ok. the goal is to get to 100. i just started with the number one. the next person to post will post 2. this is a simple concept but it may prove challenging as we go on because people are dumb. and you can not just post the number, that is spam.
3. Because maybe the number could be made in such an obscure way that the next poster thinks there is no number and therefore restarts. I also made this message on my about:
Kasic is attempting to make Count to 100 harder than necessary by hiding the number which could lead to a recognition failure and an unnecessary restart. Therefore, the goal is to stop Kasic's hiding from becoming the norm. To do so, post the number in the beginning without hiding it. If you agree with me strongly enough, you could also spread this strategy in the thread. If necessary to protect the counting ability, I could make an intentional restart after Kasic or another user blatantly hides the number. Reporting such hiding to a mod might also prove to be correct, but don't do that yet. For now, just try to talk Kasic into realizing that the best thing to do is to not hide the number.
5. Why can't we implement both Patrick's opinion and Kasic's opinion and post the number first but also hide it in a post? How does that sound to you, dair5?
It's not like Kasic is using a marquee or posting the number in white font to force a user to seriously question whether the number is successive, anyway. That would be really disastrous. However, even after that, one can use logic to determine whether the post is a success, even if the number is not entirely visible. Is the post more than a few minutes away from the previous? Most likely a successive number.
*doesn't see anything about mod reset in the OP, so posts a 6*
Let's just hope it doesn't turn out like Green Lantern. I heard that movie tanked, but I haven't seen it myself.
Yeah, no one liked it much. It was too out their with paralax and stuff. His enemy didnt make much sense either. Sorry it took so long to r3ply. they made green lantern gay.... Thats gonna be a HUGE problem for the justice league