Use this thread to express your opinions on different games. You can list games any way you want, adding factors like console, series or genre to your post. However, please be sure to add a reason for your choices instead of just spamming up names.
Legend of Zelda: I like -game- best, because it is... CoD: I really enjoy -game-, as... Xbox: I think the best game for this is -
You guys are so empty on material that you're criticizing me for possibly lying. Listen, the wii had bad graphics, crappy controls, and the interaction was stupid. I don't wanna interact with my game like that, I wanna control it with a classic controller
I was defending you but you don't obiviously don't care.
I don't wanna interact with my game like that, I wanna control it with a classic controller.
First off there was a controller like that for the wii. Second your argument is shallow because earlier you stated that the Wii U was better because it had the ability to play all the wii games. BUt seeing as you clearly don't like the Wii but you like the Wii U, makes me second guess your loyalty to the console you solely defend. Your rationalizations as to why the Wii U is better don't make sense.
Not necessarily. People like games for different things.
This would be an argument for genres...not companies
if everyone had the same sense of taste, I'd agree, but some people like nintendo for what it is, rather than what it is better than the other companies for.
Again..this argument seems to be centered around genres.
Little Debbie brand and Hostess are/(were) brands that make/made snack foods..yet the foods they made were different from each other. Despite these difference, because of the overlying common theme between them..the making of the snack foods...they are/were compared to one another
First off there was a controller like that for the wii. Second your argument is shallow because earlier you stated that the Wii U was better because it had the ability to play all the wii games. BUt seeing as you clearly don't like the Wii but you like the Wii U, makes me second guess your loyalty to the console you solely defend. Your rationalizations as to why the Wii U is better don't make sense. That doesn't even effect what i said.
Actually you're contradicting yourself because you are changing your mind and saying one thing but then changing it. Give AT LEAST one example, PLEASE!
I love Zelda, and I mean I looove it, it was my childhood game and everything. Personally, I don't play much video games but if I had to choose, it would be Xbox 360 or PC.
I love Zelda, and I mean I looove it, it was my childhood game and everything. Personally, I don't play much video games but if I had to choose, it would be Xbox 360 or PC.
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