ForumsThe TavernYour Experiences with Stupid People

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Last night, I was driving home at about 9 o'clock. It wasn't quite dark yet, but it was dim enough to make it somewhat difficult to see something or someone in the road. I was driving down a thin, windy (not windy, as in wind blows; windy, as in the street winds) street filled with blind spots, when all of a sudden, I see about 10 people standing in the middle of the street. Mind you, had this been a straight stretch of road, I would have seen them from a mile away; however, this was a narrow, twisty street big enough for just one car at a time, and there was no way I could have possibly seen these people from more than 100 feet away, so I had to stop fairly abruptly and came within maybe 25 feet of mowing them all down.

This may not sound like anything more than ordinary absentmindedness on their part had it just been a group of adults, but these idiots had about 4 or 5 small children running around them while they were standing in the middle of the street. Now I don't go over 25 down that street, but I've seen some pretty crazy drivers out there who wouldn't have had the immaculate reaction time required to stop before knocking the entire mass of people, including the small children, down like bowling pins. I've never been a parent as far as I know, but what I do know is that letting your kids run around on a dimly lit street filled with blind spots at night is awful parenting, not to mention horrifyingly stupid.

We've all had to deal with stupid people at some point. Why not share your experiences with the community?

  • 19 Replies
694 posts

if any one says im a stubid person you had to deal with i will get this thread locked

125 posts

As soon as I saw this thread title I automatically thought of myself. Then I realized you meant a more serious stupid.

I'll start with a more normal stupid.

So usually after the last day of school (For a year) me and my friends go to the city. Now usually just bring money for food and things but one of my friends decided he was going to buy a PS3 (This was a while back). So he brant about 600 dollars or so and decided "Hey! Why don't I put the money in my sock?" and so he did. Then, at the end of the time we went to the Australian version of GameStop (EB games) and as soon as we got in there. He started freaking out. In the middle of the store too. He just randomly screamed "****! **** **** **** **** **** ****". So I asked him what was wrong, he told me he couldn't find his money. I checked his wallet and was confused. "Where'd you put the money?" I asked and he replied, "In my sock." Needless to say we all started laughing. Meanwhile he's still swearing and half the people in the store were thinking "Immature kids" while the other half heard the joke and were laughing too . After about a minute the manager asked us to leave.

We ended up finding the money. Where was it? In his other sock. He went to buy it again but when he came out of the store he wasn't holding anything. It turned out that he forgot to bring something to carry it and he realized we were walking home (About 10km)

I didn't think I stopped laughing the whole way home and I still write this with a smile.

3,137 posts

if any one says im a stubid person you had to deal with i will get this thread locked

your not a stupid person. but I have had to deal with you.

And as far as dealing with dumb people, well today i had quite the encounter... with myself.

I was at home just watching TV when my friends pulled up on jet skis. I would never pass up a free ride on a jet ski so i clipped on a life jacket and started the trip. then i remembered that i had just recovered from mono and my spleen is pretty swollen... now i just sound dumb i thought. What are the chances ill fall right on my spleen and have it burst. that doesn't happen. Well my friends decided to go a little faster than i thought and make a sharp turn to throw us all off. If it had been a right turn i would have fallen on my left side and burst my spleen for sure. To my luck i fell on my right side and no harm was done... but that was a pretty dumb move on my part.
2 posts

Well it was like midnight and I was driving home and I saw these two people crash. So I got out to see what was up and if they needed help. When I walked up it was two girls, probably mid 20s. One of them was all like "O my god I'm so sorry" and all that crap. The other girl simply looked at her, walked behind her and gave her a wedgie. Then she walked in front of her again and said "we are even" and drove away. But that wasn't even the dumb part. So I'm walking away awkwardly and the girl who got the wedgie yelled to me "WAIT" so I walked back to her and she said "can u please⦠readjust my thong?" I just walked away.

1,673 posts

Yeah, I really don't think you'll have to worry about that...

DId thaboss use the word I?

I have been around stupid people many a time. I just can't remember many of my experiences with them!

Ok so one time I was riding my bike with my friends and we got to a road. We all stopped because a car was rolling along, except for one of my friends decided he could make it, which he could I guess, but not by much. Anyway, he rode across and while he was going the car it looked like sped up and honked very loud right at him. It was hilarious and must have been intimidating, except the driver was a bit stupid as well for speeding up and all. That was kind of funny stupid, though.
1,649 posts

DId thaboss use the word I?

No... NO..!!!
603 posts

Well, I went to a McDonalds drive thru, and the register wasn't working... I bought some food(obviously) and the worker that was operating the register couldn't figure out my change, which is simple math... They really need to get smarter...

108 posts

I know someone who sometimes says "remember when I..." or "remember that time I..." when they're referring to something that happened the day before.
I feel like a freakin genius around my friends.

3 posts

i was walking down a 3.5 flat mile road after dusk, i wasnt wearing any (LOOK IM RIGHT HERE) type clothes but they werent black or gray, when some car ahead was doing 120, i heard him of course, and was by the treeline long before he got to me, i didnt care that the guy was flooring it, the problem was that the ************ hit his brights 100 ft away from me, and got me blinded for a good 30 seconds. i guess he's not really 'stupid', but he is a ******.

3 posts

i was walking down a 3.5 flat mile road after dusk, i wasnt wearing any (LOOK IM RIGHT HERE) type clothes but they werent black or gray, when some car ahead was doing 120, i heard him of course, and was by the treeline long before he got to me, i didnt care that the guy was flooring it, the problem was that the ************ hit his brights 100 ft away from me, and got me blinded for a good 30 seconds. i guess he's not really 'stupid', but he is a ******. (sry if theres a 2x post)

1,531 posts

I've run into a few idiots, but this one is probably the most firmly etched in my mind due to the momentary terror it inspired.
This happened two or three years ago.
You know those two-lane, two-way roads that allow a person to pass if no one's coming the other way? (If you don't, that's fine. These roads are more common in rural areas. Just visualize it.) Anyway, I was a passenger in a vehicle traveling home along such a road. It was dark, probably about 2100 hrs. (9 p.m.), and not much of a Moon out. The section of road I was on was straight, the speed limit was in the 45-50 mph range, and there was a car coming the other way that had just topped a rise.
That other car was about 10 yards away, in the other lane, and closing at normal speed, when this suicidal idiot comes roaring up from behind me, doing the better part of 90 mph, swerves out into the other lane, and cuts diagonally between the oncoming car and my vehicle before screaming off into the night. That idiot passed within less than a yard of both cars, and neither the driver of the vehicle I was in nor the driver in the other lane even had time to hit the brakes - not that it would have done any good. Everyone in my vehicle watched for a while to see if there were any headlights coming the other way so we'd know if that guy had cratered someone up ahead.
I'd be truly surprised if that idiot isn't either in jail or a mangled corpse by now.

3,550 posts

One day I was walking home from a friends house and a car driving towards me started to swerve over to where I was walking. Luckily for me I was fumbling with a little rock in my hand. Needless to say I threw it at his car as he drove past on the wrong side of the road. I think I dented his car. To bad I didn't hit and crack/break his window. xD

3,137 posts

I'd be truly surprised if that idiot isn't either in jail or a mangled corpse by now.

I learned my lesson from saying things like that...

My family and cousin (who is about 23) were all in the car together at night. A motorcycle flew by at probably over 90mph and was driving very aggressively through traffic. my cousin said "man i hope that guy crashes."

The image sticks with me to this day when less than an hour later we saw an ambulance, fire truck and tiny pieces of a motorcycle scattered along the road, in a ditch, and finally into the trees surrounding the road.
776 posts

Whoa. That's just weird.

My family was on vacation in Philadelphia, so we were not familiar with the city at all. At about 10:00 PM we were driving back to our hotel when an idiot on a motorcycle cut us off and forced us off an exit ramp. We ended up in some small ghetto town. Which had no entrance ramp back to the freeway. After several inquires about directions, futile attempts to find ourselves on a map, and some dumb luck, we got back to the freeway and then the hotel at about 1:30 AM.

694 posts

wow people on motercycles are idiots

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