ForumsGamesWhy I fear for Modern Warfare 3

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1,434 posts

Hello all. Well, Your Friendly Neighborhood Sadist has something he has to get off his chest. Me and Highfire have been ripping this game across all threads ever made about it because we're Battlefield zealots. As an industry analyzer, i feel it should be my responsibility to explain my actions.

I fear for Modern Warfare 3.

Not the sales! No! When i learned that MW2 AND Black Ops broke entertainment-sales records, i smiled. A step forward had been made for gaming as a legitimate form of entertainment.

I don't see this as a threat to my favorite titles, Halo, Gears, or Battlefield, as a multiplayer king. In the game industry, quality has always beat out quantity, (Sonic being the only deformed variable in this equation) but, a fall to an overall, pretty **** good franchise.

Modern Warfare 1 released in 2007 next to Bioshock, Halo 3, and Mass Effect, as superb gaming experiences, the absolute best of the time.

Three years later...
Three CoD's later...
Three gritty, corridor-shooters later...

Black Ops
A best seller and a zombie wonderland... but... it's too... familiar. While being forced to play it by my friends, i felt like i was playing it again... like it was a new experience, already experienced. I glanced at my game library, and there they were. Modern Warfare, World At War, and Modern Warfare 2, all nicely organized. There was no progression, i realized... there was only CoD. And that is what I fear. The most popular franchise on the planet... causing a quality standstill.

Let's evaluate how MW3 will be by looking at it's developers, and it's predecessors.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will be developed by 3 teams. An Infinity Ward with all the good bits and pieces missing, an Activision subsidiary called "Sledgehammer", and our friend Raven.

Let's start with our pals, IW.
They make great games. MW2 may have left too much grit in my mouth and too many seizures from the never-ending explosions, but it was fun. And, as previously stated, they did shock the world with the goliath MW1 was.
They got a bad deal, them and the publisher of CoD games, Activision, got into a heated legal battle, resulting in many top IW members getting fired, and many lead designers departing the company as well. The Prince is now Pauper... in the most tragic of scenarios.
IW will be co-developing the singleplayer game with Sledgehammer

Now Sledgehammer.
Remember how Microsoft cut off some extra mass, called it 343, and put an aluminum foil crown on it, forever labeling it the King of Halo? well, they're not doing anything so far, except releasing the extremely popular and well-recieved Halo Waypoint, a go to stop to unify the Halo Community.

Replace Microsoft with Activision, and put yourself in Activision's shoes, a big-time publisher who just got into a scandal with one of your biggest developers that stirred some tense feelings. Not to mention, your biggest rival and his 2-letter name is really annoying you with his marketing. What would you do? Sounds like you'd do what Microsoft did, only use this team of Activision employees to keep the IW boys in line, make the game into something that the higher-ups at Activision know will break a 3rd record, and do it with as little effort and cost available, crafting an extremely popular, low-grade product. well... low-grade as compared to the true blockbusters of today, the Crysis' and the Bulletstorms, the Dead Risings, even EA Sports is pushing their games to become more innovative to craft a richer experience. Fifa 11? Awesomeness. B^)
This will ultimately put a mindset into other developers that if they want to sell millions, they just have to do something similar to Call of Duty... lowering the bar for all games, eventually creating a standstill in game quality. Sure they're somewhat fun experiences, but they all maintain a very mediocre level.

Remember the last time in history something very popular maintained a line of mediocrity nothing could achieve higher than?

I'll give you a moment...
Got it? Yep? Good job. That's right.

The Communistic Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapses after 60-odd years of repression towards the people of Asia and Eastern Europe.

Think about that for a little bit, my friends.

Alright, it seems I've visited the transition of CoD's over teh past 4 years without even noticing. We'll just move onto the 3rd developer of Modern Warfare 3.

Raven Software. Let me give you a history of titles Raven has worked on. Quake 4, Wolfenstein (2009), Turok (rebooted). These titles sound familiar? Raven just can't seem to make a good game. Turok was a bust, Wolfenstein's openworld was pointless, as was the game as a whole, although it did insult some of the industry's veteran community a bit too much. Quake 4 was only halfway good because legendary developer, id, was developing it with Raven. Can we really trust the next installment of Video Games' crown jewel to a junkyard like Raven?
Raven will be developing the ever-addicting Multiplayer aspect of Modern Warfare 3

As I've stated before my whole monotony of quality argument, let me quickly restate it using a metaphor. As the years go by, time is measured on the X-axis, while the overall quality is measured on the Y-axis. The greater in value of the slope between the two points means the sequel was overall, what a sequel should do, take the previous game, fix its flaws, and add some goodies while at it. Assassin's creed, Mass Effect, Dead Rising, halo 3, and Resident Evil 3 all have steep curves leading to their respective blockbuster sequels.

Call of Duty 3 to Modern Warfare's line is, in my opinion, the steepest a line's gotten in a long time. Modern Warfare to Black Op's? the flattest. The community is starting to realize this, and it's not going to be good for Activision until some kind of change is made that IW made back in 2007.

For my closing, I'll look at Battlefield.

Battlefield 2 shocked the world with superb multiplayer, releasing alongside Ratchet and Clank 3, God of war, Half-Life 2, and Halo 2 as one of the best titles of teh year. Sound familiar?

Four years later, Digital Illusions CE (DICE), the master minds behind Battlefield, took to the consoles after their PC only run, and released a strange new game with a strange new engine in 2008, Bad Company 1. The Frostbite engine was able to simulate war-like scenarios and house destruction physics, shellshock, and bulet time/fall with excelled quality. However, the game was considered only above average, an 8.5, if you would.

Two years later, in a cold march of 2010 with Mass Effect 2 and God of War 3 warm from play in our libraries, the Swedes at DICE gave us Bad co. 2, a revamped, ultra-awe inspiring shooter that gave the Frostbite a new makeover and the new multiplayer king, Modern Warfare 2, a bit of a pinch.

Now, its 2011. This is what DICE has been planning. The multiplatform releases of the Bad Co. spinoffs were a beta, a test, of the Frostbite engine. DICE knew they had to make the ultimate shooter experience for the industry, so spanning across two games and three platforms, they gathered enough data to create the divine Frostbite 2.0.

Go watch some Battlefield 3 gameplay videos, and cover teh hud with your hands. You'll be blown away.

Taht's an example of raising the bar, wanting to create a game that would require two previous games to perfect an engine to run it? The amount of money and manpower required to attempt this feat was massive, and through it all, EA has proven that despite weird marketing, they will defeat Modern Warfare 3. Not by sinking to its level and trying to do Cod better than them, but by trying to create a game that will truly be, the perfect shooter, and that's what the games of the future need.


  • 33 Replies
1,830 posts

Wow, that was well put together great job.

22,207 posts

That was.... Superb. I can't really object or comment on anything, it explained and ended itself... good job!

6,672 posts

this really deserves a merit if i do say so myself. this was one beast of a post.

4,104 posts

My God, what post.

P.S: Black ops sucks for the same reason all COD by treyarch suck, treyarch can't think of new stuff. They just keep copying infinity ward.

4,104 posts

My God, what post.

What a post.
6,672 posts

like he single handedly convinced me to get battlefeild 3

1,608 posts

OmG what do you do after school/work, i bet the past week is was writing this. I was to lazy to read it :P so if this sounds familiar dont complain, but :

The new Call of Duty's suck because it is just the previous one with new weapons (and not even all the weapons) and new maps. And once in a while a new thing like CODPOINTS which suck. So this year i ain't going to but call of duty but Tes V : Skyrim

37 posts

Infinity Ward really needs to change Call of duty series or MW3 is just MW2.5

17 posts

... and BF3 will be much better than MW3 because

Bad Co. spinoffs were a beta, a test, of the Frostbite engine
. A game that was a beta test of game-engine is better than CoD 1-7 all together. I think it makes sense.

But I still hope that MW3 will be a good, innovative (for CoD franchise) game. Because playing one game for several years is kinda weird for me.
2,597 posts

Excellent deserves a merit.

But I still hope that MW3 will be a good, innovative (for CoD franchise) game

Me too because at some point I will rent it out to beat the campaign.
3,025 posts

Me and Highfire have been ripping this game across all threads ever made about it because we're Battlefield zealots.

Ripping through it so deep we've been ripping the threads themselves.

A step forward had been made for gaming as a legitimate form of entertainment.

True, but I feel it could've done better xD

I don't see this as a threat to my favorite titles, Halo, Gears, or Battlefield, as a multiplayer king. In the game industry, quality has always beat out quantity,

True, that, and DICE is never gonna give me up! (Link to YouTube <3)

but, a fall to an overall, pretty **** good franchise.

I know I rip into this game more than Black Holes rip matter but there are good perks to each game that make them enjoyable. MW2 has had few technical problems and the (at the time) more guerilla fight tactics involved made it quite interesting, especially given "Special Ops" which was very nicely done in my opinion.
Black Ops? Well, I think the customization speaks for itself - it's the main reason I bought it. The one thing that would've deterred me is if it were a MW2 clone - which it is alike, but still, I like the idea of having different warriors to the extent CoD Black Ops provided (Anyone seen Brink btw? Looks pretty awesome).

A best seller and a zombie wonderland... but... it's too... familiar.

As CoD4 is the only CoD I've played where I've very few complaints I can easily say that CoD4 was better, mostly through graphics. The shinyness of Black Ops Guns looks overdone and blatant, put on Specular Map for PC and check it out, it is sexy.
That, and the Desert Eagles are SERIOUSLY over done. It is truly bling having a golden gun.

The most popular franchise on the planet... causing a quality standstill.

This, and I realized it hit other franchises as well. MW2 hand held you quite a bit, if you done it wrong - mission failure. Black Ops does it the same a bit as well, but look at how its effected Homefront.

You can't do much - and true, scripted events are cool but what do you think when you see one now? It will rarely make you think... "wow"...

In a way, I think that's how the cinematics of Starcraft II are so amazing to watch. (Whilst finding these links I had to listen to the "StarCraft 2: Reflections on Char in 1080p" in its entirety because of how amazing it is.) (Also, sorry 2 of them gets cut out short.)

Other than this, scripted events are the core part of a mission in SCII, not a little cherry on top. Whether its a fire wall of doom, a time limit, a hold-out mission, or w/e, it's unique in its own way.

Quake 4, Wolfenstein (2009), Turok (rebooted).

No idea how good these games are.

Raven will be developing the ever-addicting Multiplayer aspect of Modern Warfare 3

If what you say is true, and given how those games are really not like a CoD game (I think?), then this is troubling to say the least. It will be unrecognisable as a CoD game to many people, something like Medal of Honour with DICE doing the Multiplayer I think it was successful - it's the makers of Battlefield but they made it sufficiently different very easily. That, and is Medal of Honour 2010 not a reboot of the series?

Battlefield 2 shocked the world with superb multiplayer,

Still not released to its full potential given the teamplay involved. If it were played professionally much more often and much more well known then MY GOD, would people love to see that.

The multiplatform releases of the Bad Co. spinoffs were a beta, a test, of the Frostbite engine.

I believe this. I remember DICE saying (and I know I have brought this up many times before) that Bad Company was not a full effort - I certainly believe them. Even so you can see them poking holes into Call of Duty.

Battlefield 3 will hopefully be gobsmacking - truthfully? This is the ONLY game I have put on such a high stool of expectations for a shooter. Why? Because

Go watch some Battlefield 3 gameplay videos, and cover teh hud with your hands. You'll be blown away.

In a way, I can only imagine that what this post sums up is how Battlefield will own Call of Duty? You know, considering that CoD has tried the same.

The last paragraph you did? Superb mate. Loving your post and the sources involved (speaking of which, all links in this post are YouTube). Can't wait to see you on the threadfield...

What? You KNOW that's not a bad pun!

(It really is...)

- H
3,025 posts

Nice Kirby, but I think you should bare in mind that Battlefield and Battlefield: Bad Company are two different games completely despite baring the same name (mostly) and the fact that it's made by the same company.

What I mean is there probably isn't going to be a Battlefield Bad Company 3, but a Battlefield 3 should be coming out this year.

That, and that

COD would be SOOOO much better of a series if the developers had more time to work on it.

should be, in my opinion:

COD would be SOOOO much better of a series if the developers made more time for themselves to work on it.

Correct? Bottom line for me: If Activision is causing such a problem, break off from them, make a new Title and have the biggest selling point "From the creators of Call of Duty".

There, that's 3 million (more?) people ready to check out your fast paced adrenline rushing, familiar, balanced, wild, funny and genuinely cliché for the fun of it game.

Why? Because CoD would be better if it had that. Do you go into Singleplayer pretending to be a real soldier?

You can run around and knife. Why don't you have a few comments on that? If you get 3 knives on enemies in 10 seconds you have a guy on your team (or even the enemy's) yelling out "WHERE'S THE BALANCE HERE?!", or just another method of breaking the fourth wall.

Why not? I feel the companies take themselves too seriously for the type of game they develop.

- H
755 posts

Even if MW3 is a small extension of MW2 I am excited for it!!

1,101 posts

Quake 4, Wolfenstein (2009), Turok (rebooted).

hmmm well i have to agree that wolfensteins open concept was sorta unneeded, but the reason behind that is because there are alot of side quests, and alot of places where you're supposed to be looking for treasure intel and secrets (going back to the original wolfenstein). Now im not sure if raven also made the first wolfenstein, but that was the original FPS ever created. Which I guess is the reason why i enjoyed the new wolfenstein alot. Not to mention the game in itself wasn't bad at all. In respect to what you've said, each person has their own opinions, but I definately have to say as far as a campaign goes, it beat cod and alot of other FPS games hands down.

Quake 4 wasn't my favorite game either.. But I do quite enjoy the whole quake series, because that was the first FPS games i've ever played (unreal tournament was around the same time). And they made quake 3 great. Im not sure if raven helped in that as I dont look at the credits all to often, but the quake franchise isn't bad at all. Quake 4 was probably the worst of the series. But the online play wasn't bad at all.

Turoks a joke. Nuff said.

Ill probably still end up buying this game, as I still enjoy the COD series. Theres some aspects that are unfair, but apparantly theres always a huge amount of players online, so its gotta be doing something right. We just need a decent FPS game to come out to combat COD. Sure Battlefields going to be great, but its not all close quarter intense combat like COD. Battlefields more tactile, and theres alot of people out there that dont have the patients... Why do you think theres so many run and gunners on COD. So i mean yeah im definately gonna get both the games, but battlefield (for console systems) will never have the same amount of people playing it as cod... which is extremely disappointing. Get another fast paced game to combat cod with way better graphics and i think we got a challenger.. (none of this crysis bull which endorses corner camping with the stupid invis mod)

846 posts

OP you sir, deserve a round of applause.

And I agree with most of your points actually, the fact that the game isn't running a new and updated engine is what is starting to concern me the most though. The current COD engine will look like complete garbage once we see what Frostbite 2 can do.

The fact that Raven is handling the multiplayer bothers me a lot also concerns me. With such a small margin of error and with such great standards to meet, can a studio with no previous experience in COD pull that off? I'm not so sure that they can

The third main thing that worries me is the new "COD subscription service" that was accidentally confirmed. If Activision's past actions are any indication then that means that you either pay them even more for what you should have already gotten when you bought the game and paid for your xbox live subscription or you get garbage. 20 maps? How about 6 for someone who doesn't pay the fee? I hope I am wrong but I doubt I am. Prepare to have your wallets raided and prepare to give your soul to the devil known as Activision.

Anyway that is why I fear for Modern Warfare 3, and I do agree completely with you OP. Truly a great post (even though you beat me to it, I was going to post this soon)

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