ForumsWEPRMarilizing Legajuana

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1,094 posts

So, what's your guys thoughts on Marijuana? Should it be legal? Should it not? Is it good for you? Or is it bad? Does it cause addiction, or not? Advantages and disadvantages of legalizing it? Should people be thrown in jail for years because of possessing marijuana it, but get 2 years of jail for killing a person?

I honestly think it should be made legal worldwide. It doesn't cause any addictions, as far as I know. It causes a lot less harm to our lungs and what-not. It feels awesome smoking it. Hell, it kills less people than Cigarettes do. One of the largest advantages I see is probably the fact that criminals will make much less money from selling cannabis, which can be grown by anyone, anywhere. A lot less actually. Disadvantages? I really can't think of any.

  • 58 Replies
408 posts

I don't think that it should be made legal. Yes there have only been 26 known deaths in the last thirty years by the drug itself, but many people have died while high or by developing diseases such as cancers caused by many years of smoking the drug.

Marijuana is just as harmful as tobacco in some cases. In fact, you are five times more as likely to get lung cancer if you smoke marijuana than smoking tobacco.

It also increases the chances of dementia and other psychotic mental illnesses by 45%.

Another risk is that it reduces the amount and quality of sperm and can course erectile dysfunction.

That said you do need to smoke a lot of weed to succumb (die or catch) any illness caused by it. But there will always be people who want listen to advice or common sense and will smoke themselves silly.

It's just like the law to wear a crash helmet when driving a motor bike. You don't need the law as most people will think, 'wearing a helmet will increase my chances of survival if I crash' but there will be people who won't drive responsibly and die because they didn't wear a helmet.

It would be great if we lived in a World where we all could drink, eat and smoke responsibly but we don't so we must keep dangerous substances illegal to protect those who would abuse them and die.

but get 2 years of jail for killing a person?

I don't think people get sent to prison for a shorter amount of time for killing someone than a man with a few grams of marijuana.
2,420 posts

why should you control what people do in there homes? why right do you have to tell me that I can't inject myself with cocaine? injecting oneself with mercury is dangerous as well but nobody is trying to make mercury illegal.

the whole notion that anything bad should illegal is completely illogical. bad things shouldn't exist, but making them illegal won't make them go away. you can't completely get rid of anything, especially if there is a demand for it. cigarette smokers are a dying breed, partially because of regulations but largely due to education.

talking about the risks and benefits of marijuana is useless. it's a matter of principle and logic. the fundamental principle is that no person other than yourself should control what you choose to do with your body.

408 posts

If you were the head of a nation and could decide to have a population of dying pot heads or a population where a few people were unhappy that marijuana was illegal what you choose?

2,420 posts

fallacious argument. next one, please?

1,714 posts

Yes there have only been 26 known deaths in the last thirty years by the drug

I'm curious to see where you got this, I have studied marijuana quite a bit in several online discussions and never found anything saying marijuana caused a death.

developing diseases such as cancers caused by many years of smoking the drug.

Smoking isn't the only way to use marijuana.

Marijuana is just as harmful as tobacco in some cases. In fact, you are five times more as likely to get lung cancer if you smoke marijuana than smoking tobacco.

As I said above, I would like a source on this.

It also increases the chances of dementia and other psychotic mental illnesses by 45%.

Only in those who already had a pre-disposition to develop them.

That said you do need to smoke a lot of weed to succumb (die or catch) any illness caused by it. But there will always be people who want listen to advice or common sense and will smoke themselves silly.

Not only do you need to smoke an insane amount, you have to do it for a long time. This is hardly a fair argument against it though, people will abuse anything and it shouldn't be a reason to keep it illegal.

It's just like the law to wear a crash helmet when driving a motor bike. You don't need the law as most people will think, 'wearing a helmet will increase my chances of survival if I crash' but there will be people who won't drive responsibly and die because they didn't wear a helmet.

Its rare to survive a motor cycle crash whether you have a helmet or not. At highway speeds death is pretty much guaranteed no matter what "saftey" device you are using.

It would be great if we lived in a World where we all could drink, eat and smoke responsibly but we don't so we must keep dangerous substances illegal to protect those who would abuse them and die.

How is that fair? Just because some are too stupid to control themselves doesn't mean all should be punished for it.

have a population of dying pot heads

Once again I would like to see evidence marijuana kills.

population where a few people were unhappy that marijuana was illegal

I think you fail to realize just how many people smoke/want it legal.
4,206 posts

Marijuana is just as harmful as tobacco in some cases. In fact, you are five times more as likely to get lung cancer if you smoke marijuana than smoking tobacco.


I don't think people get sent to prison for a shorter amount of time for killing someone than a man with a few grams of marijuana.

Depends in what country you live in, what your economical status is and what race your are.

That said you do need to smoke a lot of weed to succumb (die or catch) any illness caused by it. But there will always be people who want listen to advice or common sense and will smoke themselves silly.

Let's see, should I make a list of legal substances that would kill you if you took too much of it? What? You don't want me to list absolutely everything?

It's just like the law to wear a crash helmet when driving a motor bike. You don't need the law as most people will think, 'wearing a helmet will increase my chances of survival if I crash' but there will be people who won't drive responsibly and die because they didn't wear a helmet.

I'm sure a helmet will protect you from a 120km/h head on crash with a truck.

It would be great if we lived in a World where we all could drink, eat and smoke responsibly but we don't so we must keep dangerous substances illegal to protect those who would abuse them and die.

How does that keep them safe? I don't think throwing them in jail, help keep people safe...
787 posts

I think it should be legalized, who cares if people do it in their house or anything? As long as they aren't endangering themselves, who cares? That said, if this were to happen, the drunk & disorderly laws should be extended to accompany getting high.

I don't think that it should be made legal. Yes there have only been 26 known deaths in the last thirty years by the drug itself, but many people have died while high or by developing diseases such as cancers caused by many years of smoking the drug.

Marijuana is just as harmful as tobacco in some cases. In fact, you are five times more as likely to get lung cancer if you smoke marijuana than smoking tobacco.

It also increases the chances of dementia and other psychotic mental illnesses by 45%.

Another risk is that it reduces the amount and quality of sperm and can course erectile dysfunction.

Cite the sources of this please.


Thank you for that nice argument.

And it's right, besides the fact of being high and all that comes with this, there's actually nothing bad about it. So who cares? It's better than alcohol!

I was going to put a link to the "Bag of Weed" song from Family Guy, but all the actual videos are censored out and replaced by lyrics.
9,439 posts

That said, if this were to happen, the drunk & disorderly laws should be extended to accompany getting high.

Most already are worded to blanket all substance use. Public intoxication or operating while intoxicated and such.
5,043 posts

Yes there have only been 26 known deaths in the last thirty years by the drug itself, but many people have died while high or by developing diseases such as cancers caused by many years of smoking the drug.

Could you source the 26 deaths please? If marijuana itself has caused a mere 26 deaths, then that means marijuana is VERY safe.

But what about the cancer from smoke? It's true that if you smoke marijuana, your chances of obtaining cancer do increase. But let me ask you this, why shouldn't we be allowed to do what we want with out own bodies? More importantly, how do you protect people by arresting them?


Let's suppose marijuana is bad for one's own body.

If Tom smokes marijuana, he will probably do bodily harm to himself.

We need to protect Tom from putting his body in any harm.

The solution, if we see Tom harming his own body by smoking marijuana, we will arrest him.

We will throw Tom in Jail and fine him if he is caught with marijuana. This is for Tom's own good.

If Tom has enough marijuana on him, we will throw Tom in prison.


I fail to see how the above logic works. How do you protect people from themselves by kidnapping them and putting them behind bars?

Marijuana is just as harmful as tobacco in some cases. In fact, you are five times more as likely to get lung cancer if you smoke marijuana than smoking tobacco.

This is NOT true at all.

Another risk is that it reduces the amount and quality of sperm and can course erectile dysfunction.

This is reason to throw someone in prison?

That said you do need to smoke a lot of weed to succumb (die or catch) any illness caused by it. But there will always be people who want listen to advice or common sense and will smoke themselves silly.

Let's put aside the fact that you'll suffocate on smoke before you OD on marijuana. You're telling me that marijuana should be prohibited because it might be abused? You're telling me, that Johny might be stupid enough to smoke himself to death, which is why I will be arrested and put in jail if I smoke marijuana responsibly?

If someone is stupid enough to smoke themselves to death, then they're likely going to find a way to obtain marijuana and do so anyway.

Despite the fact that marijuana is illegal, it is a VERY common drug used by a LARGE number of people. You can't say, "This might happen if you let people smoke marijuana," because people are already smoking marijuana. If it's not happening now, then it probably won't happen if it's legalized. The chances people will smoke themselves into a hospital or coffin is slim to none, and it will remain that way when it's legalized. More importantly, you can't punish the many because a few bad eggs might hurt themselves.

It also increases the chances of dementia and other psychotic mental illnesses by 45%.

I believe this is a steamy load. Many people who suffer from mental illnesses smoke pot. This does NOT mean pot is the cause of their mental illness.


It's just like the law to wear a crash helmet when driving a motor bike.

Helmet laws SUCK.

Yes, wearing a helmet while on a motorcycle is much more safe than riding without a helmet. However, it should be up to the individual to decide how much risk he wants to take. Everyone who doesn't wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle are aware of the risks. They choose not to wear a helmet because they simply don't want to. They feel it is worth the risk to let the wind blow through their hair.

If someone wishes to live a life full of risk, who am I to force them to live "safe"? As long as they don't put others in harms way, then why does it matter?

It would be great if we lived in a World where we all could drink, eat and smoke responsibly but we don't so we must keep dangerous substances illegal to protect those who would abuse them and die.

I don't understand why some people value freedom so little.

Someone might abuse marijuana, therefore everyone is not allowed to smoke it. Those who smoke pot responsibly shall also be treated as criminals.

Your method treats society as a collective group, where everyone is only as strong as the weakest link. If one person in the chain can't behave properly, then EVERYONE is treated as if they can't behave properly. I believe we let people do what they want as long as they don't harm others. This way, those who misbehave wont drag everyone else down with them.

If you were the head of a nation and could decide to have a population of dying pot heads or a population where a few people were unhappy that marijuana was illegal what you choose?

This is a false dichotomy.

A nation with legalized pot won't result in ruin. Simple as that.

I was going to put a link to the "Bag of Weed" song from Family Guy, but all the actual videos are censored out and replaced by lyrics.

Don't worry, I've got one better.

Don't Step On The Grass Sam
1,649 posts

Wow. Thaboss came to this thread expecting this, but it seems that there are some pretty well thought out arguements here. Although. Thaboss does see some of #2 on that list here, and the article does have a pretty good rebuttal for it.

Look. Thaboss doesn't know enough about the subject, and frankly, doesn't really care if it's legal or not. And who knows? Maybe if it becomes legal, the number of people using it will go down. Kinda like an "Its not an edgy illegal cool thing to do anymore so I won't" effect...

And if stupid people want to overdo it and hurt themselves, let them! Darwin's theory!

922 posts

Hell, it kills less people than Cigarettes do.

because cigarattes are legal.

if marijuana would be legal it would be the same. It would add a third legal drug which would grow into another alcohol or tobacco
1,714 posts

because cigarattes are legal.

Well, no. It would be because cigarettes contain a ton of carcinogens that aren't in marijuana.

It would add a third legal drug which would grow into another alcohol or tobacco

Depends on how its legalized. We failed majorly in regulating tobacco, they add all kinds of harmful chemicals to cigarettes. If we legalize marijuana with regulations to avoid that we can have a significantly safer drug.
1,094 posts

Why hasn't my previous comment posted?

because cigarattes are legal.

What does the legality of it have to do with it's influence in mortality?

if marijuana would be legal it would be the same. It would add a third legal drug which would grow into another alcohol or tobacco.

Except, it's not as addictive as cigarettes and alcohol are. Even my old man smokes the stuff, and he says he actually breaths a lot easier, and he's bloody 79.

If we legalize marijuana with regulations to avoid that we can have a significantly safer drug.

Why does no one ever look at the Dutch? When you go to Amsterdam, you expect everyone to be high as hell, but actually no one is. There's considerably less high people in dark alleyways, too. And that's because it's legal, less people want to try it, and those who do smoke it smoke it because it feels awesome when you do, and they don't even smoke too much. I think the law there says no more than 5g can be sold to an individual, if I remember well.

Another risk is that it reduces the amount and quality of sperm and can course erectile dysfunction.

I think you're cannabis with alcoholic beverages, because I've never, in my entire life heard that marijuana causes low sperm count and erectile dysfunction.

This is reason to throw someone in prison?

Dysfunctional penises are dangerous Nemo, don't be fooled.

As Nemo said, Marijuana is an extremely wide-spread drug, and I'm yet to meet a person that's not overly-religious that haven't tried smoking it at least once.

As long as they don't put others in harms way, then why does it matter?

I wanted to say that they do, but then I realized they put others in the same amount of danger, helmet or not.

If you were the head of a nation and could decide to have a population of dying pot heads or a population where a few people were unhappy that marijuana was illegal what you choose?

THE NETHERLANDS (I'm sorry mods, I had to make it clear to everyone that a developed nation has legalized marijuana a long time ago). That's the first piece of evidence that a country won't fall into ruin if cannabis is legalized
9,439 posts

What does the legality of it have to do with it's influence in mortality?

I think he was saying that the commonness and accessibility of cigarettes would increase the actual amount of deaths, not necessarily the mortality rate.

Except, it's not as addictive as cigarettes and alcohol are. Even my old man smokes the stuff, and he says he actually breaths a lot easier, and he's bloody 79.

How does his age and reports of its positive effects support it being less addictive?

I think the law there says no more than 5g can be sold to an individual, if I remember well.



Not sure if that was meant to be a link or if you just wanted colored text. Just so they've got something to look at, link.
1,714 posts

Why does no one ever look at the Dutch? When you go to Amsterdam, you expect everyone to be high as hell, but actually no one is. There's considerably less high people in dark alleyways, too. And that's because it's legal, less people want to try it, and those who do smoke it smoke it because it feels awesome when you do, and they don't even smoke too much. I think the law there says no more than 5g can be sold to an individual, if I remember well.

Except I was talking about the things added to tobacco to make cigarettes and not allowing that to be added to marijuana.
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