I've been trying to quote people on this site, and every time i try it doesn't work.I feel dumb asking this, but how do you quote someone?
{quote}blah blah blah{/quote}just replace the {'s with ['s
blah blah blah
You can either type it out yourself, like Cholo said, or you can press the "quote" button, copy and paste the text, then press quote again.
Or you could {quote=(username here}blah blah blah{/quote}Same thing as Cholo, replace { with [[quote=Cholokid]blah blah blah{/[/quote]
step 1:
highlight text, hit quote button
These people aren't stating the obvious problem you have and everyone else has. You don't know html sssooohit quote, copy and paste the text, hit quote AGAIN.
You don't know html sssooo
Really firetail, that works?[quote=[firetail_madness]really?[/quote]
Hey thanks this helped me as well, I was having trouble with it too ha ha.
i usually hit quote, paste the message i want quoted, and then hit quote again, but it always doesnt quote that message, and quotes my next paragraph
Can you show an example of it when it's posted?
[quote=plokkey]Can you show an example of it when it's posted?[/quote]Hey, I didn't know you could do that. You learn something every day I guess. lol
[quote=lalala12]Really firetail, that works?[/quote][quote=samdawghomie]Hey, I didn't know you could do that. You learn something every day I guess. lol[/quote]*coughs* Thank me.
Nah mine was simple and easy. Idiot proof
ya its a good idea to quote
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