ForumsWEPRShooting at a batman movie in Colorado

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so i heard that a guy dressed up as baine and killed a bunch of people.
I dident even know there was a batman movie out.

  • 118 Replies
8,257 posts

You realize that a taser only has one shot (technically 2 at once), right? It fires 2 barbs which stick in the target. What if another guy shows up? Get another taser?

If you're alone against two armed people, you're screwed anyway, so that question doesn't even impose itself.
9,439 posts

If you're alone against two armed people, you're screwed anyway, so that question doesn't even impose itself.

I mean like if one isn't armed with a gun, such as in the clip with the old man in which the other robber had a blunt object. Also if you're alone against two armed people, you're not "screwed anyway". Watch the last vid on page 9.
3,817 posts

Average gun owners? Trained? Ha... no, something in between. It isn't the purpose to make them unofficial policemen, they simply should have had a reasonable training. I am not informed enough to give you a list of tasks they should fulfill in order to get the concealed gun permit, you'd do that better than me.

They already have a concealed carry class, in most states, like the other guy said. From what I hear they are basically like Hunter's ed classes, they teach the basics of gun safety and the laws and whatnot. Isn't that enough?

Then what is the point of tazers? Why where they developed, why are they sold? To look good? They can disable a man, that should be enough.

They are sold to police officers, the purpose they where made for, in order to apprehend potentially violent people and other such things, since stunning them for a few minutes is all they need. As you can imagine, it works far better then using empty hands or batons, for both the police and the other guy. It is not, however, designed to take down armed robbers in a street confrontation, as you seem to think it is. It is made to either stun them (Hence the term "Stun gun&quot or to cause enough pain that they come willingly, depending on the kind of gun.

In a discussion, you can either be conforted in your opinion, be convinced of the other opinion, or be at a stalemate. To be conforted of one's opinion now suddenly makes you wrong and christian-like? Do you even get what discusisons are about? I agreed that concealed guns can, and have, saved from shootings. I just said I was uncomfortable with armed old people like the one in the vid. How is that creationist-like??

You state that it only strengthens your views. Christians say that all the time.

Good to hear, didn't know that. You can get guns so easily in America, how should I know that concealed gun permits are better regulated?

If only there was some kind of machine or engine that could search or find out something like this for us?

But it varies from state to state, from the training to what concealed carry is. Some states don't allow them, some states you need a permit to have one in your glove box, etc. For example, in Montana, concealed carry is only on your person under cloths. You can have your gun wherever you want in your car, your house, or on your person but not concealed. Concealed weapons are not allowed in places where you would expect them to be not aloud, like schools and bars. We recognize other states permits, so if you have concealed carry somewhere else you would have it here. It is also not necessary to have a permit if you are out of a high population zone, like a city or town. That is one of the more lax laws, compared to a place with heavy laws like California, where you have to pass a test to get a handgun, can't buy anything with over 10 rounds. On concealed carry, they don't recognize other states and out of staters can't get permits. In concealed carry, you need a license to be able to have an exposed weapon even, and it is extremely difficult to get a permit in cities, where you need a "good cause". Compared to my state, they are really oppressive in their gun laws. And of course my state has less gun crimes.

I was still using the example of the old guy.

But apparently nobody but you realized this?
8,257 posts

Also if you're alone against two armed people, you're not "screwed anyway". Watch the last vid on page 9.

Apparently that was an armed marine who took the two by surprise. The guy at the counter didn't stand a chance.
About tazers, they should give you a legal opportunity to defend yourself, not fight off all the crime. You can't get assured for every situation. But it's better than nothing and kills less people.
8,257 posts

They already have a concealed carry class, in most states, like the other guy said. From what I hear they are basically like Hunter's ed classes, they teach the basics of gun safety and the laws and whatnot. Isn't that enough?

Yes, Orion already told me, thank you.

They are sold to police officers, the purpose they where made for, in order to apprehend potentially violent people and other such things, since stunning them for a few minutes is all they need. As you can imagine, it works far better then using empty hands or batons, for both the police and the other guy. It is not, however, designed to take down armed robbers in a street confrontation, as you seem to think it is. It is made to either stun them (Hence the term "Stun gun&quot or to cause enough pain that they come willingly, depending on the kind of gun.

They are not police exclusive (though they were certainly designed so first), and they are used by civilians for self-defence. Enough for me.

You state that it only strengthens your views. Christians say that all the time.

Christian don't have the monopole of not being convinced by your arguments. Also I dare say that I have reasons for my opinion*, instead of blind faith. I still don't see how you can compare me to them unless you just like to provoke people.

*before you ask, reasons are for example that guns haven't only saved life, but been misused and killed innocents just as much. You can't deny that; whether it is enough to justify more restrictions or not is matter of the discussion.

If only there was some kind of machine or engine that could search or find out something like this for us?

I think this discussion serves that purpose just as well.

But apparently nobody but you realized this?

As I said, either I didn't make it clear or you're an idiot. I have to suppose it's the first, but I don't completely exclude the latter.
3,817 posts

They are not police exclusive (though they were certainly designed so first), and they are used by civilians for self-defence. Enough for me.

You asked me what was the point of them. You asked me why they where developed and sold. So I told you.

Tasers can be effective anywhere from seconds to minutes, and in the civilian variety probably lower on the scale. What are you going to do in that time? Run? Then you have a pissed off armed criminal after you. Call the cops? Then you have a pissed off armed criminal after you while you wait. What would you do with the taser?

Christian don't have the monopole of not being convinced by your arguments.

Of course not! The Muslims and the Jews also seem quite blind to them.

Also I dare say that I have reasons for my opinion*, instead of blind faith.

Christians say that to. Neither of us believe them, though, right?

I still don't see how you can compare me to them unless you just like to provoke people.

Provoke people? Me? I am insulted.

I think this discussion serves that purpose just as well.

I suppose it does. But I am currently working on the find machine, I will show you when I am done.

As I said, either I didn't make it clear or you're an idiot. I have to suppose it's the first, but I don't completely exclude the latter.

So either everyone else is an idiot or you did not make it clear, since everyone sees it the way I do?
9,439 posts

Apparently that was an armed marine who took the two by surprise. The guy at the counter didn't stand a chance.

The armed marine was the guy at the counter.

for example that guns haven't only saved life, but been misused and killed innocents just as much

As have kitchen knives.
16 posts

The man is, truthly, very smart, but at the same time very evil. Another case of smarts gone wrong, but this time it was very horrible. His plan was to have all the local services go to the apartment building he lived in when it got leveled by someone opening the door and going through the piano wire, detonating the explosives, killing more people and giving him more time to shoot and get away. This man is very sick and a waste, i hope he serves the death penalty, instead of just rotting away in jail. My heart and prayers go out to everyone who was a family member or close friend of a loved one that was lost.

1,826 posts

As have kitchen knives.

Piano strings
Base ball bats.
Beer bottles
Ban em all now!
1,826 posts

that may be true, but it is in the koran to kill all infidels. no offense to Muslims.


Read those verses with with others preceding and succeeding them and you'll know what is being said.
1,826 posts

that may be true, but it is in the koran to kill all infidels. no offense to Muslims.


Sorry for double post but you really want me to believe a site on whom's front page following text is written
9/11: Ten Years Later â" What America Forgot

Al-Qaeda, Jihad, Terrorism · By Mordecai

49 views Comment Share/Save

On September 11, 2001 Muslims attacked America, killing 3,000 office workers in New York City, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania. In the Middle East, Arabs rejoiced, handed out candy and danced in the streets of Ramallah, Gaza and Karachi. In Saudi Arabia the Sheiks celebrated victory. On 9/11, their $62 billion investment in mosques, madrassas and Islamic Centers had paid off.

Ten years later, what we had sworn to never forget, most of us can hardly remember. The media tirelessly works to obscure the basic fact that Muslims attacked us on 9-11. The New York Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN and even Fox News depict 9/11 as the beginning of Islamophobia in America. In a perverse way, Osama Bin Laden has won. America is tired of fighting. Islamists and Islamic apologists hold key positions in the Pentagon, State Department and Homeland Security. Heck, a Muslim-born, madrassa-trained, Jew-hating fascist occupies the White House.

Of all things, the best way to recall the 9/11 attack on America by Saudi and Egyptian Muslims may be by listening to the the Howard Stern Show from that crucial morning.
2,420 posts

All guns should be legal.

478 posts

We have the second amendment for a reason people. Looks like we're not safe anywhere.

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