ForumsGame WalkthroughsRaze 2 Gun tips

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Well, Just post tips on how to use each gun's full potential.

  • 36 Replies
15 posts

When using the rocket launcher, double jump to get out of the blast radius.

50 posts

Starter.. for M9 aim for crotch for the ripper aim for the body as it spreads. Always run about with them don't aim and make sure that u kill them when they are low on health so u don't recharge. Whip it out when u run out of ammo or they have low health and use it to kill. For the Golden Mauser, ain't no hope u gonna win on anythin less than easy than v. easy mode okay? Also u must use the Ripper or the M9 because the plasma pistol takes too long to get to the target and u get yourself killed.

Sidearm. if usin the magnum always aim for the head. If you can't get a clean shot off then go for the body instead but to cause carnage u need a headshot and a fatality. Uzis, remember are only useful in a close range combat situation because it is too innacurate; switch to another weapon if u cannot get in close. Burst torches are okay if u do not got a better weapon for crowd control. See a bunch of enemies headin straight for ya? Then whip out this badboy and you'll seen have 'em up in flamez! Remember to use a better weapon if you've got 1 though... Photon Blasters are good all rounders. They do most damage so try to get up close and personal if u can. Good to have as a secondary weapon if your other weapons are out of ammo and you need to finish someone off who is also trying to reload if they still gt substantial health; otherwise use ur starter weapon unless that's outta ammo too. Vamp Charger: Ain't got no clue; never've used it ' seems like a bad idea to me losin health and that... But DO NOT MISS! under any sircumstances don't whip this out if you have less than 15% health, else u are goin through a miracle if u win. Don't be an idiot and be sensible! This is too expensive and I don't recommend using it plus u don't get any kill bonuses for using it...

Short range weapons. For all apart from the Terminator, stand as close as possible to target and aim for the chest, no the head as they are too innacurate and a body shot means more ammo hits so more damage than a miss if u try for a head shot. Crotchshots and buttshots are acceptable depending on ur situation and ur skills. For the shotgun, just run up to them and shoot them if u have enough health. Don't go gettin yourself killed though... The Plasma Shot is the same, but has a rapid fire rate so keep it trained on them and only use it if they have less than 30% health with no shield, else think about what you're doing when chasing after somebody shooting them with it; do you really think that you can come out of this situation alive? Thought not... Zapper; is me fave. Fair distance for a short range weapon. Just remember that it does more damage up close and personal by 2x the amount. But don't get yourself surprise attacked by a katana though... Terminator has good distance with nothing else being better than the shotgun. DO NOT use the Particle Cannon! It is rubbish and does littled damage other than the fire it is no good! It isn't worth it for the credits it's askin for! Plus u get no kill bonuses for using it, so don't get it for that reason either...

Automatic: assault rifle: it is rubbish: get another automatic asap! The Bubble Blaster is much like its plasma pistol counterpart. It homes and has nothin else goin for it. The Precision Laser is the best all rounder. It has amazing accuracy over extreme distances and has amazing damage to head, crotch and butt... deadly in the right hands... Hail Storm is good and is of paramount importance to unlock Chill Pill kill bonus. Do not get the assault bouncer it is fiery but otherwise it is not good.

Long Range weapons: the Sniper Rifle is largely underestimated as a weapon. Apart from particularly tough enemies, this is amazingly damaging. Headshots are usually fatal as this is its advantage. From the beginning u have it so learn how to do successful headshots! Railgun is again really dangerous. Shooting someone in the head is fatal and u can get many multi kills in one shot. But it takes a long time in between shots to get another shot off, so do not use it more than once before switching to another weapon and then switching back again. The pulsator is good for splash damage and is largely underrated as a weapon as opposed to the Holy Grail, but bare in mind its faster fire rate and clip size before makin a decision, yeah? The Holy Grail is good at deadly accuracy and damage. Don't need to aim for the head can't get critical hits with this weapon, just aim for the chest and expect a fatality in one hit (apart from particularly difficult enemies... (; ). Can't afford the Electro Bolt ): but it has extreme range and it splits and does three enemies damage or 1 or 3 more damage. Through walls too! Unfortunately, it costs too much and people usually settle for the Holy Grail which is a shame... ): .

Heavy Weapons: the Laser Minigun is the best heavy weapon except the destroyer and it is free! But highly innacurate so only effective in short distances. The shredder is a terrible weapon but it is of paramount importance to use it when you want the Surprise kill bonus. It can go through things, though, but you're unlikely to hit anythin when it comes out the other side, though... Don't know what the Focus Beam's about, cuz I've never bought it... ): It appears to shoot a constant beam of light at the enemy though, so it's probably ****. Destroyer is the best Heavy Weapon; aim for the head for a quick kill! Great for speed and damage particularly on Rapid Fire power up. Works well on all distances from enemies and is brilliant on all difficulties of enemies especially medium. Do not bother saving up for the Flame Thrower; it's overrated. The Destroyer is better and much cheaper. The only advantage over the Destroyer is its splash damage and fieryness. Other than that, it is ****.

Explosive Weapon: The best is actually the V12 Rocket Laucher because it is the best over long distances. It doesn't take as long to get to the target as the Ice Hunter or the Acid Hound and it doesn't take long to detonate like the sticky grenade launcher. And it has a higher rate of fire than the Ion Cannon and you don't need to donate money for it like the Credit Cannon.
The V12 Rocket Launcher is best for distance rapidity, just aim and fire and do not miss. Obviously, don't use it in close quarters combat because you don't wanna kill youself!
The Ion Cannon gets there nearly instantly and basically travels at the speed of light. But the slow rate of fire's probably not good against tough enemies who can survive it. Grenade Launchers are **** because they take too long to detonate, however you're gonna need it at some point if you want the corplosion kill bonus or the haunted bonus. The Ice Hunter is good because of homing ability. and its rate of fire. But at long distances it is no good and it is easily deflected by the katana or the deflection shield. The Acid Hound does massive splash damage. Use at mid-range only. So you don't miss from long distances or kill yourself at short range. Haven't got the Credit Cannon, sorry. ): But if you do, it's supposed to be the ultimate weapon, just don't go gettin yourself killed with it, and don't waste money on it if you don't have enough credits to use it! Remember that you'll need credits for other guns because you won't be able to use the Credit Cannon all the time so you would then be killed without it. LOL!

If you've got any questions about this comment or anything at all about Raze 2, just ask. I'd be glad to help and I know every single aspect of this game. Just ask.

50 posts

If you have any questions on Raze 2 click on my name next to the comment and ask a question on my profile page. Other topics are welcome.

11 posts

Lol in all its a decent game not crappy , but still rooms for improvement .

11 posts

Lol all the different guns for you use but theres always a gun that suit you cause different players use different guns in different ways .

74 posts

Yeah, personally I like the rocket launcher a lot, but the acid hound is also one that I have trouble deciding between. Guns will vary depending on the person's preferences.

6 posts

anybody have any tips to get money relatively quickly?
such as the levels with best pay

2,074 posts

anybody have any tips to get money relatively quickly?
such as the levels with best pay

Try these:
1 posts

I have the credit cannon. When shot, imagine a the ion cannon beam but blue. No need to reload. By FAR the best gun in the game

32 posts

From what I've experienced, the electro bolt dosen't seem to fire through walls ( Not thick ones anyway ).
And vamp charger actually has an ammo meter, which means that it can't be used forever unless you grab another on for ammo. It has an arc, meaning it's a bit harder to aim.

And I consider the burst torch almost useless. The flame does barely any damage, and direct hit is only decent.

28 posts

The shredder is a terrible weapon

Not if you have Rapid Fire on. Just spam anywher or everywhere and everyone in the area died.
269 posts

Ok well use the Credit Cannon when you got everything

Get Rapid Fire in the maps use the Ice Hunter and SHOOT- DONT STOP SHOOTING

269 posts

Use the Rocket laucher for primary damage THEN use what ever you want its best to use the rocket laucher or the Acid Hound on alien levels

1 posts

I don't know if anyone knows this but if using a slow reloading gun (specifically holy grail) if you go to the pause menu and then click resume, while it's counting down it still reloads. Pretty muck a Raze fakey

27 posts

@beaglemaster dude play deathmatch then add team 3v3 or bla bla bla then turn kills on 100 I do that for more money if your good playing at this..

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