If anything, games such as MMO's that often rely heavily on patching and updates should have a rating and commenting system. It's important for the players to give feedback, and in an easily accessible way.
I gladly take sides with the people who think rating and reviewing should be enabled for the MMO games as well, just like users can with the regular games!
I, for one, had a huge problem with the MMO "Swords and Potions" and when I wanted to tell the developer what my thoughts were... there was no way to rate and review the game?!
What is it that makes MMO special that they don't deserved to be rated and reviewed?
Personally, I think those options were excluded because they know their games are crap, and rely too heavily on the pay-to-play and pay-to-win mechanics that infest nearly every game on Facebook, so they want to keep word of mouth to a minumum, at least here where the games themselves are.