ForumsThe TavernThe Anti-Bunny Club

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You may have seen this on some peoples' profiles:
This is a bunny out of symbols that is trying to take over the world. However, I have a way to stop the bunny. It's the Anti-Bunny Club, and its symbol is a fox. This fox symbolizes membership in the Anti-Bunny Club:
(_) (_)
To join the Anti-Bunny Club, simply copy and paste the fox onto your profile. No related text is necessary, just the fox. I shall now list some information on this club:

Mission Statement of the Anti-Bunny Club:
To stop the bunny from taking over the world.

Rules of the Anti-Bunny Club:
1. To join, simply copy the fox from my profile or this post and copy it onto your profile. Additional text is optional.
2. I will friend anybody that I see has joined the club. This will be my only means of friending, so join the club if you want to be friended.

Rules of the Anti-Bunny Club thread:
1. Follow normal Armor Games forum rules.
2. Do not post the bunny in the forum. I posted it just to show you.
3. Do not spam me to friend you. If you want me to friend you, post the fox from my profile or my post. If you do this properly, I will check your profile for the fox.
4. If you break any of these rules in a significant way, I will flag you.
5. If you break the rules in a less significant way, I will warn you first, then flag your next offense of any rule.
6. I will let you know when you have been flagged.
7. Even if this thread becomes locked, you can still join the club by copying and pasting the fox.

  • 1 Reply
15,595 posts

Clans/Clubs are not allowed on AG currently due to it being against the current rules.

But in AG3 there's going to be something where you can create/run a clan/club.
Check this thread out.

You can feel free to put that club thing in your about if you want.

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