ForumsWEPRChildhood Obesity?

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Your thoughts on child hood obesity since so many kids in America are obese. Its like 37 percent or something like that

  • 33 Replies
2,420 posts

i could care less. the fact that I see so many poor people overweight makes me proud that in this country, the poor still have a luxury of foods to eat compared to the poor in other countries.

1,824 posts

Wrong wrong wrong all of you. Kids love unhealthy foods as much as they did 50 years ago, but the difference is that the food is packaged in PET plastics, (I can't be stuffed to say the whole name, look up PET plastics if you don't know what I mean) PET plastics affect fat cell growth and sizing.
How kids spend their time is contributing a fair bit, video games rather than, well, something else.
If you do want more info, I suggest reading Doctor Leonard Sax's book, Boys Adrift, which mainly tells one how to parent boys better in a growing rise of lack of motivation, but also outlines things that are toxic to children.
("Academic Steroid" users watch out, that "harmless" medicine you're taking for your inpresent ADHD could lose you a job.)

2,420 posts

Wrong wrong wrong all of you. Kids love unhealthy foods as much as they did 50 years ago, but the difference is that the food is packaged in PET plastics, (I can't be stuffed to say the whole name, look up PET plastics if you don't know what I mean) PET plastics affect fat cell growth and sizing.
How kids spend their time is contributing a fair bit, video games rather than, well, something else.
If you do want more info, I suggest reading Doctor Leonard Sax's book, Boys Adrift, which mainly tells one how to parent boys better in a growing rise of lack of motivation, but also outlines things that are toxic to children.
("Academic Steroid" users watch out, that "harmless" medicine you're taking for your inpresent ADHD could lose you a job.)

Blaming video games, too, eh? PET plastics affect growth if it's microwaved with the food in the plastic, if I'm not mistaken. Regardless, don't microwave with plastics, but tin foil (try it for cool lighting effects).
1,824 posts

You do realize how bad an idea putting metal in a microwave is?

2,420 posts

no! what? really?! please tell me more. i'm all ears.

3,087 posts

back to the original topic, obesity is defined as having too much weight for a certain height, so someone who is well muscled with little fat might be considered obese according to their bmi.

100 posts

No you are partially right but it really has to with if your fat

1,606 posts

I attribute obesity to: (in order of dominance)

1)Unhealthy foods.
A. Fatty foods taste scrumptious.
B. Fatty foods are comfort foods, (IE, endorphins, and other scientific moolah I'm unfamiliar with.)
C. People just don't want to take Endocrinol, eat healthy foods, and excercise regularly.
(Which can be explained by lack of self-esteem, which leads to thinking that no-one cares for you, which means you probably wont go on a crash workout thing for your prospective girlfriend.)

2) Laziness
A.Sometimes, sitting on your ever-increasing *** watching a movie about what you wish you could be is fun.
B.Some towns have very few forms of entertainment.
C.Muthadigs can't think of stuff to do.

3) Lack of work ethics.
A. People are lazy.
B. Pay aren't mercenary, like me. IE, you can't pay thm to go and mow lawns.
C. Free food. WIC. Government aid. MY tax money, spent on whiny *****iz' fast food.


Blame God, country, and taxes. (or buy a shotgun and systematically slaughter obese people.)

(Don't do that, the ammo costs alone would run you under.)

(seriously, Eugenics are apparently illegal.)



1 posts

@crazyape how old are you?

2,420 posts

sex, exercise, consumption of food, and other basic needs for a human all give off levels of pleasurable neurotransmitters as a "reward" for completing them. the fact that our country has become so wealthy that even the poor can afford to become fat, a luxury that was once only for the rich, is astonishing.

we live in a society where all these things are easily accessible, hence the reason why we have sex addiction, bodybuilders, and obese people.

not only that, our body is built to store and retain fat efficiently. most people with fast metabolisms today would die thousands of years ago very quickly. many people in the world have the luxury of having fast metabolisms because of the accessibility of food today.

787 posts

(seriously, Eugenics are apparently illegal.)

Well, I've been doing it all wrong.

There are numerous reasons for these things, but they've all been tackled by everyone else.

many people in the world have the luxury of having fast metabolisms because of the accessibility of food today.

I like having a fast metabolism, allows my current lifestyle to continue without weighing enough to break my Xbox chair. Seriously though, I think largely it is the individuals fault. They eat, and eat, and eat. Then they eat to comfort themselves because they're fat. Sure there are many genetic factors that can influence their weight. Such as metabolism. I seriously think that genetic manipulation is the may to go. Because really, at these current, appalling numbers, I don't think anybody is learning much from the previous generations.

(And just saying, Eugenics would help largely at this point)
1,606 posts

(And just saying, Eugenics would help largely at this point)

I have to agree, but everyone calls the Nazi card, or just say I'm a nut. Although, in the early 20th century, Eugenics were widely accepted.
787 posts

I have to agree, but everyone calls the Nazi card, or just say I'm a nut. Although, in the early 20th century, Eugenics were widely accepted.

Too many silly human rights activists these days. We are becoming a weaker species in general relying on medication and short cuts to fix everything. The people who are immune to a disease or are better off then the the rest should live, breed, and create successful offspring.

And also, with a lack of tribal warfare, dumb people live. Surviving in a disease-ridden area produces physically superior beings. And if one can survive in an area with a high murder rate, you would have to be smart. Thus creating intellectually superior beings.

But now, anybody will live long enough to produce children. Regardless of weight, mental capabilities, or immunity. Thus creating a genetically inferior idiots we have now who don't know when to stop eating, or have a very slow metabolism.

I have to agree, but everyone calls the Nazi card,

Useless argument. This is a brilliant idea and we must strengthen our population. Or the overall weight of America will continue to grow. Really, a Eugenic would shrink the amount of overweight people and slowing the increase in numbers of them.
8,257 posts

We are becoming a weaker species in general relying on medication and short cuts to fix everything.

Too much medication is unhealthy, so would rather speak against your argument. The rising immunity of pathogen organisms to common antibiotics for example will cost a lot of human lives.

And how are short cuts making us weaker?

And also, with a lack of tribal warfare, dumb people live.

Because warfare only kills stupid people? lol

Surviving in a disease-ridden area produces physically superior beings.

Only enhances resistance to said disease, and if you can eradicate the disease, what is the point in being resistant?

And if one can survive in an area with a high murder rate, you would have to be smart.

Or be a brute, or just follow orders to the letters. You'd have to be really smart for that, yep.

Thus creating a genetically inferior idiots we have now who don't know when to stop eating, or have a very slow metabolism.

What if I told you... that society helps shaping us out of the raw material our genetics is giving? Don't blame everything on genetics, really. The fact someone is prone to be fatter than average doesn't mean he will be, the fact someone has a high metabolism doesn't mean he'll be slim.

Not to sound like a fatuous activist, but your arguments make no sense.
100 posts

I thought one of the problems with us being human getting fat and stuff is the fact that along time ago when people where nomads and stuff the body had evolved so it would allow it to be easier for people to hold onto calories since they didn't always know when they would be getting food or water.

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