It's true that if this man had fewer guns, more people would have likely come out of the situation unharmed. But this man was a sociopath. His guns may have been legally owned, but he had tear gas on him and booby trapped his own home.
If gun laws were so strict to where he could only carry around 1 gun at a time, then he would have broken the law and carried all 4 of them. That, I am completely certain of. As for a law restricting people to owning only a single gun, such a law would do almost nothing to stop gun crimes, yet it would do a HUGE MO-FO DEAL of damage to the innocent people who own multiple firearms and don't use them to kill anyone.
If we forced EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN, over 70,000,000, to hand over all but one gun, maybe we could have saved 6 people from death and a number of people from being injured in this one, very rare, case.
Instead of being forced to reload between clips, he could simply have switched guns until all three ran out, and then he would have reloaded. If he only had one gun-a pistol-his damage would have been lower, lower accuracy, and slower reloads.
If he had only been equipped with a single gun, I'm sure less people would have been killed or wounded. However, as I said before, this is a VERY rare incident. Considering our population, it just isn't very common, let alone common enough to take away guns from over 70,000,000 people.
But even if he had only one gun. Nobody would have been able to stop him. Less people may have died, but nobody would be able to take him out while he is reloading. That's not how it works. When someone is in the middle of reloading, you don't try to attack him, because he can still shoot you. If he has to load the gun one bullet at a time, he can simply lock and load and kill an attacker. If he's using clips, well, clips are very quick to load.
If more people were carrying guns while watching the movie, their odds of survival would have increased quite a bit. The killer was wearing a gas mask! I am very confident that if a few movie goers were armed, they could have easily taken out this visually impaired psychopath.
When people carry around firearms, it doesn't mean they will deter all crime or stop every villain, but it will increase their odds of survival. It will increase the chances that innocent people will come out of these situations, not as victims, but as unscathed survivors.
I'm suggesting the odds of that occurring would have increased greatly had he only had one gun, which would have taken more time to reload.
If any of the movie goers had a gun, it would have increased their odds of survival. If more than one of them had a gun, it would have increased their odds of survival even further. But, unarmed, no.
One person, that is unlikely. 3 people, maybe 50/50 chance. 5-10 people? Definitely.
People don't have zombie mentality. They aren't going to send in a bunch of people to rush an armed criminal, knowing he'll kill half of them before the rest are able to hold him down.
If he had only a single gun, could 5 - 10 people have taken him out? 1. They would all have to rush him at the same time. 2. They would have to rush towards him WHILE being shot at. 3. They would have to rush him KNOWING that at LEAST half of them are going to die. 4. They would have to be willing to risk their own life, each and every one of them, to save everyone, despite the incredibly low odds of survival.
I know I'm pulling this out of my arse, but I believe 2 citizens who legally own firearms are going to have far greater chances of success than 10 unarmed men who have absolutely no fear, total commitment, and total control.
In conclusion, I agree that if the madman was only carrying a pistol, he would have killed less people. However, I do not find it worth while to take away guns from every single gun owner simply because this one mad man was carrying around multiple guns. Also, the man was carrying around multiple guns, I'M PRETTY SURE THAT'S ALREADY ILLEGAL. Just because you can legally own a gun doesn't mean you can legally carry it around, let alone 4 guns WHILE WEARING A GAS MASK.
I believe more good civilians should carry around guns. It could have saved many lives.