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Can it ever be right/wrong to kill another human being?

  • 59 Replies
5,001 posts

Specifically in regards to war or just in general as well? I'm not sure if right or wrong is a the best away to approach this issue. You could take several different philosophies to follow and come out "justified." Not to mention there are degrees of killing (e.g. self-defense, accidents).

2,662 posts

I come from a family of piolots in the RAF and want to be 1 myself when i am older. I belive it is morally acceptable to use ultimate force if nescessary to save lives however what do you think as this is ibn my opinion an important issue

902 posts

There is no death more honorable than in the field of battle clutching a rifle next to your fellow countrymen. That's all I have to say on this issue.

2,662 posts

well as i would probably fight in the Afganistan/Iraq conflict if i joined the forces then is it acceptable to kill the Taliban enemy from a plane in a pre emptive strike with the chance that they could kill innocent Afganistani/ Iraqi people or British/American soldiers

473 posts

well i think killing someone outright for no reason is wrong. but killing someone ur at war with well thats fine if ur fighting for a reason killing is just what happens. IT always will happen

266 posts

Just killing someone for no reason is wrong; however, if you are at war, although it still is a gruesome task, depending on what you are fighting for it could be a much needed thing.

1,492 posts

I don't know. I'm rather sure if wyou were shooting these strikes you shouldn't hit your own allied soldiers. XP
Also, thast the point of it that I hate, What I really don't like is that people send pilots like you out to drop bombs on one "Suspected" Terrorist and kill 10 or 50 innocent people. It doesn't make sence.

So, I say, if you are to be a pilot, I'd try to keep away from the stuff that hurts those that have done no harm. Other than that, at times war is needed, as either you can be perfectly great and die, or save your people. Humans make mistakes, the sad part is others have to clean those mistakes up.

396 posts

It's completely fine killing someone in the midst of war. But anything other than that i personally think is wrong. Killing is how some people seem to...'express' their feelings. In other words if someone gets mad at someone else, if they're either crazy enough, or mad enough, they may resort to killing. I don't see why some people have to be so graphical though

2,269 posts

Can it ever be right/wrong to kill another human being?

Well I belive yes it is, I mean if we did'nt people like hitler would still be around.

It's completely fine killing someone in the midst of war. But anything other than that i personally think is wrong. Killing is how some people seem to...'express' their feelings. In other words if someone gets mad at someone else, if they're either crazy enough, or mad enough, they may resort to killing. I don't see why some people have to be so graphical though

Yeah, I agree with you, killing someone for "fun" or emotions is just plain wrong, but what can you do? People will continue to kill as long as were on this planet.
10,816 posts

There is no death more honorable than in the field of battle clutching a rifle next to your fellow countrymen.

Mega: A few years ago, the bleeding heart liberal in me would have pooh-poohed this notion and denounced you as a barbarian. But I've come to a new understanding of this... came with a new understanding of the relation that life and death hold. I'm not sure how to express it but I guess it's more of a wholistic, more accepting attitude of death's place in life, and in society. Contrary to the general habit of death denial and avoidance that I commonly see anyway.

Where do we get this expression of "wrongness" from? Negativity? Things like fear, pain, suffering, even death, that which we recognise as undesirable, are still a part of life, a part of our functioning. As gangsta_blaze says, it just happens to be a fact of life that there are those who are prone to causing these things, for whatever reason. We can call it wrong because the majority of us either do not understand, or we see the consequences and relate to them as things we would not wish upon ourselves.

But yeah, it still happens. It's life.
424 posts

well it depents how the human being is...
if its like an assasin that kills other innocent people than i wouldnt mind if you killed him..
its about protecting other people against those people isnt it?

2,662 posts

''I don't know. I'm rather sure if wyou were shooting these strikes you shouldn't hit your own allied soldiers. XP
Also, thast the point of it that I hate, What I really don't like is that people send pilots like you out to drop bombs on one "Suspected" Terrorist and kill 10 or 50 innocent people. It doesn't make sence.
So, I say, if you are to be a pilot, I'd try to keep away from the stuff that hurts those that have done no harm. Other than that, at times war is needed, as either you can be perfectly great and die, or save your people. Humans make mistakes, the sad part is others have to clean those mistakes up.''

In reply to this i say that when you are ordered to do something like this you often have no choice however do you think that even if i bombed a terrorist target and killed say 50 people who were innocent but saved 100 british lives is this acceptable?

48 posts

you know what war is? its not killing the enemy, shure that happens but the people who are sending those troops arnt out there on the front line at the same time they are sitting back in whatever country they come from happily drinking tea or whatever and so war is just scare tackticks most of the time becuase you invade a country, squash there army, a peoples army springs up and trys to defend the mother land, see what i'm saying? its just who can make the scariest face and thats who wins

473 posts

war and death is never good but sometimes these things cannot be helped. War is never good but thats how the world works its sad but its true

1,492 posts

thats not logical. You wouldn't need such a murderous bomb. If there are 100 British soldiers fighting, then you would bomb the enemy.

I mean, like, for example, IN Israel where Palestinians and Israelites hate each other, Israel uses their airforce. From there, they can kill anyone they want legally, even if a few palestinian people are hurt. Wrong? I think so.

I don't get the thing with the 100 british lives, because, if you were to drop an attack on an enemy that was against 100 british troops, I doubt it'd be anywhere near innocent lives. If it was, I don't know, because I would think that they have a duty to handle themselves and not get civilians hurt. [Don't bring Nukes into this, we bombed Japan beacuse that was about thousands of lives]

So, I don't know. Its a hard predicament, but It shouldn't be about race. If you kill 50 innocents, isn't it the same with killing 50 british lives? The better option in my opinion would be to let the soldiers fight. Obviously its what they're supposed to do.

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