ForumsArt, Music, and WritingWriters Contest, hosted by Thoad!

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5,642 posts

Hello, I'm the well renowned Thoadthetoad, who made the insanely popular story, "The Moderation Wars". Now then, I've seen a whole lot of writing contests but they are just terrible, no organazation or rules. Let me just tell you that this is NOT A PLACE to put crappy 5 minute 3 sentence stories that literally anyone could have written. Now then, here's the basic rules:

1. Must not be SMUT. A simple sexual reference or a wink wink nudge nudge is fine, hell, even something a woman in her 40's would read to feel secure is fine, but don't make the characters have ANY contact. This includes: Groping, fondling, HXC (hardcore), anal, buttocks grabbing or sucking. A kiss I can handle, maybe tounge, but don't make it descriptive to where younger users would be creeped out, OKAY?!

2. Story must be within 500 - 1000 words. Please keep it within that so I won't get tired reading, and so that it actually has some structure.

3. You HAVE to have a beginning, middle, and end in your story! No "to be continued" things. You may use the same characters and whatnot, but please do not leave things opened.

4. I would very much appreciate if you put how many words were in your entry. It braces me for it and I won't have to count it all that much. Again, I'd very much appreciate it if you were HONEST with it.

5. This is prose ONLY, no poetry, guys.

6. Must be relevant to the theme, which I will assign every... oh I say 2 weeks would be enough.

7. There can only be 7 entries at the most, because I think I'll die if I have to read any more than that. So if it reaches the cap before the deadline, I'll judge there.

8. No fanfictions of your favorite series unless noted that

So those are the rules, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I like questions after all.

This rounds theme will be....


Fanfics are ok, but is strongly unadvised. As I tend to detest fanfics... I hope you all have a good time writing, and I hope some more people come to here instead of the other places. Btw, every story has to have DIRECT link to the theme, even if it's roundabout, I don't care, so long as it's still a direct link from the story to it, no chains.

  • 168 Replies
1,036 posts

Cool, I'll be there.

1,036 posts

Oh... Thoad, I have an idea... You pick a theme for a weekly torny, and you have another comp. A monthly/2 monthly comp. It wouldn't have a firm theme, just a loose one...

That or you make the current themes looser.

It would mean that more stories come in, but you might need some help judging...

*looks with puppy doggie eyes, at Thoad, who is unable to resist (hopefully)*

5,642 posts


I'll let you judge after me this time...I hope that someone enters...

9,824 posts

The next theme should be war. It's broad, and runs the gamut from historical fiction to sci-fi.
The anime world was infuriated. Ever since Yiao had taken the top ratings, the entire rest of the anime world was in extreme poverty, each and every day, the entire world except for the cast of Yiao suffered. From Naruto to Inayusha, poverty and disease wracked the world, from slum to gilded dojo. Also, the population was shrinking rapidly; because your hair had to be a certain extreme bigness, and hair expansion was expensive, the APF (Animation Police Force) was rounding up small-haired characters and brutally killing them on account of a first degree follicular disgrace. There was only one resistance to this oppression--the CARP (crappy anime resistance force) was valiantly using crazily overpowered jutsus to crush Yiao and the APF.
The leader of the carp was never seen--he was rumored to be an aquatic animal of some sort--so the figurehead of the CARP was an unemployed ninja named Akiba. He lead rallies against Yiao, and was hoping to amass a large enough army to destroy Yiao and the APF once and for all, and subject the anime world to Individualist Anarchism, the way he thought it should be.
The APF was gathering an army in secret, as well. They knew exactly where the CARP was hiding out, and planned to rain thousands of oversized shuriken into that region when the Moon was high.
Then the day came. There were four million troops amassed just out-of-sight of the CARP base, their oversized shuriken at the ready.
Akiba knew naught of the onslaught that was to come, and just sat at his desk, eating some ramen noodles, when the attack came.
Nothing could have survived the assault that followed. And so nothing did.
Akiba lay dead, with forty-two shuriken in his chest and a bowl of ramen noodles spilled on his forehead.
The rest of the CARP was dismembered instantly, and the entire base was burned.
There was no more hop for the anime world. Soon, Yiao and the APF would devour everything.
***three years later***
There wasn't a single being left alive in the anime world. All of them--every last one of them--had died of war. Even the rulers of the world--the cast of Yiao--had been crushed by the attack of the APF. Yiao had gotten out of control, so the APF killed them.
Then, the APF forces prospered for a short while. Everyone's hair was gargantuan, and there were plenty of ramen noodles.
After a year had passed, the APF was hurting. There were no people to work the rice fields; so basically, there were screwed.
After two years, the APF was disbanded. Half of them had died fighting for food, and the other half was starving.
By the third year, everyone was sick from hunger. They all were underweight, and many were sick.
There was one hidden official left that hadn't gone insane. The former leader of the CARP. He resolved to euthanize the population of the anime world with a series of nuclear bombs.
The bombs fell. The few people who were alive died instantly, ending life as it was known in the anime world forever.
The last living resident of the anime world, the leader of the CARP, committed seppuku the following day, and life on the anime world had ended forever.
It's about 500 words, I think.

5,642 posts

506, *reads it*

I liked it, further judging later. Thank you for entering.

9,824 posts

Thanks I was pretty dead-set on having every anime character annihilated by the end.

13,658 posts

She smiled sweetly, the sun framing her face the most beautiful way. She had her hair up in a pony tail, the long brown hair the exact same colour as her eyes.
The school uniform was spotless, and the white socks reached just above her knees.
She tilted her head with a smile, closing her e

yes. The wind lifted her skirt and hair a little, making them dance, and petals from the sakura tree flowed past her in the light breeze.
A friend called for her, and she turned her head, exposing the perfect lines of her neck for a time. She looked at me, smiled and waved before running back to her friends, giggling childishly at nothing.
I sat, resting slightly against the tree before curling up entirely. She would be back in hours, and yet, here I was, waiting to see her again.
I wondered. Would she see me? Would she remember me while in school, would she look for me, if I was not there, when she came back? I yawned, stretched a little, and curled up again.
I would have to wait, if I wanted my questions answered.

Oh, there she was, the beautiful, wonderful girl. I rose quickly, calling out for her, but the noise of the many people leaving the school made it impossible for the sound to reach her ears. I stepped forward, but the stream of students was too big, too powerful. I had to wait. I crawled into the tree, looking after her, as she and her friends disappeared in the ocean of students.
I did not sleep that night.

I waited at the stairs the next day, but only her friends came to the school this morning. I hid in the bushes, not wanting them to see me. I only wanted her as it was now, but I would have to wait. I did not know where she lived, and leaving this known place to go into unknown territory could cost me my life.
The longing was strong, but it made it possible for me to think of a way to find her. Maybe her friends would go see her later. If she was not here, maybe she was ill.
I waited long that day.
The friends came out in the late afternoon, alone as the ocean of people had flown earlier this day. They was talking, their attention caught by themselves. They would not have notices anything, maybe besides a rock star.
I followed closely behind, casually and in the shadows.

They sat down by a small cafe, ordering something different from each other. The waiter came back with it, and they drank. I waited impatiently.

At last they left the cafe. I heard them talking about the wonderful girl, and I was once again awake, following them on their way.

They went to a house. I waited on the other side of the road to see if it was her house.
The door was opened by a woman. She talked to the girls, then went back inside, the door still open. I wondered if the day had been wasted on nothing when the beautiful girl came to the door. She looked a little pale, but smiled at her friends. He looked up for a second, and caught my eyes. She smiled and waved, calling. She stepped out of the door, and walked towards me. I ran towards her. She remembered me.
Never saw the car coming.

She screamed, took me in her arms, cried. With a last purr, I left another life to the heavens.

4 to live yet.

5,642 posts

awww, that was so cute cen! I think it qualifies, so good, there's enough entries.

Monday is the last day I'll take entries, so if there's any others that want in DO SO NOW.

36 posts

Thoad, any hints as to the next theme? Eh? EH?

5,642 posts

Thoad, any hints as to the next theme? Eh? EH?

I've decided what it's gonna be. heheh.
1,036 posts

It's gonna be war, right?

*looks at thoad*

Don't you want 2 judges, plus I wanna enter if it's war.

4,196 posts

Looks and wonders about story....

Hmm...if the word anime is in there once...does that count?

14,989 posts
Grand Duke

Arghh! Wait can it be Tuesday, I'm still writing.

4,196 posts
Farmer it is...with the word anime appearing once!


Well here I was. Standing at the door to reality. Between me and the world of anime there was only a shimmering screen of glass. My nose touched the center and ripples spread to the edges of the glass. I pushed my head through - the sensation like going through a curtain of water, yet not really wet. I stepped through the glass into the world of dreams...


The alarm woke me from my dream and brought me back to my life. My horrible, horrible life. I didn't want to go to school, but I knew that I had to. I don't really see the point of school...why should I go somewhere where my prime role is to be a target, a target of abuse, insults and rocks, sticks and other light projectiles? What was the point of going somewhere where anything that was good in my life was taken away from me?

I wandered down to the kitchen and sat myself down at the table - pulling the box of generic corn flakes over to me pouring them into a bowl. I sat and munched my cornflakes with vengeance, with each flake being something different which I hated. I finished my breakfast and reluctantly picked up my bag and wandered out the door; ignoring my motherâs pleas for me to get my hair out of my eyes.

As I arrived at school and walked through the gates I was greeted by a spit ball to the eye and a burst of laughter. I wiped my eye and walked on, ignoring the other kids. It wasn't worth retaliating, they weren't worth it. As I began to wonder how long it would be until the bell would ring and I would be able to get into the safety of class, I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

Turning around, I saw my friend. She looked as beautiful as ever and all of my anger seemed to just disappear. I don't know what it was about her that made me enjoy spending so much time with her, was it her light brown hair that hung lightly on her shoulders or her sweet voice that sounded like birds signing? She just seemed to make my days worthwhile, making the sun shine even on the rainiest day. None of the other people in my class could work out why she would even hang around me, for it was like a butterfly being friends with a dung beetle.

As we walked around the corner to our classroom, we were greeted by a lovely group of boys. They initiated this greeting by kicking me in the ankles and then pushing me into a wall. As I slumped down to the floor, they then began to chat up my friend. She obviously didn't like it, and neither did I. But what could I do? I am a pacifist and I have less muscle than a newborn baby? Luckily the bell went and they left her alone.

I got up and tried to walk as normally as I could over to her; my ankles sending waves of pain to up my body with each step. I could see the concern on her eyes as she watched me, so I tried to stop the pain from showing on my face. I could see how much she cared for my, just from the look in her eyes, and this just made me hurt more, although now emotionally not just physically.

I didn't want to burden her with any pain but the amount that I got bullied took this right out of my control. I loved her too much to leave her but maybe leaving her would be the best thing I could do. I didnât want to put her through all of the pain that I have to go through, and I want her to be happy. She would be better off with another guy, for what am I but a rotting carcass lying on the savannah?

Class was now, six hours of incredible boredom, only brightened by the âpi to my r squared, the variable to my experiment, the metaphor for my noun, the capital of my country, the power to my circuit and the notes to my score.â


Ending is lame I know...

5,642 posts

Hmm, well KR, I enjoyed it. Btw, the judging will be put later today, probably around 8 PM AG time.

Showing 46-60 of 168