It was apparently removed during maintenance, and they still haven't brought it back. It's unclear whether or not they're going to re-install it, with AG3 being just around the corner.
The Top 100 have it easy; they can just look on the leaderboard to see if they changed. People below have to do some guesswork and research. Will AG2 have the ranks back up? Probably. Maybe after the more important, less trivial things are taken care of.
What's all this talk to ag3? You guys do know its a myth right? and i noticed the rank system gone a few days ago as well. but seeing as my rank hasn't moved, or only by a few spots, for the last 6 months, i don't really care.
What's all this talk to ag3? You guys do know its a myth right?
Dude, just because it is taking a while doesn't mean it won't be coming out. They are just working to fix bugs and improve the site before release. And remember, they are a small team of developers and can only do so much.
indeed. im a beta tester. they threw the demo together in a few minutes just to please us. AG3 will never happen.
Oh darn, he figured the plan out. Yeah, see the ArmorGames staff is just updating the site just to mess with us and show us that they know how to code and are competent administrators. The homepage for Beta is a portal to a limited alternate universe, the different skins are so the users will shut up, and the game search is so the users will shut up. I admit it Xverb, you got us. But since you were a beta tester just to be a beta tester and not actually provide any significant contribution, you obviously have insightful, prior knowledge that the ArmorGames staff is just doing this to yank our chains. It's a much more plausible idea than, say, creating a new site to be fully independent of AG2's incompetent resources.
BUT I DIGRESS. So we know that the rank feature is temporarily gone. Whether they'll replace it later or wait until the full evolution of AG3 we can only wait to find out.