ForumsWEPRNot One Minute

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Many of us all have some knowledge about the Munich Olympic Massacre which occurred in 1972, 40 years ago. In this tragedy against peace and sportsmanship, Palestinian terrorists entered the Olympic Village and killed 11 members of the Israeli Olympic Team. 40 years later, the survivors of this injustice and the relatives of the victims are only asking for one minute of silence to remember the athletes who where killed. However the IOC have turned them down time after time after time claiming it would make the Games, "too political." However, as Representative Nita Lowey of New York states, "For those of the IOC who say that this (moment of silence) is political, I would say just the opposite: If this were any nation other than Israel, there would have been a moment of silence long ago." And I believe this to be the unfortunate case, because, in the aftermath of the killings in 1972, the Arab nations refused to have any hand in the mourning of the athletes, showing that they supported these murders.

Do you think that the Munich 11 (as they are so immortalized) deserve one minute of silence? Or do you think the IOC is correct in attempting to allow the massacres to fade from memory?

  • 51 Replies
8,257 posts

Can somebody please explain to me why the IOC is listening to the words of an unrecognized state and not the words of a recognized state?

Ten. Ten states didn't want to honor the victims back then, so I guess ten states would be offended by that minute of silence nowadays. No one said that it was right, but the IOC cannot show favoritism to one single country. They did erect memorial tablets im memory of the victims, though, they at least did that.

I understand the need of Israel to remember the victims, but there are memorials and they can make a special day in Israel about it, noone is gonna hinder them.
3,371 posts

one mans terrorist is another man's hero

just as you can't deny the attack 40 year ago. you also can't deny that there are world leaders that will use a action like that for racist propaganda.

Oh okay I see. That seems like a good enough reason by itself.

and the olympic games is not a stage that want to be involved whit political problems. neither it should be.
they are the worlds biggest sporting event that connects nations. and not favor any above another.

I see how it could get political. I just thought the differences would be forgotten to honor the dead, regardless of race or politics. But it really can be too much to to ask when it involves a topic as unstable as terrorism.
1,627 posts

here it is another massacre

Except these were not athletes who were performing in peace. These were students killed days before the Olympics. As tragic as this is, it also is not a terrorist attack against a global function.

Would that one minute bring them back? It something that happened 40 years ago, so I don't see exactly why they should.

Why do we have Memorial Day then in the United States? Why does any country have a day for that matter to honor their dead? Also, take your birthday. It happened YEARS ago! Why must we continuously remember it?

I don't want to sound heartless, but what makes them so special. I mean there is millions that died, and I bet they wont even be remembered. No one cares about them, are they not humans?

Because they were athletes competing for global unity, and then they were killed. Also, the fact that it was a brutal Palestinian attack against Israel gives it a tad more clout.

i hope you guys see now why they don't do it?

Well, at least we now have a confession from the Palestinians that they support terrorism against Israel.

and the olympic games is not a stage that want to be involved whit political problems. neither it should be.

Well it sure **** well was involved with political problems in 1972. And how about 1920, 1936, 1948, 1956, 1964, 1976, 1980, 1984, and 1988. In all these Olympics countries either boycotted or were banned for POLITICAL reasons. So to hell with the "not a state...neither it should be." stuff. It's been used (unfortunately) as a political tool in the past, so why can't the Israelis get a one minute memorial?

i very much understand that the IOC does not want to get involved whit it. beter forgive and forget then to remind everyone about it during a celebration.

Alright. Then I expect you to fully forgive the US of everything which provoked your hatred. I expect the Palestinians to "forgive and forget" any crimes that Israel has or might have committed against them. I expect you to never hold a grudge again. And then you know what? Is there anyone in your family who has died? You might as well "forget" them, as that is exactly what you're asking the relatives of those slain to do.

Also, I saw in the Opening Ceremonies that WWI soldiers were honored. Guess that they can't "forget" about something that's almost 100 years old, but they conveniently don't remember something that's only 40.
1,826 posts

Zaky, you are being a cry baby.
They ain't gonna come back with this, or will they?
You are making a big deal of this.

5,129 posts

Why do we have Memorial Day then in the United States? Why does any country have a day for that matter to honor their dead? Also, take your birthday. It happened YEARS ago! Why must we continuously remember it?

that is exactly how i think about it.

"It happened YEARS ago! Why must we continuously remember it?"

Alright. Then I expect you to fully forgive the US of everything which provoked your hatred.

i never ask to think back of the millions of innocent deaths you made. (during a celebration)

Is there anyone in your family who has died? You might as well "forget" them

forgeting them is the best way to got over the pain of their deaths.
i sure don't want a memorial for my dad that has died 26 year ago.
he was a good man but gone for a long while now. hell he never even saw i-net. xD haha
anyway.. yea, i "forget" them.
91 posts

wow, you guys are not debating at all, just random hate speeches, and opinions with a lot of taking and no giving. come on guys, could they be remembered, sure, do they need to be? not really. is it offensive? maybe for some, maybe not for others. does it really have anything at all to do with the olympics? no, these people along with everyone else have been murdering each other for thousands of years, games or governments have nothing to do with it. besides all of that, eric bana showed them what the ****s up anyway.

5,129 posts


Well it sure **** well was involved with political problems in 1972. And how about 1920, 1936, 1948, 1956, 1964, 1976, 1980, 1984, and 1988. In all these Olympics countries either boycotted or were banned for POLITICAL reasons. So to hell with the "not a state...neither it should be." stuff. It's been used (unfortunately) as a political tool in the past, so why can't the Israelis get a one minute memorial?

that they have been the stage of political problems. doesn't mean that they wants to be and neither should be a stage of political problems.
by your list it's more then 20 year ago that it happend last time.
it has gone good for so long. why **** it up now?
1,303 posts

Except these were not athletes who were performing in peace. These were students killed days before the Olympics.

So the students was some sort of terrorist, because they are not athletes? Last time I checked, being athletes doesn't give you a rank of a demigod. You seems to think that being an athletes makes you better human, or makes the others lesser humans.

Why do we have Memorial Day then in the United States?

don't ask me, I haven't asked for one. And it seems Israelis got a fine country named, Israel, why not have a memorial day there, why involve Olympics in it.

Also, take your birthday. It happened YEARS ago! Why must we continuously remember it?

You dont know my birthday, and you dont see me making a topic in forum about my birthday. So it a bad example you gave.

Because they were athletes competing for global unity, and then they were killed.

So that makes everyone else life worthless? All those millions of people who died are worthless people?

Also, the fact that it was a brutal Palestinian attack against Israel gives it a tad more clout.

So if the attacker was anyone else then Palestinian, then it would be no big deal?

so why can't the Israelis get a one minute memorial?

Why cant millions of others who died get a minute memorial?
8,257 posts

zakyman, you didn't addess my further points. So I have to take it you don't disagree with them? Then why are you still so upset? They got three memorial tablets, isn't that enough?

2 posts

Israel is terrorist. I say one minute to the end. Just a few years ago a ship was travelling to Jerusalem to send help. There were people from all countries and religions. And it was a peaceful environment. But Israel attacked and 9 brave Turks died there. I hate Israel. Global peace says One minute to Israel. Israel is cursed.

1,627 posts

Zaky, you are being a cry baby.
They ain't gonna come back with this, or will they?
You are making a big deal of this.

I'm making a big deal of this because of the political posturing against Israel, simply because they are Israel.

partydevil, when you're dead and gone, do you want everyone to just forget about your life and any accomplishments you might have?

it has gone good for so long. why **** it up now?

Giving Israel a minute of silence for the dead athletes is not political. Taking it away from them simply because they're Israel is political.

So the students was some sort of terrorist, because they are not athletes? Last time I checked, being athletes doesn't give you a rank of a demigod. You seems to think that being an athletes makes you better human, or makes the others lesser humans.

No, but the difference is that the students were participating in active protest. I'm not justifying their deaths in any way, so don't interpret that statement to have me saying "they deserved to die." I'm saying that because they're athletes at the Olympics, they get a more raised platform when it comes to deaths like this. This wasn't some random shooting on the street. This was a calculated attack against the Israeli Olympic Team, and it deserves to be memorialized in the Olympics, not just at the sights of the attacks.

And it seems Israelis got a fine country named, Israel, why not have a memorial day there, why involve Olympics in it.

Gee, maybe because they were killed at the Olympics? And Olympic planning and lack of security were directly tied to their deaths?

You dont know my birthday, and you dont see me making a topic in forum about my birthday. So it a bad example you gave.

I'm not talking about your birthday in general. I'm talking about birthdays as a whole. Why remember them? All of you seem to have the opinion "forgive and forget," so why remember the joys in life if you're only going to omit the tragedies?

So that makes everyone else life worthless? All those millions of people who died are worthless people?

I didn't say that. What I'm saying is that they have elevated status as athletes. Stop pulling words from my mouth.

So if the attacker was anyone else then Palestinian, then it would be no big deal?

Again, didn't say that. Because the Palestinians were/are in active war against Israel, this attack was horrendous, especially because the Olympics were designed in ancient times to STOP all wars.

Why cant millions of others who died get a minute memorial?

Because millions of others weren't attacked and killed at the Olympic Games.

They got three memorial tablets, isn't that enough?

A billion people don't see memorial tablets in the Munich Olympic Village. Three tablets aren't broadcasted around the world for everyone to see. The difference is that those tablets, you have to actively look for them. One simple minute of silence that's on international television. That's huge.

Israel is terrorist. I say one minute to the end. Just a few years ago a ship was travelling to Jerusalem to send help. There were people from all countries and religions. And it was a peaceful environment. But Israel attacked and 9 brave Turks died there. I hate Israel. Global peace says One minute to Israel. Israel is cursed.

Oh God...

The Marvi Marmara was an activist ship bringing in contraband to the Gaza Strip and actively attempting to break a blockade. That blockade was legal. They had the chance to divert to an Israeli port and allow all the supplies to be searched and THEN sent into Gaza. This way, all forbidden items would be removed and then destroyed. Israel warned the "humanitarian" ship that they would be boarded if they did not desist, and the Turks basically said "F-U!" So they were boarded, and the Israeli commandoes were brutally attacked by the people only looking for &quoteace." Then, the media sensationalized this event as Israeli brutality when it was actually acts of self defense. This is not a place to debate the legality of Israel, its actions, its policies, and its foreign relations. Please take any and all complaints to other Israel threads, of which there are a good number if you would only search.
8,257 posts

You're being increasingly ridiculous. Only because you think the whole world is antisemitic doesn't mean that it is, only because you didn't get your one minute doesn't mean it is because you are Israeli. That's exactly the attitude I don't like about you folks, you take everything as an affront to your nationality.

Birthdays are celebrated by those who are directly concerned, it's a private affair. National memorial days are, well, national. If I'm not mistaken, Israel did not ask the IOC for a minute of silence, it was the families of some victims, right? It is them private persons against several countries taking part in the Olympic games. Who has more say in the matter?

1,303 posts

I'm making a big deal of this because of the political posturing against Israel, simply because they are Israel.

You want the world to worship Israel and Israelis. Because for some reason you think Israelis is more worth then other people.

partydevil, when you're dead and gone, do you want everyone to just forget about your life and any accomplishments you might have?

I bet he don't expect the entire world to make a minute of silence for him.

Taking it away from them simply because they're Israel is political.

no, giving Israelis special privilege simply because they are Israelis, is disrespectful to the millions of people that died.

I'm not talking about your birthday in general. I'm talking about birthdays as a whole. Why remember them?

no ones remembers them, beside the people who are close to each other, friends, family. No one expecting to be praised by the entire world, because they were born...

I didn't say that

By your logic, it is exactly what you are saying.

especially because the Olympics were designed in ancient times to STOP all wars.

Good job stopping the wars, when you declare the Israelis superior human beings.

Because millions of others weren't attacked and killed at the Olympic Games.

Again, good job declaring them superior.

A billion people don't see memorial tablets in the Munich Olympic Village. Three tablets aren't broadcasted around the world for everyone to see. The difference is that those tablets, you have to actively look for them. One simple minute of silence that's on international television. That's huge.

Who are we talking about? It seems like we talking about real life gods now...
Sorry to sound heartless, but what does the entire world owns them? Millions of people have died, and this will be disrespectful to them. You basically spit every person who died. I mean seriously, what makes these people more superior? Why should a few people deaths be broadcast to the entire world, while millions of people deaths should be forgotten.
1,627 posts

You're being increasingly ridiculous. Only because you think the whole world is antisemitic doesn't mean that it is

>.< when will you people learn to not pull words out of my mouth? But if you'd like to entertain yourself, this is an interesting read

Israel did not ask the IOC for a minute of silence

Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon has also been a vocal proponent, campaigning on Facebook and Twitter for "Just One Minute" of silence. Source: CNN

it was the families of some victims, right?

And them.

Who has more say in the matter?

Evidently the Arab countries.

You want the world to worship Israel and Israelis. Because for some reason you think Israelis is more worth then other people.

Again, don't pull words out of my mouth that I didn't say, and stop making straw men from my arguments. I don't give a **** if you don't like Israel. I never asked you to worship them. And I never said that Israelis are worth more than other people.

I bet he don't expect the entire world to make a minute of silence for him.

Probably because he won't die at some international event while participating as an act of ending warfare between nations.

no, giving Israelis special privilege simply because they are Israelis, is disrespectful to the millions of people that died.

Which millions!?

By your logic, it is exactly what you are saying.

No, it's not.

Again, good job declaring them superior.

Can you even learn to comprehend reading?

Sorry to sound heartless, but what does the entire world owns them? Millions of people have died, and this will be disrespectful to them. You basically spit every person who died. I mean seriously, what makes these people more superior? Why should a few people deaths be broadcast to the entire world, while millions of people deaths should be forgotten.

So now you insult me for thinking that some Israeli athletes deserve a minute of silence? Wow, way to take your argument to a whole new low point.
9,439 posts

And I never said that Israelis are worth more than other people.

You stated that the atheletes have an "elevated status" due to their occupation. Elevated compared to what? Other people.
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