people usually hate what is different and cant understand. they usually also fear the things they hate and cant understand (and vice versa). i remember i couldnt understand gays and understood bis even less. some people have an open mind to learn and some dont. while some are being brainwashed from a young age to believe such a thing is evil. those people need an extra open mind to think logically
There are a vast amount of psychological, historical, theological, and whatever reasons. The short answer would be for the same reasons as racism, the long answer would be that there are several hypothesis on the subject. For example, some people say it is like a school ground bully effect. The people, often poor and undereducated, who are the most racist and homophobic often are said to feel inferior to things, so they find something "Worse" to make themselves feel better. Another hypothesis is tradition, homophobia could have been passed down from even Roman times. There are also a few people who legitimately believe it theologically, while a good amount just use religion to justify their bigotry without logic, a few actually take their religion at face value and are homophobic do to that. There are plenty of other, varying reasons, but that is a good start.
I don't know how it's like in other countries, but in Serbia, gays are treated worse than rapists. And it's not religion or anything related, but it's just pure disgust. Many of my homophobic friends are actually really decent people, but they don't like it when someone is so openly gay. They say that it's a disgrace killing the family name. If one openly admits that he has intercourse or higher emotional feelings for another individual of the same sex, it's considered 'blasphemy', because the said couple can't carry on the genetic line of a family, instead they have to adopt another person's child. I guess that's one reason here in Eastern Europe.
Also, I do find it disturbing for 2 people of the same sex kissing and stuff, at least in public. I despise seeing heterosexual couples drool into each other's mouth's, yet alone people of the same sex. Keep it to the bedroom, will you?
I don't know how it's like in other countries, but in Serbia, gays are treated worse than rapists. And it's not religion or anything related, but it's just pure disgust.
Where does this hate stem from and how is it justified?
Where does this hate stem from and how is it justified?
I believe it evolves since one person is young. The first ingredient is getting kids into the mentality that "It's important to spread your family name. When you do this, you spread tradition, and 1796 years (or so) of your grandpa's and grandma's history. This is good" So, you listen to this increasingly each year, and you get the image in your head that if you don't make a baby that's naturally yours, you're not worthy of carrying the family name. Then, your elders everywhere, school, house, hospital, etc. tell you that if you're openly gay, you're openly destroying an entire millenia and half worth of history, which is bad.
How is it justified? "Gays are unnatural, and should be killed". There is no justification
Fun Fact: there's a movie called "The Parade" (ÐаÑада) that's about the gay parade in Serbia 2010. Mostly everything that is in the movie happens aside from the guys actually helping the gays. If you can find a subtitled version of it, I recommend you watch it. This also shows how horrible gays are treated in The Fatherland. A movie purely about gays having shortened rights was necessary to be made, so others can see how horrible we actually are to them.
I think it is just simply wrong to have same-sex and gay and lesbian marriages. I am Catholic, and in the Bible it says against that. But that is not why I oppose it.
For most people, the tradition of marriage has always been a bond between man and woman. It's been like that for, well, since marriage came about. For me, I have no problem with gay marriage. It does break the tradition, but they have every right that anyone else does. Why should a man and a woman be able to be married and be miserable, while a man and a man (or a woman and a woman) don't have the right to be married and happy?
People fear what they can't understand, hence why they oppose gay marriage.
Yes. It's ignorance that breeds fear. (I can't recall who said that) Fear leads to anger and we all know what anger leads to.
For some of us, we have become weary of having to educate the ignorant and this leads to apathy instead of empathy for our fellow man. Our silence perpetuates the ignorance. It's so much easier to simply live our lives quietly and peacefully than to confront the ignorance of others and stand to lose the comfort of our relationships with former friends and relatives. Rifts are formed and some of these rifts aren't easily healed with time. So, we sit back and do nothing.
lately... even religion is a poor (poorer then it used to be) excuse since there are religious gays and there are many ways to see those hating verses as verses that has nothing to do with homosexuality.
i also find it really funny how jesus himself said (if he existed) nothing about homosexuals and people use verses of the old testament to "rove" its wrong while judaism (that is ONLY based on the old testament) is much more accepting towards homosexuality. also funny how they dodge guilt when eating bacon by saying that those rules were only written for jews.
i personally couldnt understand gays either when i was young and thought they were unnatural. luckily i had an open mind to learn more about the situation