How about a "mood" button. Not really a button, but.... well, here's the idea.
In your account, there's a mood button. When you click it, pick the mood you are feeling, and people will see it, if it's happy, sad, or angry. It'll be cool.
I'm not really a fan of emoticons. I believe if people want to express their emotions, they can do so on their profiles.. Though this does remind me of something.. Status updates.
I'm not really a fan of emoticons. I believe if people want to express their emotions, they can do so on their profiles.. Though this does remind me of something.. Status updates.
I agree. People can choose to put their feelings and emotions on their bio/about. This isn't much of a important feature for AG3.
I think it would be good but I don't see why you can't just change your "About" to say what mood you're in. But just add it so people will know what mood your in and what response you can put to their mood.
@ thaboss, im pretty sure that pic's from Newgrounds.
Anyways, a mood button? on a flash game site like AG? Too social like if you ask me. Also, not many people are gonna catch your mood so much, so there's not too much point....
Hahaha, well lad, that is most certainly a screenshot of "the making of a thread/topic" on Newgrounds. Doing the same here would be considered copying, no? of course. *facepalm*
Those are thread mood buttons. I've seen it on a few sites (including Newgrounds). The OP is suggesting that profile mood buttons be implemented.
It wouldn't wreck my day if this was actually implemented, but I still find it mildly annoying. I may be pretty old fashioned here, but I do not like all those fairly complex, overly "cute" emoticons. Also, I don't see much purpose for a mood button. Ah, oh well.