ForumsNews and FeedbackIdeas and Discussions about: Migrating Armor Points to AGv3

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I expect this will be one of the more anticipated posts in this forum, so I'll try to be as clear and concise as I can.

Until we refine things a little more, here is our official position on what's happening with your current Armor Points, and some information on AG3:

With AG3, we are going to introduce TWO new systems of points (names are not final):

1) New Armor Points (Points earned based on gameplay)
2) "Karma" Points (Points earned based on quality site participation)

The goal is to separate gameplay ability from site interaction and contribution.

What's Happening to old Armor Points?

Every active AG2 user will receive special "legacy" achievements for being part of AG2. There will be individual achievements for each of the level/rank on AG2, which will be given once we launch AG3 into production, and then retire the old AG2 points system. Depending on the level/rank you are at when AG3 launches, the corresponding achievement and New AP points will be given. Users who did not have an account on AG2 will not be able to recieve these achievements. The breakdown would be something like the following: (subject to change)

- AG2 Serf Achievement, 5 New AP pts
- AG2 Squire Achievement, 10 New AP pts
- AG2 Knight Achievement, 20 New AP pts
- AG2 Lord Achievement, 40 New AP pts
- AG2 Duke Achievement, 60 New AP pts
- AG2 Prince Achievement, 80 New AP pts
- AG2 King Achievement, 100 New AP pts

At the very least, everyone will receive an achievement for being part of AG2.

But once we launch AG3 for all users, you will have achievements that new users can never get because you helped build the Armor Games community through AG2. We may also give out some sort of extra achievements to leader board users for game submissions, forum posts, etc. and give out extra achievements just for the sheer number of AP you had like an achievement called "10,000+ Legacy Armor Points" or "1,000+ Forum posts", that sort of thing.

New Armor Points System

For the new Armor Points system, we're working on ways for game developers to reward you with achievements that you attain via game play. We may actually roll out some of this during AG3's beta, before AG3 is launched. When AG3 is ready (or for beta users) you'll get to see all of your achievements and points you get awarded for playing and interacting with the games.

Karma Chameleon

The new "karma" system (which needs a new name, and I'm happy to take suggestions on what to call it, like an old school RPG "alignment" system to some degree) will be similar to how the existing AG2 Armor Points work, where you'll get points for posting comments, feedback, game reviews, forum posts, and so on, but this score can go DOWN if a message you post gets marked as spam/etc or is deleted by a moderator.

Not everything you submit on the site will give you points (ie, private messages will not give you points) and we may limit the maximum number of points you can get per day for posting on user profiles, etc., just to help cut down on spam. Some things will award more points than others. Some actions on the site will require a minimum number of karma points. ie, if your karma drops below 0, we may restrict your ability to post in the forums.

We're looking at several ways to award these karma points throughout the site. Some ideas we're currently considering include awarding extra karma points for having a forum post or game review flagged up (liked) by a certain quantity of users, or awarding extra points for submitting photos of you and your AG store purchases, as mentioned in another forum thread. We're considering several ideas that users have posted in the forums. Maybe if you get a number of posts "liked" enough, we'll award extra achievements, and so on.

So are we migrating old Points, or not?!

Strictly speaking, we are not migrating the exact value of your old Armor Points to the AG3 system since some of the points will turn into achievements, and some will turn into karma.

If we migrate the forums, we'll probably be able to award you some karma points for your old forum posts. This is still being investigated and will depend solely on whether we migrate the old forums or not. We'll probably also migrate the game reviews which were given merits on AG2, so we have reviews to show new users who come to the site. These posts will award some amount of karma.

We implemented some new high score and shared game content systems over the summer (July/August) which help us to track information about which users submitted that data. We may be able to start your account with some initial AG3 Points based on what we've been collecting since July/August, however any older high scores or shared game content cannot be awarded.

Questions and Feedback

We're interested in hearing what you think. We would like to aggregate feedback on our Get Satisfaction account. A thread has been created which you can access here:

  • 67 Replies
2,891 posts

Please use the link at the bottom of the post to go to our GetSatisfaction page to leave any feedback or questions so we can address them as a whole company. Thanks!

2,891 posts

You can discuss the reputation system in the appropriate thread.

2,891 posts

To avoid some recent confusion, I wanted to add some notes.

As of the date of this writing, we still have not finalized how points will migrate to AG3. Here are some of the updated ideas we have:

Things that are definitely in the plan:

- by being an AG2 user, you will be given some sort of 'legacy user' achievement on AG3
- your AG2 rank will give you additional achievements on AG3
- AG2 points which were awarded for user-to-user and forum posts will not transfer into AG3 points
- gaining a merit on AG2 will grant you an additional achievement on AG3

Things we're still working on -- these ideas are not finalized/confirmed:

- we will probably transfer points from AG2 to AG3 for games that you submitted and were approved
- if we decide to transfer game comments from AG2 to AG3, we may award a point for each of the games you've left at least one comment for (multiple comments probably won't get you multiple points transferred)
- we may migrate some of the AP gained from rating games on AG2
- we may grant some amount of AP on AG3 for creating game shares (like castles for the Crush The Castle series), which we started tracking in August 2010; gameshares created before then, unfortunately, cannot be granted any points.
- since the Reputation system will be user-vote-based, we likely cannot transfer AG2 Armor Points to AG3 Reputation for forum posts
- we have not decided yet whether (or how many) points will be granted for submitting a high score
- we likely won't transfer any points from user comments

Things we still don't know:

- If we'll continue our existing ranks for serf/squire/knight/lord/duke/prince/king (and female counterparts), or whether they'll be based on AG3 points or not, but if we do carry over the idea, everyone's rank will be reset until the system recalculates your AG3 points
- We don't know yet how merits will transfer. If we transfer points for game comments, and one of your comments was given a merit, we may grant extra points for that, but only if we transfer game comments to AG3.

Feel free to voice your questions and concerns, perhaps some ideas.

4,104 posts

- AG2 points which were awarded for user-to-user and forum posts will not transfer into AG3 points

Maybe not into points but how about if you get a little bit of reputation from being active on the forums here?
9,504 posts

Master, that's a contradiction from another point Cormyn made, which is:

- since the Reputation system will be user-vote-based, we likely cannot transfer AG2 Armor Points to AG3 Reputation for forum posts

Though I would like, alongside the legacy rank achievements that are a given, legacy forum achievements given to start off the launch of AG3. Some of us have quite a bit of work going mostly into the community, some having twice as much work as I! If we get regular legacy achievements based on our rank, we should also get legacy forum achievements based on the amount of posts we submitted.

4,104 posts

- since the Reputation system will be user-vote-based, we likely cannot transfer AG2 Armor Points to AG3 Reputation for forum posts

I guess it does contradict that but i feel like if people built up a reputation here than they shouldn't have to restart completely from scratch.
2,891 posts

That's why we're still looking at the idea of merited comments granting some amount of reputation to start, or maybe the author of threads that got more than ___ views or ___ replies can get some reputation or something.

And it's not like you're starting from scratch ... We don't even have anything on the system that will require reputation (yet). Armatar uploads, username changes, groups/clans will all be post-launch features, which will give users time to build whatever reputation amount (if any) they'll need.

4,104 posts

I was more thinking that reputation is so how people know how active you are, not how many features you have.

3,517 posts

as long we get some appreciation of our points

15,595 posts

the author of threads that got more than ___ views or ___ replies can get some reputation or something.

I don't agree with the views part. People could just hold f5 on their threads so that the views count increases.
When will AGv3 come out?

That's off-topic, but there's another sticky about it. It should be out this summer.
1,747 posts

Here cormyn and maybe GhostOfMatrix; I got some questions.

Will I still keep my current rank when it releases?

How much AP do I earn in AGv3?

On what ways can I earn AP in AGv3?

Will I keep my current amount of AP?

1,405 posts

@ JohnGarell, cormyn kinda explained some of that in his thread comments, and some of the answers to your questions are still being processed. so.. just be paitent..

1,405 posts

I do have a question tho, is AG2 just the people registered on Armorgames before AG3?

4,104 posts

Will I still keep my current rank when it releases?

Rank system might be different.

How much AP do I earn in AGv3?

No AP, reputation.

On what ways can I earn AP in AGv3?

No AP reputation and you get it from similar ways to AG2 except from forum posts.

Will I keep my current amount of AP?

I believe you can guess from the previous answer
158 posts

Why not get Points to buy stuff. only saying.

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