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Welcome to the EPIC GROCERY SHOPPING ADVENTURE. The goal of this RPG is completed in five stages.
1. Leave the house and get in the car
2. Drive to the store
3. Find the eggs your wife asks you to buy
4. Purchase them
5. Go home
Sounds simple enough? What about the twist? If I told you now, then obviously the story would be revealed. So, do you DARE to go on the EPIC GROCERY SHOPPING ADVENTURE?
Hereâs the character sheet.


You get to distribute 50 skill points between HP, Weapons, Resourcefulness, Strength, and Armour. The HP Baseline is 10, for those idiots who decide to spend all 50 on weapons, and complain that they instantly die.

So, hereâs how the points are distributed.
HP: 1 skill point = 2 HP, +10 for baseline
Weapons: 1 skill point = 1 weapon point (spending 7 points here gets you a golf club, but 37 gets you a bazooka!)
Resourcefulness: 1 skill point = 1 Resourcefulness point (this determines the items you find. 8 points can be +10 max HP, but 26 can be +20 skill points â" more than once!)
Strength: 1 Skill point = 1 Point (Sort of like weapons, but more like a damage multiplier.)
Armour: 1 skill point = 1 point (simple enough? Almost like an HP bonusâ&brvbar
AND IF YOU REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT IT, you can make a biography, although it will be little use to deciding the course of events.

This is my first RPG, so itâs definitely not perfect. Feel free to comment on my profile for improvements!


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