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Can it ever be right/wrong to kill another human being?

  • 59 Replies
2,662 posts

wot im sayin is that if u had 2 kil 50 innocents to save 100 british is that right bcos the tactics terrorists and al qaeda often use and indeed terrorists around the globe is to hide among innocents so if u kil say 10 terrorists and 50 innocents but save 100 british/american/other innocent locals is it worth it?

5 posts

I love topics on this subject, as I get to see the other side of the spectrum (and, how foolish it sometimes is).

Killing another human being... is it right or wrong? If you have no religion, there is, logically, nothing wrong with it. "But I know it is wrong" or "My conscience tells me it is" might be thrown out there; these claims make no realistic sense, from an atheistic point of view. However, this is a different topic, so I will not dwell into that.

When related to war, killing another person in combat is acceptable. Is it a 'good' or 'glorious' thing? No, of course not. But sometimes, one must realize that fighting is the only option left to do. If our colonial forefathers said "Well, killing is wrong, so we won't defy our government..." then we would not have the United States of America as we do today, nor would we have the freedoms that we do either; furthermore we would most likely still be under the reign of England, and might not even have the freedom to believe whatever religion/philosophies we wish to believe.

129 posts

From a moral point of view I think you should never kill another human being. But I support Euthanasia.

But sadly, like Communism, the idea of not killing anyone will only work if EVERYONE adheres to it.

FACT: All the money and effort spent Worldwide on War and Arms could've completely obliterated poverty from the face of this Earth.

1,492 posts

Krin, since when did you decide to post. :P I'm sure you know people will soon attack you for Sonny 2. :P

Also, the idea of killing someone is something that works without everyone adhering to it.

660 posts

whether killing and war is right or wrong people are still going to do it

2,662 posts

I belive that killing people is (ironically) a nescessary part of life and that the only way to stop is for everyone to do so which is not realistic sadly. For purely pragmatic reasons i belive that the armies of America and Britain have the right approach when it comes to policing the world but we just could have better exit strategies. Politicians and leading army officials come under intense scrutiny over going to war in Iraq and other operations however, my father who has his own business employs people from many different parts of the world such as Iraq, Sierral Leone, Afganistan and the Falklands. My point is that without these people the world would not be as safe a place without various armies intervening. For example one of my school friends father was from Sierra Leone and he told me how the rebels at the time (the war over diamond mines 20 odd years ago) the rebels were lining up the men and chopping off their hands with axes until a British army helicopter came i and saved their lives. My point is armies around the world do far more good than they do bad which is why i want to follow in father, my grandfather and my great grandfathers footsteps and become a pilot in the RAF. To maybye kill people but to do a nescessary job and make the world a safer place

256 posts

well if its self defence yes.
War would be self defence so we dont get blown up.
so im ok with killing.
just not for entertainment, unless its a viedo game. =]

2,662 posts

i agree wiv u o n da video game ting! but on morwe serious note some pepl wud say killing cannot b justified no matter wot but i am in agreement wiv u on killing 4 self defense is justified but we cant get 2 carried away an b prejudiced against pepl in our own countries Iraq and Afganistan is enuff

242 posts

If memory serves, human population increases by about 75 million a year.

War is an effective method of population control. We are rapidly approaching the critical point when it comes to water resources right now.

1,492 posts

Okay, let me kill you, we'll keep the population down.

Yeah... doesn't work that way.

Some places on earth are like.. Begging that war would happen, since in truth, if any city outside of your own got rampaged and killed, you'd acctually have benefit.

The problem is it goes against alot of standards and over the years war has just gotten less popular. As such... As effective as it is, its not going anywhere unless WW3 mashes out.

2,763 posts

i don't think another person is justified in any manner

5 posts

"i don't think another person is justified in any manner"

I assume you are putting forth that there is no justified reason to kill another human being? That, my friend, is an idiotic statement. If one breaks into your house, are you not going to defend yourself? (moreover, if you accidently kill that intruder, say burglar has gotten what they deserve, in my opinion)

Case and point - as BloodySunday has stated, if our forefathers had not risen to the task of defying the their over-ruling government, and subsequently 'killed' British troops in the process of war, we would not have this great country we have today.

1,492 posts

But us dropping a bomb on a suspected person in Iraq that may have just said "I wish Americans would leave our country" and having fifty more people killed in the process is rather wrong.

So, I doubt that is showing the greatness of this country.
So, another person is justified, its not justified when your doing it for no reason. People seem to have less power than they did before. [According to my history textbooks, as I'm not the age of 50, yet. xP]]

5 posts

Excuse me, but 'us' does not refer to every single person in our nation. Just because some fools wish to give our nation a bad name by dropping bombs on helpless people, does not mean that our nation in itself is at fault.

Case and point - if I walk outside (and, mind you, I would never do this, nor do I dislike people of color) and shouted "I hate black people!!!", any African-Americans in earshot may think white people are racists, which is false; just because of an action I make, an action of one single person makes, does not determine the actions or motives of what denomination/class/etc that person belongs to.

1,492 posts

Buddy, we live in a community. When someone said I hate black people, others followed.

When someone see's fools of another ones government dropping bombs on themselves, then those people in that country don't have enough control to stop these problems.

Case and point- What you do not only defines you but defines others. You act like an idiot with no matters, people will think how crazy your mother was to not teach you any.

Maybe you were just ignorant, who knows? But that never works, which is why people shouldn't act like idiots in the first place. And if they do, they should make up for it. Instead, were dragging a war in a country we never shoulda started.

ANYWAY, the Army is good for its reasons, we know that now. :P

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