ForumsThe Tavernvegetarians and fish or: are fishes animals or plants?

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4,711 posts

ever heard from a vegetarian that he/she never eats meat but then he/she says he/she likes fish. and dont start to argue that fishes are meat because they say then its not. i think fishes are animals.

what do you think, are fishes plants or animals? are you a vegetarian and eat fish?

  • 42 Replies
358 posts

A counter argument to using supplement pills, I believe AjAy stated it.

With pills, side affects can be a problem, even with supplements. The fact is pills often cost more both in terms of financial wealth and material wealth to make, (with a pill you have to not only get the machinery in the factories to make it, you also have to have proper mixing with the pills composition, and shipping and handling costs as well and the fact it uses the factory to begin with also adds an energy cost.) as opposed to a herd animal that is born to be meat for a person, a herd animal that provides more jobs then an automated factory, and the fact that the meat from said animal is much more natural and healthy for someone.

Hominids and humans in general didn't evolve to be as intelligent by eating pills or merely gathering plants. It helped sustain us yes, and I for one do enjoy fruits and vegetables in a proper manner, but meat is what made us develop our tactical intelligence and our communication skills as a whole.

And sooner or later, and this is just a personal theory, I think people should be accustomed of eating naturally occurring proteins found in nuts, meat or any other form of animal flesh because society will soon change to a more agrarian model if our consumption of fossil fuel related products and energy doesn't become more moderated and stable. Once our fossil fuels become too expensive to use, transportation begins shutting down, any other types of fuel to power power plants using coal or even trying to setup "green" technology will not be possible due to the transportation not being available. Add to the fact the cities won't get a regular shipment of food, people will have to migrate in order to survive.

Whether we get to that point or not is another question. And I have doubts, but there is a good chance that could happen as well, further down the road.

13,821 posts

Heh, as soon as I saw the title I was thinking of pescetarians immediately. Not peskatarians, or whatever.

Pescetarianism according to Wikipedia.

In response to the question of whether fishes are animals or plants, what the hell is wrong with the idiot that asked this in the first place? Didn't they learn anything about biology as a kid? Obviously, if I needed to state the facts I would. Hopefully, no one will have to go over THAT again.


Heh, pedophylls and chlorophilia. Chlorophyll.

I've always personally considered fish to be 'meat'. I can't really say much for common practice. The thing which piques my interest though, regards the interpretation of what being a vegetarian or a vegan is. I thought vegetarians and vegans abstain from animal foods, which of course includes seafood such as fish.

I thought vegans were comparable to strict vegetarians practicing an ethical lifestyle (which includes diet of course!) that forbids the consumption or use of animal products, whilst vegetarians were more dietary-centric. No kidding the distinction has never been crystal clear to me, but it makes sense. Heck, some people told me vegetarians still eat and drink dairy.

Oh, and I'm not really interested in arguing for or against anything. For the record, I am an ardent supporter of my omnivorous diet. Although I wouldn't die if I had to be a vegetarian, I'm a fan of using animals for my benefit.
4,711 posts

what the hell is wrong with the idiot that asked this in the first place? Didn't they learn anything about biology as a kid?

@knight_34 thanks for the nice words (sarcasm), i started this discusion to find out what others think. everytime i meet a vegtarian who says he/she eat no meat except fish i started to argue with them that fish is meat, too but they sayed then no fish is not meat and i sayed then is it a plant or what? and so on and so on. fish is meat.

13,821 posts

thanks for the nice words (sarcasm), i started this discusion to find out what others think.

Excuse me for my assumptions.

but they sayed then no fish is not meat and i sayed then is it a plant or what?

What was the person's response?

I think people who claim to be dietary vegetarians but still eat seafood and dairy are being hypocritical.
100 posts

They're not plants, or animals. They're tasty.....also they're animals.

4,711 posts

What was the person's response?

the response was: i dont know but its not meat. *facepalm*

3,168 posts

Is that to say you don't think we should call people by what they eat? To me, each person is either a vegetarian or not. I also think vegetarians don't eat fish because fish are meat.

I'm not into mass identifiers unless it's race or religion i guess.
But i know other people let what they eat define them, so whatever.

Fact is. Fish is not a plant.
13,821 posts

the response was: i dont know but its not meat. *facepalm*

Hey, there could actually be some people which believe fish ARE plants.

They're out there! I know it! *clenches magnifying glass*
5,956 posts

i think it has to do with religion. like lent for christians, they cant eat meat on friday, but fish is ok

217 posts

whaat? christian eat meat whenever they want.
and personally i think vegetarians are stupid hippies, they dont make sense at all. i mean just look at EpicMealTime, [b]BACON IS THE ISH!!!! XDXDXD

3,168 posts

whaat? christian eat meat whenever they want.

Nope, he was right. Only fish on fridays during lent.

and personally i think vegetarians are stupid hippies, they dont make sense at all. i mean just look at EpicMealTime, [b]BACON IS THE ISH!!!! XDXDXD

It's their choice, and should be respected. They're not hippies - that has absolutely nothing to do with it.

I mean, if you had a pet dog, and someone served you cooked dog on a plate, would you eat it just because it's meat?
The majority of people wouldn't - although it's a delicacy in some countries.
9,447 posts

I mean, if you had a pet dog, and someone served you cooked dog on a plate, would you eat it just because it's meat?

That's slightly different because it's atypical to eat dog in Western nations. "If you had a pet chicken and someone served it cooked" would've probably been a better scenario. A lot of people would be fine with eating a pet that is a commonly cooked species. My music teacher was given a pig by the graduating class 2 years ago (he wrote a short poem about a pig) and when it died, he made bacon.
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