Since I can not expell the thought from my mind, I said to myself: "Why not suggest it to Armor Games and see if they can use it?"
See, the thing is... I can not stop thinking about the fact that when a user that stays a member of Armor Games long enough and stays active, he/she will eventually reach the highest rank possible, being 'GOLD KING/GOLD QUEEN'.
And with that, no more ranks are available for them to set as a goal (for those who actually have that as a goal), so I thought of a few additional ranks for Armor Games to possibly implement and thus stretch the existing ranking system!
My suggestions (highlighted in bold) for a new ranking system based on medieval ranks would be:
Note: I see the problem at hand with the double ranking name of 'countess' when Earl and Count are to be used together in this system.
This suggested ranking system would provide a lot more ranks for the Armor Games users to gain over time when they would (preferably) stay active members of this great community. Of course, the appropriate shields would have to be made for those 'new' ranks and I will do some more research on that if it is a viable option for Armor Games to use!
I hope it provides some thought on the matter and I'm very curious to find out what everyone thinks of it! =D
Uhm, I don't want to be mean or anything, but putting more ranks in between is a bit silly. It will then mean that every few hundred AP, we will go up 3 badges (Wood, Iron, Silver). That's not a good idea.
Give us amounts of AP for each rank, it makes it easier to argue about this topic.
Wood-Iron-Gold : Emperor / Empress
Yeah, at some point we might need one, but that's Really far off. It will have to be at 20,000 AP or something, and only 12 users have got there. It would encourage users close to there to spam just to get an awesome badge.
Wouldn't that mean we'd get a badge ever 15 AP or so? That would be pretty dumb, if you watched someone for a few hours go up 16 ranks by commenting a lot.
I remember last time this got shot down because people suggested religious names (Like God), but you've avoided that, so we can't annoy you with that.
The intention seems pretty good, but I have to agree with unlimited power about the lower ranks. I think this might lead to more spam and useless posts and comments. People are willing to spam and post useless comments to reach a certain rank they think sounds cool. And personally, if you look at a games comment, you barely find good comments, and nearly only "Good", "Nice" or "Love it". Don't think making more ranks will improve this one.
Though the count, marquis and emperor might work well, but they need a high amount of AP. People won't go spam so easily particuarly for those ranks. So I'd agree with those 3 ranks.
I remember last time this got shot down because people suggested religious names (Like God), but you've avoided that, so we can't annoy you with that.
Yeah, that was ridiculous.
Alright, probably the most suitable rank to add in AG 3.0 would be Emperor/Empress. I am also suspicious of putting in titles that were more specific to one country, as ranks. Being more general would be best. Too many early ranks would be bad too.
The ranks are also motivation for people to spam. I also have to note that the rank system may be significantly changed in AG 3.0. What about giving specific users "titles"?
Oh, and I'll have to only agree with the Baron, Count, Marquis and Emperor ranks. Most importantly, this isn't needed until several dozen people reach the highest rank, which is far off.
yes to knight_34 I do agree that its motivation for spam but also more motivation in not getting bored of AG.
If you need to spam to have fun on AG, then I think you're at the wrong place mate. More ranks does mean more fun for little, but I don't think it weights as much as the spam. The spam needs to be cleaned aswell, and I don't think there will be spamcleaners specially assigned for more ranks. There are few mods and they have to handle everything, including the spam. AG doesnt use dosens of moderator positions for dozens of problems, they use moderators and admins for everything.
I am assuming he means to stretch out the ranks, it wouldn't be shoving new ranks in, necessarily.
So we all go down a few ranks due to ranks being stretched? Be weird, but OK...
But, I bet 3.0 will have addressed this issue.
I'm wondering when an admin will tell us that '3.0 won't have everything'. Although this might actually be something they think about, and why they have never done anything on it.
I was around when people were only just reaching Knight...and then people going to Gold just creates more spam...
Oh yeah... And Firetail was only in his 25's... And most of the top 10 weren't active... A lot of that has changed.
Alright, probably the most suitable rank to add in AG 3.0 would be Emperor/Empress. I am also suspicious of putting in titles that were more specific to one country, as ranks. Being more general would be best. Too many early ranks would be bad too.
But how high would that have to be, to be past Gold King? 20,000 AP? That's a bit far for everyone except the top 11...
What about giving specific users "titles"?
What like 'The forumer' or 'The medic' or 'The artist'? Be cool, wonder how it'd be regulated though.
I'm wondering when an admin will tell us that '3.0 won't have everything'. Although this might actually be something they think about, and why they have never done anything on it.
Now even Carlie knows anything about the content of v.3.0... But.. "3.0 won't have anything, everyone's points will be reset, and mods will be picked by "Guess the number I am thinking at"."
But how high would that have to be, to be past Gold King? 20,000 AP? That's a bit far for everyone except the top 11...
Wood Emperor/Empress 21500 AP Iron Emperor/Empress 26500 AP Gold Emperor/Empress 31500 AP
Probably something like that. Yes, I am aware of the fact that only the Top 10 would need them. Though this is good for the future.
What like 'The forumer' or 'The medic' or 'The artist'? Be cool, wonder how it'd be regulated though.
The moderators and admins would be the only ones allowed to give you titles and you wouldn't be allowed to change them.
Now even Carlie knows anything about the content of v.3.0... But.. "3.0 won't have anything, everyone's points will be reset, and mods will be picked by "Guess the number I am thinking at"."
Not you mean? I asked Carlie, she said she knows little. None of us here can really make anything out of what AG 3.0 will be like, for we don't have much clues as to what will be changed. Just some logos. If AP's reset, there will surely be a lot of frustrated people.
The issue should be how to improve the ranking system, not only how to improve it through adding more ranks. Adding ranks is only viable when enough people have maxed out the ranking system.
I've read all entries coming in on the subject and to elaborate some more (for those that missunderstood my intention with it) seems the best way to state what I actually intended with this suggestion...
What I was suggesting is actually pretty simple... allthough most users don't seem to understand the need for this 'stretching of ranks', it actually IS something necessary for keeping the future ranking system of Armor Games 'alive' and not make it 'die' when all active users reach the highest position... Ulimitedpower stated it briefly in his post, if all users would be subjected to this new rank chance, it might mean for some to make a (small) drop in rank, but it would insure a longer use of the system! At this point only a few users have the highest rank possible (Gold King), but a lot of them a pretty close to the top and with only one new rank added (Emperor/Empress) the problem would still not be solved... therefor I suggested to create a few new ones (not all of the suggested ranks, just a few) in order to keep the ranking system alive for the future... =)
My thoughts on the matter leads me to say that I do not think we need this in the short term. Also, AG 3.0 may have an entirely different system. Since there most likely won't be any updates until 3.0, if this system goes, then adding ranks to it won't be too useful. The ranking system will need an upgrade when too many people have reached the top, and I do not see that yet.
But.. "3.0 won't have anything, everyone's points will be reset, and mods will be picked by "Guess the number I am thinking at"."
If people are only using ArmorGames for the ranking system then they are likely to be spamming for points. ArmorGames is firstly about Flash Games...and the ranking system is just something additional. It isn't necessary for the site and if it were removed it would not affect anyone majorly.
If people get more ranks to reach, then they will most likely be spamming to reach the levels that they need to...and we already have people spamming enough.
Simply, you shouldn't be caring so much about the ranking system...because if you are then you will be easily tempted to spam.
Ulimitedpower stated it briefly in his post, if all users would be subjected to this new rank chance, it might mean for some to make a (small) drop in rank, but it would insure a longer use of the system!
It sounds like we're debating Feudalism: A system that failed in the end...
Also, AG 3.0 may have an entirely different system.
That's just an idea but could something like this be set: when you reach a new level, you choose between different equal names. So it would diversify the ranks without changing the global system. I give an exemple: when you reach 10 AP at the moment you become a Wood Serf. What I suggest is, when you reach 10 AP you become Peon, Serf or Slave for exemple and so on for the different levels.
Maybe it could be done on the profile page or by pop-up menu when reaching a new level.
Also the rank name should be updatable or not so people could change sometimes...