Based on the recent success of my other (Choose Your Fate) game i've decided to run a new one that allows the player more power an isn't as easy to die as in my other one..Post if it sounds like something you would like to participate in. Postive comments,Negitive comments, and all ideas are welcomed...I'll start it up if I can get just 3or4 people to want me to finish it.
~Thankz KoolFace ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Real Name: (Your "Secret Identity" Super(Hero/Villian) Name: (What the world knows you as) Team: (Hero, Villian, Mercenary(Work for highest bidder,) Powers: (Choose from list) Skills: (Choose from list) Equiptment: (Choose from list, you get 300$ to spend) Perks: (Choose 2* from list) Drawbacks: (MANDENTORY Choose 2* from list) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Real Name: Link SuperHero Name: Link (yes, he is so awesome that he doesn't need a sencond identity) Team: Hero Powers: Waiting... Skills: Waiting... Equiptment: Waiting... 300$ Perks: Waiting... Drawbacks: Waiting...
Real Name: Hiro Protagonist Team: Individual Powers: None Skills: Skilled at Fighting, Uses samurai swords Equiptment: Samurai Swords, portable computer in goggles and backpack Perks: Don't really need any Drawbacks: Goes on mad rampages
Real Name: Alex Name: Sense Team: Villian Powers: (Choose from list) Skills: (Choose from list) Equiptment: (Choose from list, you get 300$ to spend) Perks: (Choose 2* from list) Drawbacks: (MANDENTORY Choose 2* from list) -- I'll finish latter
Bad News: I have decided to not continue with the creation of this RP as of now...
Good News: My other RP called Zombie Adventure (Choose Your Fate) It's doing so great that i've decided to fully focus on it. Now heres the news you might accually care about haha..
There are currently 6 active* players in the RP here they are:
Good: -Crystal -Adam *has died once -Bobert -Jess -Chris
The players seem to love the Rp an each character brings something unique an helpful to their team, wheater it be Crystal skills with scuba gear an driving boats, or boberts skill with lockpicks, or even Chris whos strength an knowledge of the surronding area allways comes in handy.
real name:Gird super villan name:Newominus Team:bad(villan) Powers:Skeleton creation skillswaiting Equipment:army clothes and heavy machinegun perkswaiting Drawbacks:creations are not affective against fire