragons, and being mauled. Some seem like they could be pretty dangerous. Are my assumptions true?

2,301 posts

Well... I'm in the middle. I believe that ThoadtheToad saw - or believes he saw- dragonlike creatures. Whether these memories are accurate is still unknown. But I am actually interested in these creatures, which is why I ask so many questions. Speaking of questions: Are dragons particularly aggressive? What do you know of their mating habits?

5,642 posts

Are dragons particularly aggressive? What do you know of their mating habits?

Dragons aren't totally aggressive as they are protective. They'll growl at you if you follow it for too long, but if you approach it it'll probably walk/jump/scurry away.
I have no Idea about mating habits. I have only seen eggs, and I don't remember seeing any dragon in "action"
2,301 posts

I wasn't so much interested in the action of mating as much as courtship, how long a couple stays together, ect.

Are dragons attracted to shiny things? Do they hoard like in myths? What is a dragons lair like, if you know?

5,642 posts

Are dragons attracted to shiny things? Do they hoard like in myths? What is a dragons lair like, if you know?

Only a couple like shiny things, such as silver coins and the like. Only a couple do though. I've seen a lair, and it looks more of a nest. I'm going by rickshanks lair here, which was basic, it had a small nest of pebbles and sticks, with 2 eggs inside. It was dark, and Rickshank didn't favor light in the least (I had to use a dim oil lamp in order to be let into his cave entirely), and overall it was just a tiny bit wet and dark. Really, really, dark.

I haven't seen so much of &quotairs" of dragons. I can assume that they have a mating season and go about it where they originated from, like a lot of other animals. I've only seen eggs, and so far I actually haven't found any female species (except one inside a large group of amphibious dragons I call mudpups) in a large group. From that, I can infer that the species has an alpha female, but I don't know anything for sure besides that I saw it.

From rickshanks lair, all I can think that they'd horde is what interests them. I found a ribuk's cube, a lighter, and 3 pez's in his cave, along with an extra awful LARGE amount of pebbles in the corner. I can't think of anything of hording insane amounts of treasure and sleeping on it though. Rickshank slept cradling her eggs.
2,301 posts

Are dragons nocturnal?

Do they always have eggs?

5,642 posts

Are dragons nocturnal?

most, and I think that dragons are more related to frogs/toads than lizards.

from what I can tell, yes, they do always have eggs, but I haven't seen the laying of one or the birthing of a dragon, so I can't be totally sure whether or not they always have eggs.
1,463 posts

I live way out in the country in Texas, I doubt I would ever see any kind of dragons out here... I have seen lots of cool and strange lizards though. Couldn't find some of the species on line. I guess I didn't get the lizards details right.

My dog is a German Shepard, and always brings some kind of small animal back with her when she goes out for food. I'm worried about her meeting one of your dragons, and being mauled. Some seem like they could be pretty dangerous. Are my assumptions true?

This is a quote from last page... My question never really got answered. Thought I'd post it again since you probably forgot about it.

Also, have you ever witnessed a dragon dieing? Or dragon cannibalism?
5,642 posts

here's a small paragraph on Mudpuppies, a very cute and social dragon that lives somewhere in Guatemala.
Mudpuppies are a variety of dragon that I had found while in Guatemala. They have a dark reddish brown color to their skin, they travel in packs of at least 20, due to their size. They have killed an alligator out of self defense, but they tend to eat smaller prey, such as birds and frogs. They are about 3 inches long and are amphibious. They have 1 set of front legs and fins going across from it's head to the end of it's tail. I used to have one but my mom and dad thought it was just some mangy gross slimy thing and said for me to get rid of it, so I had to put it back into the wild. Mudpuppies are such cute little guys, but when they bite it stings like a fire ant.

I'll make the sketch soon.

5,642 posts

This is a quote from last page... My question never really got answered. Thought I'd post it again since you probably forgot about it.

sorry, I'll answer that right now.
It very well could be, but unless your on a small town farm with no tractors and not a neighboor in 20 miles, it might get mauled. Certain dragons do know their limitations though, so I wouldn't mind it too much.

Also, have you ever witnessed a dragon dieing? Or dragon cannibalism?

I have seen a mob of MudPuppies and a mob of GrayFiends (different dragon) go at it, several died, and bodies were consumed. Not all dragons fight with each other though, and Besides MudPuppies and GrayFiends, I haven't seen any die. It's just as any other wild death, there's no flurry lights or it glowing and turning to ash.
1,463 posts


I await the sketches.

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