ForumsThe Tavern[necro] Fun fact you shouldn't know

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Hello! I am starting a fun-fact service every day. here's todays fun fact:

2 atom bombs were dropped on north carolina.There was a imfamous B-52 bomber flying over the state when one of the engines failed. Due to some strange mechanics, two of the bombs left the plane. One's parachute mechanism succesfully let the devastating bomb to the ground, the other fell somewhere else. To this day, nobody knows where or how deep the bomb is. Hopefully it won't explode.

  • 38 Replies
1,361 posts

the world will not in 2012 but in 2013

Where did you get that one? Or are you just postponing our alleged "doomsday" another year so you can get more stuff done?

Itâs strictly prohibited to pronounce âArkansasâ incorrectly

What if you're talking about the Arkansas River? That one is pronounced phonetically!
9,808 posts

-There is only one instance in Major League Baseball where a pitcher received both the win and the loss for a game (rained during game, so the rescheduled the rest of the game for another day, during the waiting period the pitcher was traded to the opposing team)

-Popping bones (or cracking knuckles, back, etc.) does not actually cause arthritis, though it can shorten the time until you get it (say you were to get arthritis when you were about 80, it could make it say 70)

-C-section is named after Julius Caeser, who was born through that technique

-Bats are not actually blind, but do have poor eyesight

-Bulls are actually colourblind, and the reason they chase after the red cloth is because, simply, it is moving (added to the fact of their terrible conditions before being placed into the arena...)

-It is known that Earth sometime in the past actually shifted it's axis (not by alot, most likely by like 2% AT BEST)...and if data is correct than it is expected for another shift like this to happen again...the date that this is estimated for it to be on? Sometime around the end of 2012 (no serious effects will take place, just some places will get cooler, some warmer)

-The band Nickelback came up with their name when the lead singer was somewhere (can't remember where) and asked for a nickel back (I'm not even kidding...effin stupid band)

9,808 posts

-Texting and driving is worse than drinking and driving

-When a worm is cut in half, the tail half will actually die after some time. The reason it keeps moving is because it is still receiving signals from its nervous system (like a chicken with its head cut off)

-The art of record scratching (commonly used by DJs) was created on accident (a young black male, can't remember his name, was in his basement listening to a record when his mom called to him that dinner was ready. He hadn't heard her well so stopped the record with his hand to ask what she said.

-There were over 60 known attempts to assassinate Hitler

-Gum does not take 7 years to digest, that is a common myth. Gum actually takes the same amount of time as all other foods

-In Texas, it is legal to shoot your wife if you catch her in bed with another man

-Flies actually live up to around 2 weeks

-If mosquitoes went extinct, there would actually be no negative side effects caused. They do nothing to greatly help the world, and the animals that feed on them also have many other main forms of food. In other words, kill all of those *******s, we can afford it.

-The first ever text was "Merry Christmas"

-According to the Bible, if a woman is ***** then her rapist must marry her (for he has made her "unclean&quot. If the marriage does not happen, the woman must be stoned to death.

9,808 posts

-The earliest known use of cocaine was for ancient tribes...they would eat the Coca leaves (which cocaine comes from) to make them run faster so they can deliver messages to neighboring tribes at a more efficient rate

-Over the last 10 years, there have been 0 deaths directly caused by marijuana (as in anybody died while high on it, died from other reasons than the drug). Over the last 20 years? Also 0.

-There are more people alive today than the amount of people that have died throughout history

-Dolphins are known to take part in gangrape...while monkeys are known to take part in prostitution

-111,111,111 X 111,111,111 = 123,456,789,876,543,21

-Actors and actresses were once considered the lowest tier of society

-The famous (should be infamous) Crusades by the Catholic Church included many counts of unnecessary ****, murder/slaughtering, pillaging, and town destruction

-America has the highest Major War rate...averaging a major war every 20 years

-Thomas Edison did not invent the lightbulb. He merely improved upon it.

-Benjamin Franklin was a notorious womanizer

-The first ever movie was a KKK propaganda movie

-Being tan was once looked down upon. Reason? People on the upper tier of society spent most of their times indoors, while the lower tier had to work outside (mostly farming)

-During WWII...Germany began to delve into the idea of the atom bomb. Albert Einstein, upon hearing of this, wrote a letter to the current President of the United States on what Germany was planning on creating and told him how America could create their own. (That's right, had Albert Einstein now essentially betrayed his country, Hitler would've had Atom Bombs and we...alas...would not)

255 posts

If you own a gunstore, and you are robbed at gunpoint, and you only have a knife and you use it, the robber is legaly allowed to sue you and automatically win. You will go to jail, and not be allowed to call, make contact with, or be within 200 feet of the store.

BasicLly its illegal to bring a knife to a gunfight. Even if its self defence.

Thats retarded.

145 posts

mcdonalds fries are the healthiest fast food fries hard to believe, huh?

3,087 posts

-There were over 60 known attempts to assassinate Hitler

some by his trusted associates. ex. Project Valkyrie
9,808 posts

some by his trusted associates. ex. Project Valkyrie

And had it not been for the way the table he was standing at was made...he would have been killed. (basically, the table took most of the impact from the explosion from a bomb in a briefcase and saved his life)
9,808 posts

-Snorting cocaine with gunpowder eliminates the negative side effects cocaine has to your heart

-Through mastering the martial arts style of Dim Mak, it is possible to kill a person by merely touching them in a certain spot

-Mario is the most successful spin-off of all time (in any category)

-In the original Donkey Kong, the damsel in distress (saved by Mario, then named Jumpman) is not Peach, but actually Daisy

-Lonely Day by System of a Down is Daron Malakian's (guitarist of band, and singer of this song) least favorite song. He actually did not want it to become a song, but after much pleading from the rest of the band he finally allowed it to become so (also, it is about his brother's death)

-Heart Shaped Box by Nirvana is about Courtney Love's vagina ( ruined...)

-15-25% of all land animals are ants...and for every one person there are 1 million ants

-If you met each person on Earth for one second, it would take about 200 years to meet everyone

-When Shakespeare died, he left in his Will for his wife...his second best bed. That's it.

-Albert Einstein, like Ben Franklin, was a notorious womanizer.

-Why is the milk challange (gallon of milk in an hour) so dang impossible? It's because milk is made up of fat, which needs to be digested. For a person to be able to beat the challenge, they either need to have a ridiculously over-sized stomach, or they were drinking milk with low amount of fat in it (which is cheating)

-Sucking on peppermint stimulates the brain

-About 20% of people diagnosed with ADHD...were misdiagnosed. (And as a person who actually has ADHD, and a severe form at that, it is kind of annoying when I see someone who I can tell obviously doesn't have ADHD claim they have it while they are being hyper for a short period of time. Just because you are hyper at times or have a hard time paying attention sometimes does not automatically mean you have ADHD, it just means you are a kid/teenager)

-AIDS was first only found in monkeys. Read that again if you need to.

9,808 posts

-Soap can be used to create explosives

-The ingredients to make meth can all be found in stores, legally

-America (the USA as most people know it) is named after Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci

-Coca Cola really did have cocaine as an ingredient for some time, the reason being? Coca Cola started as a form of medicine

-It was once considered dishonorable to kill an enemies general during a battle (during a war...duh).

-During these same times, if an army wanted to retreat, the other side would stop firing...and allow them to retreat

-Before the atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, flyers were dropped warning the people of Hiroshima that we were to be dropping it soon.

-1 day before the atom bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Russia officially declared war on Japan

-Many people know of the many designs drawn by Leonardo Da Vinci that were far ahead of his of these drawings (and one of the most famous, behind the plane/helicopter ideas) was that of a tank. In my opinion, the tank is quite unimpressive...but why so? Well around 200 AD in China, the was a military strategist named Zhuge Liang (Sun Tzu is by far best strategist of all time...Zhuge Liang would give him a run for his money) who created designs for large armored tanks to be used during sieges.

-Zhuge Liang also created a battle formation that could best be described as one of the best battle formations of all time. If this is come we don't use it today? Well the reason is simple...the only info left on the formation was a drawing of it (for he did not need to write down notes on it, for he knew perfectly how to work it) and because he was such a genius, nobody to date has been able to decipher what section does what, how it does it, why it does it, etc. Basically, a man in 200 AD created a battle formation that is outsmarting people thousands from then

332 posts

decimation was the roman practice of killing ten. what would happen is if a roman legion (100 men i think) would fail to perfrom every 10th guy in that legion would be killed by the 9 in front of him. this would kill of 10 people or 1/10th of the legion. deci meaning ten it makes sense.

in nazi germany if you messed up in formation your commanding officer would walk up to you point his luger at your head and then turn and shoot the guy next to you

332 posts

the Japenesse were the first to target medics in WWII the germans and the americans both alllowed medics to treat wounded with no firing at them. Japan would aim for medics. Also yell Corpseman to bring a medic to their aid and then blow themselves and the medic up

5 posts

It is legal to shoot a Welshman with a crossbow in Chester after sunset.

This post does not condone act of shooting Welshman with crossbow and the author claims no responsibility for any strange actions caused by reading this post.

307 posts

It is legal to shoot a Welshman with a crossbow in Chester after sunset.

Ive heard this before but i thought it was around 100 yards nothing to do with the time of day

154 posts

In 1914, (WWI) The British And the Germans made temporary peace to Celebrate Christmas. They even had a football match in the no-mans-land between the trenches.

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