I get the log in box on the top left of the game screen, but I don't get the log-in pop up. The game was working fine a couple of hours ago, and nothing has changed on my computer, so I'm a bit confuddled.
I initially reported the issue after experiencing it on my personnal laptop, and the very same issue is occurring with my work laptop. On both systems, the issue happens in Firefox and IE.
The two systems have nothing in common.
So it is an issue at Armorgame's end.
The issue also happens in Kingdom Rush. Cannot login to save game, login window just flashes and vanishes. I have Gemscraft premium, but I don't have premium for kingdom rush.
Thanks again for posting in the Google form. From what I can tell it's definitely something on our end (thanks tanelorn007). We've narrowed it down to a few possible situations, but we need your help again to find out more info.
For those that are seeing this error and are getting a popup that says "Sorry but the Armor Games Services are temporarily unavailable. Please try again soon." we've added an error code to help us debug the issue better. If you get this error popup every time, please post in here what your error code is that you got. Don't forget to clear your cache before you play the game again though. Otherwise you will get old data and the code won't appear.
Thanks again guys and bear with us as we solve this error step by step.
I played at home on my Windows 7 desktop... No issues whatsoever. Get back into work today and my Mac is still having the issue. Not sure what that means or if it helps.
Same bug. Cache cleared 2 time (even java cache ... i'll tray everything !). But always unable to log on Kingdom Rush and Gemcraft online save or premium !
The issue is back. I was able to login yesterday, but later in the day the connection to the server was lost (couldn't save my game) and I haven't been able to log back in since.
Same problem: login screen flashes briefly and vanishes.
No error code shows (or if it does, the login window doesn't show for long enough for me to see)
We just pushed out an update that doesn't fix the problem, but instead addresses the issue of nothing popping up when you click login. Instead of nothing you should get an error message with a code associated with the error instead. Please post this code in this forum when you see it. I know it doesn't sound like much, but at least its something at this point.
Clear your cache before you load the game to make sure to get this update.
Another quick question: When you play the game, are you logged into the website (not the game) when you get this error or are you logged out? If possible, could you try playing the game both ways (logged out/in) and see if you get anything different?
We think we know where the issue is occurring, but we're trying to understand why. It seems as if you guys are the only few users that are affected. Unlucky I guess. To make matters worse, none of the computers in the office here can reproduce this issue so we are literally at the mercy of your testing. I'd hate to ask this, but if any of you are willing to help out any further on this matter and can reproduce this error every time on your computer we'd like to talk with you about possibly remoting into your computer to actually watch the error occur. This may include downloading the program Charles to watch the calls being made from the game. If you're interested in helping out please email me at joey+agi@armorgames.com.
I have tried both ways. If this was my home computer I would be more than willing to let you remote in... But, with it being my work computer and by the nature of where I work, there is no way I could. I am sorry, I wish I could help with that.