ForumsThe TavernWhat would the future be in 100 years?

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56 posts

Would Earth be orbiting in it's same place? Would we have lightsabers? Or would we be long gone by then? Would we be chewing off some fancy "vitamin pill"? Or fighting for Earth's very last piece of dry leaf? What is the future in your eyes?

  • 31 Replies
1,094 posts

Would Earth be orbiting in it's same place?

It depends, to what are you comparing Earth's current location with.

I, for one, see earth as a barren wasteland, wasted by the world's stupidity and useless hatred. As it was feared before, during the cold war, a nuclear disaster may still happen.
103 posts

im not so sure the earth can last another 100 years what with all the war and the constant using of its resources and people will keep using the resources until nothings left

8,253 posts

Would Earth be orbiting in it's same place?

More or less, +/- the regular fluctuations and imprecision of astral bodies.

I, for one, see earth as a barren wasteland, wasted by the world's stupidity and useless hatred. As it was feared before, during the cold war, a nuclear disaster may still happen.

Right, because the region around Tchernobyl for example turned to a barren wasteland. Oh wait, no:

In 100 years, possibly, climate will be hotter, sea level higher, almost all permanent ice caps and glaciers will have melted and thus we will have definitely left the current ice age period.

We will definitely still eat natural food, though we might not have the same variety and abundance as now. Maybe our biggest protein income will come from insect farms, while red meat will become much more expensive again.

Traffic will have changed a lot though. We will have fast superconductor train axis across the countries, new supersonic passenger planes, there will be more privatized travels into space and even orbital hotels for rich people.
848 posts

There's this interesting site that gives predictions about the future. They base their predictions on some scientific prognosis or something like that. It's fun to read.

4,375 posts

Maybe you guys forgot the worlds ending at the end of this year, so if you have, i'd just like to remind you, it's going to.

So in 100 years, it'll probably very nonexistent.

311 posts

well ill be dead so i really couldn't care less:P nah jks i think we might start colonising the moon and that global warming will start taking a greater effect on us but we will start to learn how to use natural resources better like storing solar energy and stuff!

1,900 posts

Well, the way technology is advancing, some people made a curve of new technology leading to 2050. It was about the singularity, which honestly I don't mind.
Connecting humanity to technology, that isn't unethical, it's inevitable.

787 posts

There's this interesting site that gives predictions about the future. They base their predictions on some scientific prognosis or something like that. It's fun to read.

That blew my mind. Very worthwhile thing to read, thank you.

For the future I expected a few things, the U.S. to lose it's super power status, ecological failure worldwide, and an exponential growth in technology. Turns out I'm not far off.

I also like the outlook on generation X and forward.
Connecting humanity to technology, that isn't unethical, it's inevitable.

All I'm interested in for the future is longevity, I'm afraid of death and if linking and becoming a cyborg is the only other option, then why not? All it is is self influenced evolution. You can't impede progress forever.
9,462 posts

There's this interesting site that gives predictions about the future. They base their predictions on some scientific prognosis or something like that. It's fun to read.

That's an incredibly interesting site. I was working on building a world set in the 25th century for story telling. In that process I was building a timeline leading up to the 25th century. This site will be quite helpful.
Currently I've had to put that on the back burner as my computer is going, but I plan to pick it back up after I replace this current computer.

Traffic will have changed a lot though. We will have fast superconductor train axis across the countries, new supersonic passenger planes,

I don't see personal transport going away. Though they will likely be self controlled rather than operated by a person. A person will simply say or input a destination through a touch screen and the vehicle will drive the passenger to that destination.

In my fiction I have the first archology being built around this time in Japan and a new type of ion rocket is designed that has the sheer power of conventional rockets but the sustainability of current ion propulsion. Due to social inter-connectivity around the world and a need to deal with both economic and ecological problems we see the beginnings of a global government functioning like a commonwealth.
1,900 posts

Due to social inter-connectivity around the world and a need to deal with both economic and ecological problems we see the beginnings of a global government functioning like a commonwealth.

Probably a sooner problem is an ever rapidly increasing deficit of our current resources. I honestly predict there is going to be a massive power struggle in the world once most fossil fuels start to run out.
14,745 posts

I think it can go two completely different ways for the world in the not so distant future...

One good possibility is that the world could very well be a thriving community, where all differences are set aside and humanity has gathered it's strenght, knowledge and persiverance to conquer space and turn this wrong way around with a hard u-turn, BUT... this is a scenario very unlikely to happen if you ask me...

It's in human's nature to destroy himself...

So therefor, I think the other option is more likely to happen and that is the complete demise of the human race... we will still be around of course, but with far less resources to work with, some major wars under our belt and (god forbid) maybe even a nuclear threat or attack somewhere! There are several nations around right now that are building them even though they say they aren't... I think... not verified... I guess... I don't know is better! Ignorance is bliss! Ahuhuhuhh... =)

18,319 posts

well if its really true what they say about the world ending (i dont believe it) then there would be no world

108 posts

What would the future be in 100 years?

The present.
I thought I should mention also that I'm currently listening to "Fly Like an Eagle" by the Steve Miller band.
48 posts

You know, in the 70s people thought we would be driving flying cars and using holograms and wearings suits from the jetsons cartoons, now, we still drive cars from the 70s, we live in buildings made back then, that was over 40 years ago. Anyways, i dont think anything will change much in 100 years unless somehow the whole world worked together to create all of the amazing inventions people have dreamed up.

694 posts

i think it will be mostly the same but everything has inproved a huge amount because as we get new tech that will make new things avaible to make and make things already avible to be made be made faster so we will be making things faster and faster also i think the population wont increase much because we have pretty much reached the limit our planet can hold of our species because of the planets size amount of land resorces but we would have made some new techs but really how much can we inprove

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