ok. the goal is to get to 100. i just started with the number one. the next person to post will post 2. this is a simple concept but it may prove challenging as we go on because people are dumb. and you can not just post the number, that is spam.
11. yeah the game would kinda be pointless if we kept going after ninjas. because that's pretty much the only reason its difficult. and the mods would not accept it as a win if we ninja each other.
12. Rumors say that a circumvention of thepossum created a bunch of redirects to a shock site. If you are affected, there are rumors that a comment toggle flash (disable then enable) will delete the redirect.
yeah the game would kinda be pointless if we kept going after ninjas. because that's pretty much the only reason its difficult. and the mods would not accept it as a win if we ninja each other.
Yes exactly, how easy would this be if we just ignored ninjas?
Let's think of solutions for the ninjas as we play.
Refresh. Refresh.
Also another hint: if you look at the last post thing and you see a user that isn't on the page the glitch has probably happened. Like I said, refresh.
I realized I accidentally typed 14 instead of 16 somehow right after I posted. I tried to click the little x button at the refresh spot but it didn't stop the post! My bad.
I realized I accidentally typed 14 instead of 16 somehow right after I posted. I tried to click the little x button at the refresh spot but it didn't stop the post! My bad.
And that only stops the loading of the page for YOU, found that out the hard way.
that doesn't surprise me... we kinda suck
Everyone makes mistakes, on rough intervals of fifteen posts each. -_-