ForumsArt, Music, and WritingWriters Contest, hosted by Thoad!

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5,642 posts

Hello, I'm the well renowned Thoadthetoad, who made the insanely popular story, "The Moderation Wars". Now then, I've seen a whole lot of writing contests but they are just terrible, no organazation or rules. Let me just tell you that this is NOT A PLACE to put crappy 5 minute 3 sentence stories that literally anyone could have written. Now then, here's the basic rules:

1. Must not be SMUT. A simple sexual reference or a wink wink nudge nudge is fine, hell, even something a woman in her 40's would read to feel secure is fine, but don't make the characters have ANY contact. This includes: Groping, fondling, HXC (hardcore), anal, buttocks grabbing or sucking. A kiss I can handle, maybe tounge, but don't make it descriptive to where younger users would be creeped out, OKAY?!

2. Story must be within 500 - 1000 words. Please keep it within that so I won't get tired reading, and so that it actually has some structure.

3. You HAVE to have a beginning, middle, and end in your story! No "to be continued" things. You may use the same characters and whatnot, but please do not leave things opened.

4. I would very much appreciate if you put how many words were in your entry. It braces me for it and I won't have to count it all that much. Again, I'd very much appreciate it if you were HONEST with it.

5. This is prose ONLY, no poetry, guys.

6. Must be relevant to the theme, which I will assign every... oh I say 2 weeks would be enough.

7. There can only be 7 entries at the most, because I think I'll die if I have to read any more than that. So if it reaches the cap before the deadline, I'll judge there.

8. No fanfictions of your favorite series unless noted that

So those are the rules, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I like questions after all.

This rounds theme will be....


Fanfics are ok, but is strongly unadvised. As I tend to detest fanfics... I hope you all have a good time writing, and I hope some more people come to here instead of the other places. Btw, every story has to have DIRECT link to the theme, even if it's roundabout, I don't care, so long as it's still a direct link from the story to it, no chains.

  • 168 Replies
5,642 posts

OH mai, I almost forgot to say the deadline.
Deadline is....
March 28th
10 days.

1,463 posts

Man, I wish the theme was something else... Ah well, I'll just live with it. I'll probably end up entering this comp.

On a side note: Isn't anime a style of art/comic/that kinda stuff? I was just thinking about how one would write anime. I wouldn't know how. To Wikipedia!

(About the no groping policy: Ah man! )

(Also, say grope ten times fast, its fun.)

5,642 posts

lol I end up saying grip...either way, I'm glad that you're going through with it.

Also, I have an idea so I'll pitch it out to you guys XD.

Why not two of your characters have a conversation bashing or fangasming over anime? lol.

1,463 posts

Yes. Fangasm it is. I know the perfect two characters to! Thanks dude. (Note: Listen to thoad's Ideas.)

(other note: Fangasm isan lol word. lol)

To the drawing- err, writing board! Away! *woosh*

3,176 posts

Uggh... I'm actually getting interested, but... I'm not so strong at this sort of thing. When I think
of anime, I think of two cat girls giggling and throwing fits trying to compete over the guy... long story,
no need to tell you what kind of show I was--you know what, don't
call me on this--I-I'm not good at anime stuff! XD

Another helpful thing to know is when judging and when the next entries will be made. Like, after the deadline,
you could be thinking of a better, more in-depth genre for us to use or something XD

9,824 posts

Grrrr! OI was going to do a story, but whenever I see the word anime, I think of people with outrageously gigantic hair and the ability to psychically control ramen noodles. Long story. . . .

9,434 posts

3. You HAVE to have a beginning, middle, and end in your story! No "to be continued" things. You may use the same characters and whatnot, but please do not leave things opened.

/probably never gonna enter

I really do need my open endings. Unless I finish off the main character. Then I need my abrupt endings.

Also, long time no see, Shin~
3,176 posts

Also, long time no see, Shin~

Err... Sorry, I was gone for a couple days... Mono, strep, and all that. Anywhoo....

I'll try it, just because I'm a sucker for trying new things, but I would love some sort of
Sci-Fi stuff, or maybe even some Naturalism going on. CULTURE!!
5,642 posts

Anime is pretty much just a form of animation, and does tend to have messy hair, perfect bodies, and yeah.

5,420 posts

Hmm...I might actually enter this....let me try to create something and see what I can come up with off the top of my head for fun....

Dear Journal...

I never liked anime,even though I live in a world of it.We never have imperfections,or we all do whatever you want to think of us.We listen to our high pitched techno music dancing in ways that don't even make sense,with expressions that aren't even plausible.Hair is any color you can think of,and our eyes are larger then our hands half the time.We could be anything from an inappropriate creature with tentacles to an innocent furry creature that somehow acts like a human.We have no identity,yet every identity you could imagine and beyond.Its strange,but even those this world is nice I never have ventured out of it.I look forward to the day I may travel to the place where they speak English in tongue instead of in captions,even with such horrible unfitting voices,it is still better then where I am now,being poked by a strange thing called the Web with even stranger creatures talking about me like I am a tool or something.My friends who have ventured into the world of English have become more then just tools,into what I can only tell to be legends in that realm by some,although yet somehow others hate them in that world.I think about it every day just waiting to go to that world,maybe someday I might get to see what its like in that world.Is it any different from here?Will they like me?What makes this place so different?Why do I ask so many questions when I should be doing something about it instead about it?I have decided instead of just talking to myself about how I want to do something and wait for it to come to me,I will go on my own into that world,and hope for the best....|Its been three days since I started my venture for the world of English searching through rivers Mountains,caves,and even the sky itself.Apparently in that world you wouldn't be able to do all of that in such little time some say,but it matters little to me now.I will find this place and make it my home no matter how hard I try...|Its been quite a while since the last time I wrote an entry in here,but I am still looking for that place.I can't even remember what its called anymore,but I must not falter as I feel like I am so close to finding this place,I just hope I am right,I have looked everywhere I could on my world for it but no luck,wish me luck in finding this place......|I have finally found the place,this world of English,I finally remember what it was called,but lack the knowledge on how to spell it anymore,I think I am getting old,but apparently I was looking in all the wrong places.I was foolish to search my world for another within it.No this place was in a place I would never expect,but it seems I was within this world for longer then I knew.I had to look into my past to find it,through my journeys to find it I joined it almost in secret.I found this place to be much colder then I thought.People treat you like more of a tool then they did before,and some turn you from something innocent into something so wrong its indescribable,I wish I had never found this place,I think this may be the last time though I make one of these journal entries for a long time,all I have to say is goodbye.....|I am back for what seems to be the last time.These creatures they say that I have been what they like to call canceled.I do not understand how this works.How one life is just casted away,because it no longer interesting to those who used it like a tool.It makes me feel like a slave that has been tortured for so long just to be killed off when he is no longer of value.I suppose though that is life.

OK I don't know how long that is,but there you have it.I literally just came up with all of that on the spot,making a few edits as I went along,but there you have it.

14,988 posts
Grand Duke

Ok I want to take part.

5,642 posts

Good crimson, I liked your story, full comments when judging comes It made me chuckle...

2,301 posts

Oh, man! I was hopeful too... 500 - 1000 words? That's like, nothing. I know you don't want to have to read 5000 words of the trash you'll normally find on the internet, but have a little faith in the AG populace.

I also personally don't like themes, but they are all but necessary in such a contest.

14,988 posts
Grand Duke

Ah then i'll withdraw, I &(^&amp%*$## hate anime.

14,988 posts
Grand Duke

Oh wait, I can write how I hate anime. I'll re-enter.

Showing 1-15 of 168