ok so i was trying to make some words big on my bio but it didn't worki tried going here but it didn't workthere was like 4 different waysi tried them all but it didn't workhow do i do tIM CONFUSED!!!p.s. can i also put it in bold and big
I'm going to give this a shot.{h3#}Big Bold Text{/h3#}
Again.I'm going to give this a shot.{h3}Big Bold Text{/h3}
Ok, silly me, it's been years since I've done some HTML classes.The guide is correct, if you want to write in large font, you have to use the {h3} (Insert Content) {/h3} tags. Except, replace all the { with < or >. So the code for:<h3>Big Bold Text</h3>is{h3}Big Bold Text{/h3} except you replace all the { } with < >. Also, only h3 works, none of the other sizes do.
ok nevermindone of my friends helped me outi don't need thissoory nichodemus
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