ForumsNews and FeedbackIdeas for the AG3 forums

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3,085 posts

Correct me if I'm wrong but with the advent of AG3 will come the advent of the forums being 'revamped' so to speak. So, based on other ideas i've seen and a proportion of my own, I've come up with some suggestions/ideas for what I'll call F3 ('cos I'm a nerd like that):

-Different color scheme choices E.G red, blue, black and gold (not really a big deal but it just increases that 'ersonalized' feel of the forums and helps satisfy the desires of some people who complain about the current color-scheme being an eye-sore. NOTE: I refer to the color-scheme as the white background AND the actual colors of links, text, etc.)
-greater interaction between the users profile and what appears underneath their name when they post on the forum. Currently it's just your post count and rank but I see room for expansion to include age, gender, etc if that person wanted to.
-Increased coverage of BBcodes - we do certainly have the basics such as bold, italics, link, image and quote BUT things such as spoiler (great in threads about certain movies, books, etc), post (for post linking - useful in situations where a specific post has relevant information to a topic of discussion but may be too long to quote without taking up loads of space) and list (obviously good for listing things) are not covered at the minute and would be advantageous to the community as a whole.

I welcome feedback on my suggestions and any ideas to better them. I'd also welcome some new ideas to add to mine to prevent this thread from growing stale too quickly.

  • 34 Replies
9,504 posts

Is there any chance that we can get basic FLV/SWF support in the AG3 forums. Not for posting movies, but rather self made animations...

Otherwise I have to convert things from Flash into .gif, and for some reason they get dotty...

I'm thinking that: whatever AG2 already has will still be in AG3, minus the bugs and glitches. This already has animated image support, so I'm guessing AG3 will as well.
4,196 posts

Yea, I know there is animated image support - only for .gif files. I am asking if there will be support for Flash objects on the forums...

2,891 posts

It hasn't been discussed, but maybe we'll make a "beta test my game" forum where we allow them or something. I wouldn't want them in every forum.

4,196 posts

It hasn't been discussed, but maybe we'll make a "beta test my game" forum where we allow them or something. I wouldn't want them in every forum.

Although this may be a good idea, I don't think that it should be something which is focused on. There are simply not enough game developers on the forums - look at the Programmming Help section, it has the least number of threads than any other section (this one doesn't count).
Showing 31-34 of 34