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73 posts

Intro, and BTW *Read Everything*
In the world of Onestat, there is only influence.

You zone in from daydreaming about influence. Such a bad habit since you gain nothing from it! You are in your parents' kitchen cooking up some vittles for breakfast. Your father said he had some big news for you today.

Outside: "...yes he did! It doesn't matter what you think!"

(You gain 1 influence point. 1 total.)
(Your father loses 1 influence point. 198 total.)

(Door opens and slams.) "And there it is. You are now an adult. Let's eat!"

This is the happiest day of your life. You look through the paper for something to do and there on the front page the most amazing thing catches your eyes!

1. Every post you make must link to your background post using the link style and replacing the X's. A good way to get this link would be to find the last post link in the forum right after you post. If not you can build it by hovering over the report this link for the post number.
2. You can make anything with your influence (within community guidelines), and as long as that stays in your infinite backpack, you still have net influence. Influence must be on every post - please keep it updated!
3. You cannot convert stuff or stats into influence, but maybe can?
4. Essentially the world is made by me, but you can be bold. I will help you and your character along the way - like if you step out of line a bit, I will use "Name just realised that it was all a daydream and..."
5. If you break the game, you will wake up from daydreaming at the dinner table and your father will take away your net influence. The End.

Character Sheet
This section describes your first post. * denotes required.
Name: (Use only if you want something besides your username.)
Background*: (You may be as creative or as simple as you wish!)
1/1. (Left side is available influence, right side is net influence.)

[All out of character messages must be in italics, in square brackets, above your stats, or above the link to your background.]

[I will now create (and quickly end) Onesy so you can see a simple, quick life in the world of Onestat. Please, no one post yet.]

  • 6 Replies
73 posts

Name: Onesy Onestaty [Here is a simple background post, but by no means what you have to do. You may copy it if you want.]
Background: A very typical Onestatian, he grew up as nothing special, and most likely will end the same.
Influence: 1/1

[I'll end the background post there. Yep, that's all you really need! You can always update your background in any post, but you may want to create a new link to it in each of your new posts, as chapters. Please, no one post yet.]

73 posts

-Onestat- [Here is an example of an NPC post.]
Onesy's father, Onesy Sr - Influence: 198/198 [I may give you information about NPCs, even beyond influence if needed.]
(over dinner) "Son, you have so much potential in you, and I want you to succeed no matter what. I tell you what, finish up and I will help you by giving you another influence point!"

73 posts

-Onesy Onestaty's Background- [Here is an example post.]
1/1i [You could format your influence like this, if you wish]
Sure dad, look I'm done! [You can do stuff by saying so, but notice Onesy hasn't gained the influence yet. Please, no one post yet.]

73 posts

(Onesy Sr gives Onesy Onestaty 1i) Onesy Sr 197/197i [If you see this, post an update to your influence or I will daydream it to you. So you have 2 posts before Rule 5 takes effect.]
"I'm proud of you. Well, you've got the day ahead of you. Why don't you go look for something to do? I hear Mr Onester is giving new adults a chance. If you need anything, just ask ok."
[Please, no one post yet.]

73 posts

-Onesy Onestaty's Background- 2/2i [Notice I updated my influence.]
(Create 2 rocks) 0/2i, Rocks: 2 [Here is an example of how you can use your influence. Notice net influence is still 2.]
Sorry dad, but I have to kill you with these 2 rocks now.
Rocks: 0
[Please, no one post yet.]

73 posts

-Onestat- Onesy Sr [Sorry I should have edited the above link oh well, use the one previous, or here in this post]
Son, wake up! You fell asleep in your rock stew! Tomorrow is a big day for you, you'll see. (Onesy Onestat end.)
[Yes, sadly Onesy's life ends here. Can you do better?]

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