ForumsWEPRObama - The Other Half

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We all know that Barack Obama is half-black, and is called the first black president of America. What is neglected is the fact that he is also half-white, yet he is never referred to as the 44th white president. He is just as much white as he is black, so why is he never referred to as white when he is referred to as black?

This is not meant to be racist at all. Just something that has been puzzling me for a while.

  • 62 Replies
278 posts

i shall call him oreo president

3,224 posts

This is not meant to be racist at all. Just something that has been puzzling me for a while.

1) Less than 50 years ago, if he lived in the Deep South, he would have faced laws and a society which treated him in a similar way to Jews in Nazi Germany. For him to now be able to become President of that same country less than half a century later is a big deal, even if he isn't 100% black.

2) Also, people are obsessed by appearances, especially in politics sadly.
77 posts

i shall call him oreo president

I laughed so hard...
818 posts

i shall call him oreo president

Lol, I agree.
Less than 50 years ago, if he lived in the Deep South, he would have faced laws and a society which treated him in a similar way to Jews in Nazi Germany. For him to now be able to become President of that same country less than half a century later is a big deal, even if he isn't 100% black.

This is 100% true, except the Jew part. Blacks were lynched and further neglected due to race. Jews were murdered in mass numbers, far greater than blacks. They were put in oven, gas chambers, and tortured with cruel experiments. It is a big deal though, if I were alive in that period I wouldn't have believed in a black president ever having a chance to be in office.
Also, people are obsessed by appearances, especially in politics sadly.

Me and DrElmer were just talking about this subject to some extent. We were talking about how image is more important in todays society than talent, especially in the music business.
3,224 posts

Jews were murdered in mass numbers, far greater than blacks.

I said similar, not identical. Many of the social and economic grievances blacks ecperienced were identical to those of the Jews in Nazi Germany though.
263 posts

he is referred to as a BLACK pres. bec. of his skin, his skin is the color black, his heritage is not so important, he isn't called an the first African pres. no he is called black color not blood make up.

9,504 posts

he is referred to as a BLACK pres. bec. of his skin, his skin is the color black, his heritage is not so important, he isn't called an the first African pres. no he is called black color not blood make up.

Why not? He DOES have African American blood in him, doesn't he? Of course he does! He's African American. The color of his skin is to say this correctly... proof, or symbol, that he really is African American.
9,462 posts

he is referred to as a BLACK pres. bec. of his skin, his skin is the color black,

No it's not, his skin is brown. For that matter all black people aren't black and white people aren't :P
263 posts

Why not? He DOES have African American blood in him, doesn't he? Of course he does! He's African American. The color of his skin is to say this correctly... proof, or symbol, that he really is African American.

yes true, but they don't say, obama, the first African pres. no, they don't say obama the first half African half whatever the other is American, and for these reasons he is referred to as black bec. the color of his skin.
No it's not, his skin is brown. For that matter all black people aren't black and white people aren't :P

common, any darker skin is referred to as black and lightly pigmented skin as white, this is implied, we don't name race with every shade of color, your black with light brown, or ash dark skin, doesn't matter your black, same with whites
197 posts

No it's not, his skin is brown. For that matter all black people aren't black and white people aren't :P

Huh? What's that supposed to mean?
9,504 posts

yes true, but they don't say, obama, the first African pres. no, they don't say obama the first half African half whatever the other is American, and for these reasons he is referred to as black bec. the color of his skin.

So what will they do when someone from Asia holds the presidency? They cannot go from skin color alone. Yes, Obama is the first black president, but he is also the first African American president. When people from other races soon follow his lead, they cannot take skin color into consideration. They need to use race, because up until now, every president in the U.S.A has been Caucasian.
2,906 posts

what if a half asian, half black guy gets elected president? first asian president or second black president? what if a half white, quarter asian, quarter black guy gets the presidency after the other guy I mentioned? third black president, second asian president, or 46th white president? he is more white than he is asian or black, after all. what would he be called?

9,462 posts

what if a half white, quarter asian, quarter black guy gets the presidency after the other guy I mentioned? third black president, second asian president, or 46th white president? he is more white than he is asian or black, after all. what would he be called?

The first mutt president?
197 posts

what if a half asian, half black guy gets elected president? first asian president or second black president? what if a half white, quarter asian, quarter black guy gets the presidency after the other guy I mentioned? third black president, second asian president, or 46th white president? he is more white than he is asian or black, after all. what would he be called?

Truthfully, you could "what if" forever for every subject. The likelihood of that happening?

The first mutt president?

In case you didn't know, that is a derogatory term, and I would advise against using it.
389 posts

The first mutt president?

Haha nice Mage.
1)Less than 50 years ago, if he lived in the Deep South, he would have faced laws and a society which treated him in a similar way to Jews in Nazi Germany. For him to now be able to become President of that same country less than half a century later is a big deal, even if he isn't 100% black.

Well you would be correct but back then in the Deep South racial integration was UNCOMMON. No white women slept with a white man or vice versa. But now it is very common to see a black man with a white woman as a couple. So we wouldn't know how he would've been treated but most likely the white woman/man that had the mixed baby wouldve been killed along with their partner.

he is referred to as a BLACK pres. bec. of his skin, his skin is the color black, his heritage is not so important, he isn't called an the first African pres. no he is called black color not blood make up.

Well I think in order to be considered black you must be completely, 100% pure African American.

No it's not, his skin is brown. For that matter all black people aren't black and white people aren't :P

Hahaha yea true but black and white are just easier for some people to say I guess, right? UNless you were joking ??
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