ForumsThe TavernThe Official ArmorMatch! (Do NOT post your numbers in the thread - MAIL them)

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Hello and welcome to ArmorMatch! Are you ready to find true love? Well that's a shame.

Anyways here is how it is going to go:
-Answer each question with a number, each question can be answered with a single number, and it needs to be done in a row like this:


Like so, each each on it's separate line, should be 100 lines.
Please don't post it here, you need to email me at '', it was going to be gmail, but they are determined to tell me that I am a robot that is making fake accounts. The subject should be your ArmorGames username, and the actual email should just be the 100 numbers in a line shown as above.

Please answer all questions honestly, only person seeing them is me, and no one else will ever see them, and I would never show them. Don't see a reason why you would feel uncomfortable, but yeah. You need to answer every single one or it won't work and you will have to redo it. And I know some answers are funnier than others, but answer seriously because only I see them, so you wont be deemed funny by anyone for it. I think being honest and seeing who you are paired with is funnier than answering funny.

Make sure you read every question carefully, cause there is different ways of answering for each question.

Once a long time goes by, I will compile it all and give out the results of your:

-Best Match
-Second Best Match
-Worst Enemy

Good luck with the quiz! And please post here once you have submitted to my email!

Oh and by the way if I forgot numbers for some of the answers, 1 is the first going down, quite simple.

How old are you?

How much do you like dogs? (1 being hate, 5 being love)

How much do you like cats? (1 being hate, 5 being love)

How much do you like cats? (1 being hate, 5 being love)

How much do you like elephants? (1 being hate, 5 being love)

How much do you like penguins? (1 being hate, 5 being love)

How much do you like rhinos? (1 being hate, 5 being love)

How much do you like Armorgames? (1 being hate, 9 being love)

How much do you like Klaushouse? (1 being love, 9 being love)

How much do you like action games? (1 being hate, 9 being love)

How much do you like adventure games? (1 being hate, 9 being love)

How much do you like arcade games? (1 being hate, 9 being love)

How much do you like shooting games? (1 being hate, 9 being love)

How much do you like puzzle & skill games? (1 being hate, 9 being love)

How much do you like strategy games? (1 being hate, 9 being love)

How much do you like sports games? (1 being hate, 9 being love)

How much do you like misc games? (1 being hate, 9 being love)

How much do you like online games? (1 being hate, 9 being love)

How much do you like horses? (1 being hate, 7 being love)

How much do you like bears? (1 being hate, 7 being love)

How much do you like dragons? (1 being hate, 7 being love)

How much do you like mazzelhs? (1 being hate, 7 being love)

How much do you like bogans? (1 being hate, 4 being love)

How much do you like TV? (1 being hate, 9 being love)

25th question - What kind of TV shows/Movies do you like mostly?

4-Interest (IE Discovery Channel, History Channel, Documentaries)

How much do you like towels? (1 being hate, 9 being love)

How much do you like staplers? (1 being hate, 9 being love)

How much do you like music? (1 being hate, 9 being love)

How much do you like blues music? (1 being hate, 3 being love)

How much do you like country music? (1 being hate, 3 being love)

How much do you like blues music? (1 being hate, 3 being love)

How much do you like electronic music? (1 being hate, 3 being love)

How much do you like heavy metal music? (1 being hate, 3 being love)

How much do you like hip hop music? (1 being hate, 3 being love)

How much do you like jazz music? (1 being hate, 3 being love)

How much do you like rock music? (1 being hate, 3 being love)

How much do you like rap music? (1 being hate, 3 being love)

How clean are you? (1 being a mess, 4 being clean)

Is the glass half full or half empty?(1 being half empty, 9 being half full) *You can only choose 1 or 9, nothing in between*

When do you like to get up in the morning?

1-Incredibly early (6 or earlier)
2-Early (6-8:30)
3-Normal time (8:30-9:30)
4-Late (9:30-11)
5-Really late (11 and later)

Would you say you are stylish?

2-A little

How much do you hang out in 'The Courtyard' section? (1 being never, 6 being always)

How much do you hang out in the 'Gaming' section? (1 being never, 6 being always)

How much do you hang out in 'The Forge' section? (1 being never, 6 being always)

How much do you hang out in the 'Armor Games' section? (1 being never, 6 being always)

How much are you online a day?

1- Approx. 1 hour
2- 1 - 2 hours
3- 2 - 4 hours
4- 4 - 8 hours
5- 8+ hours

Do you like sports?

2-A Little

Do you like to cook?

2-A little

Do you know what 4chan is?(1 being no, 3 being yes) *you can only choose 1 or 3*

50th question - Do you like 4chan?

1-Totally disgusting
2-Don't know it
4-Don't hate it, but don't go on it
4-Kinda funny
6-4chan is over 9000

Would you consider yourself a furry? (1 being no, 5 being a little, 10 being completely) *you can only choose 1, 5, or 10*

Do you like tentacles? (1 being no, 5 being yes) *you can only choose 1 or 5*

Is the pool closed?(1 being no, 3 being yes) *you can only choose 1 or 3*

Do you think the cake is a lie?(1 being no, 3 being yes) *you can only choose 1 or 3*

What is your favorite dish?

2-Healthy Chicken Sandwich
6-Hamburger with Bacon n' Fries
7-Fast Food

When is your favorite time to poop?

1-Morning (5am-10am)
2-Brunch (10am-noon)
3-Afternoon (noon-6pm)
4-Night (6pm-11pm)
5-Limbo (11pm-5am)

What is the awesomest place to "love" a person?

5-Front Lawn
8-Phone Booth
9-Church Confessional Booth

What is the awesomest place to "love" a blow-up doll of contemporary chinese actress Lucy Liu?

1-No where, that's gross
3-Anywhere as long as no one is watching
4-In front of wife or girlfriend as foreplay to turn them on
5-On webcam for a alternative for youtube with less cute children doing funny things and more naked people that I can't mention on ArmorGames

How much do you read books, as in real books, not comic books or manga or graphic novels? (except for watchmen, that counts as a novel if you actually understood and read it)

1- Don't or almost never read unless I have to for school
2- 1 to 3 a year
3- 3-6 a year
4- 1 a month
5- 1 a week

What is your favorite color? Those are your only choices due to copyright reasons.

1- Green
2- Yellow

What do you prefer as a console?

2-Xbox 360

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

2-Vanilla chocolate Swirl
4-Napoleon (Vanilla, chocolate AND cherry!)

How many times do you blink per minute?

1- Once
2- 5 Times
2- 25 Times
3- 60 Times
4- As many times per minute as kilometers per hour of the fastest propeller plane in the world with 4 turboprop engines, the Tupolev Tu-114 (1002 blinks, or KM/H)

If you where to have a plush animal to sit on top of a very large plush puppy named Patrick, what would it be?

1- Plush Little Bird, like the one from Peanuts(Charlie Brown)
2- Plush Puppy
3- Plush Penguin
4- Plush Bear
5- Plush Giraffe
6- Plush Whale
7- Plush Red Kangaroo, largest marsupial in the world

When you have a headache what do you use?


So ur with ur honey and yur making out wen the phone rigns. U anser it n the vioce is "wut r u doing wit my daughter?" U tell ur girl n she say "my dad is ded". THEN WHO WAS PHONE?

1-Step Father was phone
2-Mother was phone
3-Friend was phone
4-ur honey was phone
5-You was phone
6-Phone was phone

What do you think about turtlenecks?

1-I only watch naughty videos with people wearing turtlenecks, that's how much I love them
2-I really like them, wear them all the time
3-They are cool, I own one
4-Don't really care either way
5-Don't like them
6-Hate them and people who wear them
7-I do not affiliate with anyone who is even friends with the owner of a turtleneck. My social life is very limited.

If you were to buy a slushy at a convenience store aptly named 'Mush-Slushy's Conveniently Place Store' and you peel off the prize sticker to win prizes in which you have a 1 in a million chance of winning and you win. Your prize is your choice of a hand sculpted wooden inanimate object that, if pressed in a certain spot poops out little gum-ball candies. What inanimate object would you request?

1-A Heart
2-A Box
3-A Ball
4-A Trash Can
5-A Sculpture of a Walrus(Although a walrus is not an inanimate object, a sculpture of a walrus is, and this is a wooden sculpture of a sculpture of a walrus and not the walrus itself so it counts)
6-An Oil Portrait of The Breakfast Club
7-A Placenta of a Horse that just gave Birth

If you were to be on an episode of the Gilmour Girls, what type of episode would you like it to revolve around?

1-A funny quirky problem arises and the mother-daughter band solve this problem in an overly-complicated fashion filled with funny references to cultural icons subtlety underlayed into their inhumanly fast paced high brow conversations
2-A dramatic episode that starts mildly humorous but this humor becomes incorporated into an overdrawn scheme to find out something that the audience picked up on long before the characters did somehow(like a hidden love, or a fake friendship) and everything ends sadly, leading to a follow-up episode that will conclude things where everything ends happily and everything is the exact same so that the writer's can focus on writer crap for the next episode as usual instead of creating a flowing story.
3-An episode that was written while the entire crew and cast was hungover and not funny, and cameos the fat chef(Sookie) who works at Lorelai's inn way too much and turns out boring. (I refuse to admit I watch and am aware of all things happening in Gilmour Girls, and I certainly don't keep up to date with the adventures of Lorelai and Rori's sarcastic adventures)
4-You don't watch and never will watch Gilmour Girls, let alone appear in an episode.

You are very desperate and a drunk ugly girl(or boy if you are a girl, or girl if you are a girl and you are bi or gay) asks you to escort her to her room and have a "CUP OF COFFEE" while winking like her eye is having a seizure. What would you do?

1-Put a paper bag over her head and do the deed
2-Do the deed without a paper bag
3-Leave her be, she's too drunk and ugly for you
4-Escort her back to her room and let her pass out so that she isn't abused by another guy
5-Bring her back and leave your number so that you can have lunch with her the next day, when she is sober, she probably has a good personality

A friend gives you a really ugly sculpture that you hate for your birthday, and it was by a famous guy so it was probably expensive. What do you do?

1-You are so happy your friend cares that much about you to get something like that and proudly display it somewhere prominent in your house
2-You appreciate the thought, so you put it somewhere in your house
3-You pretend to like it, and then put it somewhere that you won't see it once your friend is gone, as to not hurt their feelings
4-You decide to be honest and tell your friend you hate it

What kind of cereal do you like?

1-Froot loops or Frosted Flakes or any other cereal that really isn't good for you but oh so good
2-Captain Crunch
3-Chex Mix
5-Healthy whole grain guaranteed cereal like cheerios
6-Special K with Strawberries
7-Vector or any other specialty cereal customized for health,

What is your favorite type of swan? (yes, these are real)


Do you like doormats?


75th question - Hypothetically if you liked doormats, what kind would you have at your house?

1-A very funny doormat that some might find controversial and you sometimes get complaints
2-A cutesy type funny doormat that is mildly funny, and doesn't offend anyone
3-A motivational doormat featuring some type of animal hanging from a tree branch/steel girder/rope
4-An invitation to know or ring the doorbell
5-A plain doormat that just has a pattern or color
6-A doormat containing a quote of a famous person giving some sort of reflection on a certain aspect of life that once looked at makes you think about things a little seriously.

How much do you like water? As in lakes, swimming pools, stuff like that. (1 being completely afraid, 5 being loving water and being in it as much as possible)

How would you feel about having a table in the shape of Al Roker in your house? (1 being never in a million years, 5 being would do anything for one)

Do you like riding a bike?

2-sometimes, not too often though

Do you prefer the big city, or the country?

1-Big City
2-Small city, but still large enough
3-Living in the countryside

What do you think about ultimate frisbee?

1-Shouldn't be a sport, waste of time
2-Never played it, sounds gay though,
3-Never played it, I would like to though
4-It's sweet as hell, I am pretty good, or at least I think I am and keep playing

What do you think about blogging?

1-Stupid people blog, it's self glorifying and annoying
2-Never really cared for them, I just ignore them
3-I think it's nice that I can keep in touch with people through their blogs
4-I have a blog of my own!

How much do you use comments as opposed to actually going on the forums on AG? (1 being you hate using comments and rarely use them, 9 being you barely post and talk to everyone with comments)

Do you hate people who crunch with their mouth open?

2-I am one of those people

How do you like your eggs?(I only eat scrambled eggs and know no other type of eggs, so the question is really would you prefer no eggs or scrambled eggs)

1-I don't like eggs
2-Scrambled eggs

Presuming you could have any type of egg, not being limited to scrambled eggs, would you prefer bacon or eggs?(Unfortunately bacon eggs is not an option)


If you were given an awesome shirt, the color is baby blue, and in front with a horizon shining behind it is a strip is fresh maple bacon, would you where it?

1-You are a stupid person, stop talking
2-Not my style
3-I'd keep it as a joke but never wear it
4-If comfortable I'd wear in the house, when no one is around
5-Would wear sometimes to break the ice for fun
6-I'd wear it a lot, I think it's hilarious and stylish

What is your favorite type of time conservation and tracking method?

1-I don't keep track of things
2-Have some sort of device, but have never gotten to using it
3-Remember everything in my head
4-I use a calender I look at once a day
5-I have a weekly planner that I look at once in a while when I need to
6-When possible, carry about my weekly planner with me, can't live without it

How do you like nutella?

1-I think it's disgusting and wrong
2-I understand it, but I don't feel that chocolate and peanut butter should mix like that(Reese's is a different story)
3-I like it
4-I have it every day

How much do you like hiking? (1 being hate it, 5 being love it)

Do you like meat?

1-I am a vegetarian because I don't approve of murder
2-I am a vegetarian for health or personal reasons not including murder of animals being wrong
3-I like meat
4-I consider myself a meatatarian, once they find a way to put every nutrient needed into meat goodbye everything else, hello meat burger with meat buns and meat ketchup.

What is your favorite coke?(Not cocaine, email me separately about that WINK WINK)

1-I don't drink Coke
2-Coca-Cola Zero
5-Coca-Cola Cherry

Mac or PC?


I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny, that when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist, and a round thing in your face, you get ______?

4-Your jacket and leave because that's atrocious

What is your favorite number? (1 to 9, 0 doesn't count, it's too magical)

Do you like you parents?

2-I don't know them.

If you were to be indoctrinated into an indian tribe what would your name be?

1-Chief Gamalot
2-Chief Powow
3-Chief KingFrogPants
4-Chief EarWax
5-Chief Bawunga
6-Chief BaldEagleDinosaur
7-Chief PhoneIsRinging

Do you appreciate jello?

2-I don't like it at all

If you could grow a sweet mustache that was totally awesome, would you do it?(extra awesome points for you if you are a girl and say yes, awesome points have no redeemable cash value)

1-I would give my right arm for a mustache like that, because such a mustache would essentially be a right arm.
2-I think it would be pretty cool
3-No, I'd prefer to avoid that
4-I think mustaches are dirty, I'd never do that

When choosing fabric softener do you consider PH balance?

1-Of course, it's the backbone of a good properly proportioned jean cleaning!
2-I really couldn't care less about the PH, I just throw stuff in and it comes out clean
3-Whats PH?

Final Question - Do you expect, or at least hope to find true love through this Match Making Service provided by the great and illustrious Klaushouse, regardless of gender?

1-Definitely, whoever I am told is my best match, I will pursue for the rest of my life
2-I might consider it, I think this test might reflect my true love
3-Depends on who it is, but maybe
4-That is stupid, I don't expect anything from thing
5-I am not sure why I did this quiz, whatever


  • 176 Replies
1,089 posts

dude awesome thread!u rule man!!!!

2,917 posts

Did you send him the email?

2,770 posts

You guys need to make sure you read, because big posts like that murder the page and make it impossible to read.


5,579 posts

Oh well aren't I intelligent. . . .

Delete my post then.

2,417 posts

You guys don't read the rules. *slaps moat and TSL*

I might do mine tonight or tomorrow.

1,184 posts

I didn't add my favorite kind of cookie cus it didn't have a number sry

1,184 posts

wen r the results going 2 cum out?

(i'm so impatient)

643 posts

How much do you like cats? (1 being hate, 5 being love)

How much do you like cats? (1 being hate, 5 being love)

Do we answer twice or skip one of them?
1,184 posts

its doesn't say cats twice. it only says blues twice.

1,184 posts



643 posts

How much do you like blues music? (1 being hate, 3 being love)

How much do you like country music? (1 being hate, 3 being love)

How much do you like blues music? (1 being hate, 3 being love)

1,184 posts

the cat thing i think u read it wrong, but for the blue thing i would just post it how it shows.

643 posts

its doesn't say cats twice. it only says blues twice.

You're an idiot, go back and look.
5,579 posts

This is insane. PEOPLE! EMAIL IT!


1,107 posts

This thread itself is hilarious. I'm loling so hard now. And Shylagirl, you shouldn't be jumping up and down just yet...

Showing 1-15 of 176