I saw that alot of topics have been marked as a duplicate but if you post on an old topic it's necro'd so if something is necro'd can you repost the topic and not be marked as a dup?
But if it is an RPG or contest, than it is okay to remake the thread, correct? Since it is not as much as a discussion thread? And it is also ok to remake your art threads, instead of bumping them.
I dunno about the art threads, Jdogg. I mean, your art is already in that thread, why make another to start over? It would make more sense to start where you left off. Most of the discussion is geared towards your art anyways.
And it's hard to start where you left off with RPGs, so it would make more sense to restart those kinds.
2. The discussion has concluded and any further posts are considered spam.
So, if you are wanting to create a topic that isn't the exact same as the necro and/or duplicate, then have at it.
Or you spammed to bump it. Note that if a post contributes to the old topic, it is a revive, but in most cases it is just a lot easier to make a new topic than go dig up a 2 year old thread.
I usually go by 2 months or some 10 pages depending on the section. Longer than that, and it is dead, unless properly revived by an awesome, relevant and constructive post.
Once the post before the revival is from a quite a while, then we usually get our necro brains on.
It is quite subjective. I generally lock threads that are a year or older by mere default, and then go on the younger ones depending more or less on the poster.
Where I'm from, it is called bumping threads. If you want to start a new thread discussing an old topic, you have to ask a mod for permission and they almost always say yes. If you don't do it, you get banned for spamming.
It does, yes. Bumping a thread is however against the rules in the usual state "Bump, lol", thus it should be done via a constructive and well written post, if at all. If you do write something awesome, and the thread is not old as heck, it should be all fine. Otherwise, refer to the 2months-10pages thing, and cross your fingers. Usually, the better the OP, the better the reason to not refer to a previous thread, however duplicate it might be.
Yea, I don't know that there is a set of rules for necro'd threads. I just make a judgment call. It depends on each topic. For example, Global Warming is brought up a lot in the WEPR. We have a HUGE Global Warming thread, but it's pretty old. We just keep that one going.
On the flipside, if someone necros a month old topic from the Tavern (some larger topics excluded), then I lock it.